Excuse me while I get my ranty pants on for a moment.
If there are two things that make me a little bit angry, it’s these: driving while under the influence, or driving along while using a mobile phone. Argh.
Cars are for getting from one place to another, not for conducting business on the phone while driving along at great speeds. Have you ever been behind someone who is navigating the streets with a phone placed on their ear, chatting as they drive along? You can usually tell that they’re on the phone before you get close enough to see. They fail to use their blinker, drive at a speed that’s a little odd compared to the rest on the road and they just aren’t 100% there. You know, distracted.
And then there’s drink driving. Double argh. Could two things mix less? Rant over.
Last week I was away from my little family for a few days while I headed off for a work trip. Work trips for me are quite different for other people’s work trips. They’re usually held in some beautiful location {which I feel super blessed to be visiting} but it’s work nonetheless. And before every trip I go through the same thing: Should I go? I don’t want to be away from my family. What if something happens to them while I’m gone? What if something happens to me? I’m really going to miss them…
Then I put on my big girl panties, pack my bags and I go. This time it was harder because I was pregnant, and I’ve learnt that during pregnancy I get a bit of separation anxiety. I just want to be near the familiar and the ones I love. For the first time Lacey begged me not to go, “Take me with you Mama. I promise I’ll be quiet.”
As I drove off I waved a million enthusiastic waves, battled some nervous tummy flips and wiped away a few tears.
While I was gone, something happened. Something bad. Hubby and Lacey headed down the coast for a few days with family. Lacey has a sweet little friend that lives a few houses up from my mother-in-law, and they adore each other. So every time we visit they play. This time was no different. On ANZAC Day they spent the day together, had a bath and then when night hit it was time to say goodbye. So Hubby and Lacey walked little Lani home.
Typically on ANZAC Day many like to honour the day with a few drinks at the pub, playing two-up. I’ve seen some sights in my time, many drunks on the streets. One day I even saw a sailor in uniform, sans pants. People love to have a good time.
As Hubby and Lacey were walking, Hubby could hear a car approaching. Lacey had run ahead, so he called her back. The car neared, and got louder and started to lose control, fish-tailing towards them. He scooped Lacey into his arms, knowing that something bad was about to happen. The car lost control. They stood, in the dark, on the side of the road. He braced himself for the worst, ready to throw Lacey into the nearby paddock to escape danger. It happened so quickly, but felt like it was in slow motion at the time {so I’m told}. The car swerved for them, up onto the grass where they were standing, bracing themselves for impact. Of the whole street, the car had decided to lose control right where they were. Hubby had no where to go. The car skimmed past my little family, with just centimetres between them and the car. By some sort of miracle, it missed them. The car slowed down for a mere moment, the passenger looked back to see whether they’d hit Hubby and Lacey, then sped off.
You can see in the picture above where the car lost control, and where Hubby and Lacey were standing… right there where the tyre marks veer up onto the grass.
The neighbours yelled after the car without any reaction from the driver. Unfortunately the car had no lights on the number plates so it wasn’t traceable… not that they had time to remember them as they were so caught up in the incident. They’ve never been so close to death, and I’ve never been so close to losing my little family.
Someone was looking after them that night. And I think I know which beautiful angel it was. I’m just grateful that I got to come home, give them the biggest hugs in the world and have them here with me. So, so blessed.
Wow, I’m so glad someone was looking after them.
Oh my!!! So pleased that they are both OK (albeit a little shaken up?) It must have been terrifying for them. I’ve always said that anyone causing an accident while driving under the influence should be charged with murder/attempted murder… stop messing with this dangerous driving or manslaughter thing! Hope they are getting over it. Jude.x
Seriously, what is wrong with some people!!!! Sooo glad to hear Lacey and Hubby were ok. How scary for them both – and you!
Much love.
Claire xxx
Oh Chantelle, that made my blood run cold! There are some serious nutters out there aren’t there! I’m just so glad your hubby and Lacey are ok, and that someone was looking out for them that evening. (hugs) to all of you xx
OH my goodness, this had given me goosebumps. How scary! Tears pricking my eyes now… I’m so glad glad you’re little duo are alright. Way too close for comfort xxx Fi
How very terrifying! So very pleased Hubby & Lacey were able to walk away & you got to give them the biggest hugs! X
Gah! This made me cry. Glad your family is ok! I myself have been hit by a drunk driver and sent to the hospital. I myself, had my guardian angel (my aunt/godmother) watching over me to protect me from it — letting me walk away with only minor injuries. And I have also lost my grandfather, whom I miss every day. I only had one. Again, very glad your family is ok.
