Brought to you by Sanitarium.
If you’ve had kids for more than a minute, you’ll know kids are messy. MESSY.
They say that cleaning the house with the kids around is like brushing your teeth while eating cookies. Or having a toddler is like having a blender without a lid. SPOT ON.
Kids are messy.
I’ve kinda come to the realisation that this is life now. It’s going to be messy. I will tread on toys for the rest of my life, and find random things in random places until they’re teenagers, and even then it might not change. Yesterday I find 20 plastic cups inside our washing machine. I don’t know either.
Kids are messy.
Kids are also fun, unpredictable, energetic, cute, awesome, challenging, and completely lovable.
Also, they’re messy. I don’t know what mealtime is like at your house, but it always {ALWAYS!} amazes me how hard it is for them to get the food in their mouth. It’s in their hair, down their clothes, in their eyebrows. Everywhere.
This morning as Lulu ate her Weet-Bix, she had successfully slopped it down the front of her PJs, and then looked at me to say, “Sowwy mum!”
I’m just glad they eat most of the time.
Weet-Bix is embracing messy kids, because it’s life and honestly, it’s kinda funny sometimes. It’s no secret that I’m a little obsessed with Weetbix, it’s my treat dinner when Hubby is at work, and I’ve shared in the past that I was thrilled when Lulu turned into a Weet-Bix baby, loving it as soon as she could have solids… so I’m excited to be sharing this news. Weet-Bix are running a competition where one person will win a whopping TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS. All you have to do is upload a photo of your messy kid. One person will win $10,000, and nine runners-up will win a beautiful hamper from Sanitarium.
Pop over and enter now!
Pop over where, Chantelle?
Click on the “Pop over and Enter Now!” link.
Just here:
Good luck!
Hahaha! I’d like to tell you theres less mess as they get older but I’d be lying! Now if I can only get a pic of my messy teenagers I could enter this competition! lol
Oh god, it’s different smelling mess too, isn’t it? ?