Guest Post: Sleep Baby, Sleep.


hantelle and I have many things in common. Amongst them we have children that don’t sleep. For what ever reason. The longer this goes on {for me and for her} the more I realise it is a fact of life that some babies and toddlers just do not require as much sleep as the guidelines say.

Both us will tell you our precious ones are perfectly fine. They embrace life and enjoy it to the full. They hit all their milestones with no problems. They eat and play well. They just wake up during the night.

This is all fine but when you are a mum and you are operating on no sleep and no time to rest; things get skewed so I asked for help. I went to sleep group and also had a sleep consultant visit the house. I wanted to share some ideas we worked through together that I found interesting and hadn’t thought of.

I must also say that most health experts say that babies are not expected to sleep through the night for the first 3 – 6 months? Even after then they can be waking for a feed or two. Eating solids certainly will not magically make them sleep. Be sure your expectations of them are not too high.

* Are they getting enough stimulation throughout the day?
* Are they eating enough? From 9 – 10 months they will start telling you when they full. So make sure they are getting enough food. By 8 months they should be on 3 meals a day. As they get older ensure they are getting snacks as well.
* Have a sleep time routine. Always.
* Have an earlier dinner (ours is at 5.30) to signal the start of the wind down of the day.
* Watch for the tired signs. Some of these can be:
– being clingy, agitated and fussy
– Tugging at their hair, ears, rub eyes
– Become more clumsy and frustrated

These tips have helped me and my bubs. He is now 12 months old and settling and sleeping much better then he was. Now to work on the day naps…

Thanks Janelle. I know it’s awful to say, but it makes me feel so good when I know other people go through the same things. To know that I’m not alone, and I’m not a bad parent… it makes me feel so much better. Thanks for your advice. Good luck with the day naps. You can read more from Janelle {and see some scrumptious gluten free recipes too} at Nellbe’s Gluten Free Kitchen Table.

Point & Shoot: Crime Scene.

A Gem.

7 thoughts on “Guest Post: Sleep Baby, Sleep.”

  1. What a sensible range of advice. Thanks Janelle! xx (From a mummy with a range of tricky issues in connection with her babies sleeps…….)

  2. Great advice, it's good to make sure you check off all the 'maybes' on the list. I tried everything with my first bubba but he didn't “sleep through the night on his own” until he was about 3 1/2 and even then it wasn't regularly until he was about 5. I don't want to scare anyone!! But just know that they catch the sleep bug eventually. They are awake for one reason or another, we just may not know what that reason is.

    I wrote a really detailed post on Real Bloggers United on my experience with him – it might help.


  3. Sleep issues are so hard to deal with – can drive you crazy! My bub had issues, but thankfully, now he is a good sleeper, and man am I thankful.

  4. thank you for having me Chantelle and you are completely right – having someone in a similar situation knowing what you are going through helps so much!

  5. I think we all secretly hope we are going to get a baby who magically sleeps well and for long periods without too much effort… or at least that the sleeping thing will get better after a few months.

    When that doesn't happen it is HARD. I thought my non-sleeping twins were hard work until my middle boy arrived and never slept for more than 45 minutes in a row… ever…. hard.

    But it does get better….and it does help to know you are not alone! great post!

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