Oh my, Chantelle! I have goosebumps!!! Thank God your family is OK! Thank God!!!!! What is wrong with people?
How terrifying for you all. That is just awful. So glad your family are okay. I can only imagine the gigcantic hugs you gave them on your return home!
x Laura
Every time I go on a trip I have the same issues and thoughts. I could only imagine the pain and fear all of you have now been in with this. I am so unbelievably glad no one was physically hurt and I hope that all of you are able to overcome what has happened. Especially your little girl!
I am so glad this has almost in the heading. …putting on my ranty pants…. Rules are there for a reason and that reason is to protect not just your life but everyone else around you. We got caught up in the aftermath of an accident on Sunday where a uni student didn’t walk the extra 50m to use the underpass and crossed the highway and lost their life. It made both my husband and I incredibly angry, not just for the loss of life which is tragic but for the poor driver who now will live with it forever!
I am so pleased that this was a close call for you and your family, people need to realise that the decisions and choices they make affect more than just them.
Oh my hears was in my throat reading this! Glad everyone is ok. Some people use ANZAC Day as an excuse to behave terribly.
How terrifying. I can only hope that the close call gave the driver a reality check. Glad your family are safe. xx
They certainly did have a guardian angel looking out for them, thank goodness! I can’t imagine how relieved you are after getting back to them and making sure they were ok. So glad that your hubby and lovely Lacey are fine and that ou are back with them 🙂
How absolutely terrifying. Those kinds of scenarios play in my mind often and I have to remind myself they are freak occurrences – argh it’s a dangerous world out there, even on pretty and peaceful looking strips of road. Count you’re lucky stars – as they say lightening doesn’t strike twice, right..?
How terrifying! They are the scum of the earth, people like that! Thank goodness for their Guardian Angel. God bless xx
oh my. I have goosebumps all over my body. Seeing people while driving and talking on the phone irks the hell out of me too. I am so happy that all is ok and your lovely little family are ok. Big hugs to you all. Vicki xx
oh no. hugs to you and your family Telle x
So scary, but so glad they are safe!
OMG! How terrifying! I have the same arguments going on in my head when 1 of us I’d away from each other, I hate it! I am SO GLAD everything is ok! Thank goodness for our beautiful Guardian Angels! ANNNND karma is a wonderful thing!
Oh My God Telle. Thank goodness they’re OK. So glad your family is safe xx
Oh goodness!, that’s so terrifying! So glad everyone’s ok xxx
Oh my goodness!! So glad they’re okay!
Oh Telle! I’m crying for you all. I am so glad they are ok. I only hope that silly fellow has some recollection of it and it stops him next time. Thank goodness for your guardian angel. Much, much, much love xxx
Read your FIL Bluey’s post too. My heart is filled up with all love and my eyes are filled with tears. I always believe that if you are lucky enough to have a strong bond with ’em (our elders and ancestors), their love is always there for us to protect from life’s pitfalls. I could not imagine my life without their love and blessings!
Thank God your family is safe! Take care. xo..
What a shock for you to hear that story and I can imagine the horror Shane felt in the moment. I am so glad that they had their beautiful angel looking over them. Let’s hope this experience was a wake up call for the driver.
We all need little reminders to hug the ones we love tightly.
Oh How unbelievably frightening Telle. I’m so glad your family is ok- they definitely did have a guardian angel looking after them. Claire x
So glad everything’s OK. xx
OMG! That is scary and hits home for me. I can’t stand drunk driving.
Chills and tears, Chantelle. A mother’s worst nightmare. Well written blog and very graphic pic touches the heart.
Oh my Sweet Jesus! Thank the Heavens they’re ok. This made me cry. So glad it has a happy ending!
One of my worst fears, I’ve only just on the path to get my p’s I know ill,be a good driver but I’m so scared, of all the idiots out there. Glad your family is safe.
Bloody Hell. I am so, so glad your family are safe. It would seem someone was, indeed, watching over them.
Karma will eventually catch-up with those fools in the car. I just hope it does before anyone gets hurt.
I’m crying at the nail salon for you . You are all so blessed and lucky. Take care of that gorgeous family of yours and wow to your hubby and his quick thinking xxxxxx
My God. This is the stuff of nightmares.
