Everyday Everybody: Jessica.


ext up on the list to be interviewed was Jessica. Jessica and I have a fair bit in common. She’s a newish Mama and she is also a Nanny. She is lucky enough to take Isobel along to work with her, just like me.

Read more about Jessica and her adventures over on her blog.

Who did you last buy a present for? Hannah – the little girl I look after. It was a gorgeous snow globe. It lasted 2 days before hitting concrete!

Where did you last take photos? I took about 100 photos of my daughter Isobel in a tutu! Thank god for digital cameras!

What’s the most expensive item of clothing you own? Does my wedding dress count? That cost me more than I would like to recall. Amazing that the most expensive dress I will ever own is ‘preserved’ in a tomb like box. Never to be worn by me again!

Have you ever saved somebody’s life? Definitely not! I am the clumsiest person alive – I am sure I have endangered some lives but not saved any yet!

How often do you get takeaway food delivered home? At the moment about once a fortnight. I have just started nannying two days a week with my little one in tow… one of those nights inevitably ends up Take Away!

Who are you always pleased to see? My hubby and Isobel when I wake up in the morning. I am usually wedged between them – we call it a mummy sandwich!

Who was your last phone call made to and why? My sister…to ask her to house sit for us.

Are you happy with your life at present? Absolutely, yes! I love every aspect of my life right now and wouldn’t change a thing. That is a very special position to be in and I feel very blessed.

Have you told a lie today? Yes! Just a little white lie…. but if I tell you….

What do you love the smell of? Baby! Especially baby head… it is a sweet caramel smell. I love it so much that I went on a quest to see if I could buy baby scent in a bottle… and you would never guess, there is a shop in St Kilda that sells it! They also sell ‘freshly cut grass’ and lots more.

Thanks Jess. Oh, and I too know the joys of a smashed snow globe. Lacey has smashed two… and it’s certainly a glitter frenzy. That liquid doesn’t smell as pretty as it looks either. Ewww.

If anyone else would like to be interviewed in the Everyday Everybody series… please just email me at fatmumslim@hotmail.com