Wow! That is so scary! I’m so glad that everyone is alright. We lost a beautiful family friend from someone losing control of their trick while texting. She was a young beautiful mother of a baby girl. The fortunate part is that she always ran with her baby, but this time happened to be running alone. Blessings to you and your family!
Oh my goodness, tears and chills! I’m with you on driving drunk or distracted and being apart is a fear I share, so my heart is full with relief for you. I’m so glad to hear that your family is safe. xxx
Sorry, “truck” not “trick”…
I’m glad your family is safe.
Omg that’s so intense! I’m so glad they are okay! I sort of had a similar experience my hubby and I were on our honeymoon last year in Melbourne and we were waiting on the curb at the lights about to cross the road and it happened so quickly there was beeping and bam next minute a taxi was on the curb stopped only cm’s infront of us my heart was pounding I felt so sick for the rest of the day I guess it was shock so scary!!
I did a Driver Training Program just recently and it was the best thing I have ever done! It makes you realise how much of a privilege driving a motor car is. There is a reason that out of all the street he had to mount the curb, he did it near your family. Its because he saw them and was looking at them! I dont have the capacity to explain correctly, but during the driver course they explained to us that if you dont want to hit something i.e.; pothole, power pole etc, DONT LOOK AT IT! Look the way you want the vehicle to go – not the way you dont want it to go otherwise you will hit the thing you are looking at almost every time! Thank god your husband had the foresight to see the imminent danger! And what a shame a douche like that got away with it! Karma will do justice in the end….
That makes sense actually, because I can’t get it out of my head. Why out of all of that road did he come so close to them.
Is that when sober and drunk? So frustrating that idiots like that getaway with such life-changing moments. The police are on the lookout, but I don’t like the chances of him/her getting caught.
Possibly both I would say. It was explained to me driving as a sober driver so I wouldnt think that being drunk would make much difference – it would probably make it worse!
Last week someone did something to me and my family that upset me so badly I cant even explain… mostly because it hurt my kids! Im not one to seek revenge, but I do believe in the universe serving up the same as what people dish out! It was not even 2 days after this incident that the person in question had something not so nice happen to them that disturbed them quite badly. Im sorry they had this happen, but what they put out there, they got back!
Im not a tree hugging hippy but believing in this stops me from going crazy! That driver will get his serve of Karma! Maybe not today, or next week, but it will come!
I agree. The Universe works it’s way out with everything. Some things simply don’t make sense sometimes, and other times it takes a while to understand why things happen.
The saddest part of all – had the driver “succeeded” (not said happily) – it would have been you who would have lost everything – and sadly, the driver would have probably walked away… unhurt. We lost 3 friends to a drunk driver – who walked away unhurt – left a family without their parents, a sister to raise her younger brother and to get married the following month without her mother to be there and her father to walk her down the aisle… it’s the innocent ones who suffer the most – praise God in this instance, all came out ok, and you are still all together!
That’s called “Target Fixation” it’s very common with hand – eye coordination tasks.
Well, look at you keeping that information from me… and we LIVE TOGETHER.
Very scary! I’m glad everything was okay.
Oh My How Scary!! Makes me Cry just thinking about it.
Oh gosh – lots of hugs to you all. xo Super scary – am very happy everyone is OK.
Holly shit how scary! I am so glad all are okay.
I’m so glad your hubby and Lacey are ok, although shaken up badly! The higher forces have been looking after them. I hope the driver was also scared of what almost happened, and would think twice before getting behind the wheel again.
For certain they were protected by their guardian angels. Maybe even the baby to come, ensuring his/her family is intact. I hope that driver got the scare of their life too, & learned a lesson. Xx
Oh my goodness. Glad they re ok. Like another read said, i hope that driver got a scare. Shame though driver not caught. I have been in a simlar situation where I nearly got run over once myself, after a car went through a red light. I did not get a chance either to get number plate and windows were dark so i could not see what driver looked like.
Oh my goodness! I’m so happy that they’re okay. I honestly hope Lacey didn’t understand what was happening. Oh my goodness!! What a brave in tune to the spirit hubby!! xoxo
My goodness how scary. So glad Mr FMS and Lacey are safe and well.
The sheer thought of the could have beens has brought tears to my eyes. Big hugs to you all xx
You can”t understand the importance of loving people before you understood you can loose them…
Beautiful. x
Crying sitting at my desk reading this!! An angel at work indeed xx
Wow. I was thinking “someone is watching over your family” and then I read what you said. Its the work of angels 🙂
i know what it is like to lose a family member this way. 🙁