Did you have a nice weekend? Ours was a rainy, chilly one which was kinda nice for relaxing. I helped run the BBQ at Bunnings yesterday {more fun than I thought it might be!} and baked a whole heap of food to fill the freezer.
These sausage rolls are really yummy, and one that I’ve been making for years {I thought I’d already shared the recipe here, but alas I hadn’t!}. For the sausages, you want to grab some gourmet sausages from a butcher. My butcher sells pork, onion and herb sausages so I use those every single time. Shop around and see what you find.

Also, if you want to add in vegetables, feel free.

2/3 cup full cream milk
1 cup fresh white breadcrumbs
1kg good quality pork sausages
2 eggs {plus one extra}
5 sheets of puff pastry, thawed
1. Preheat oven to 180ºC, and line a tray with baking paper.
2. In a small bowl, place the breadcrumbs and milk. Place to the side.
3. Remove the casings from the sausages and place the meat into a bowl. You can use a processor or Thermomix to mix these, personally I find it over works the meat and it’s better done by hand. Add the milk and breadcrumb mix, as well as the two eggs and mix to combine {processor or hands, your call!}.
4. Place the puff pastry sheets on a flat surface and cut horizontally in two. Place 1/10th of the sausage mixture on the pastry in a line, and fold the pastry over. Cut each roll into six pieces and place onto the prepared baking tray. Use a sharp knife to cut slits into the top of the pastry, and brush with the remaining beaten egg. This recipe makes A LOT of sausage rolls, so you’ll have to make batches.
5. Place into the oven and cook for 30 minutes until golden. Serve with tomato sauce.
NOTE: I freeze these already cooked, and reheat for school lunches or even a cheeky, easy dinner for the girls. You can also freeze before cooking as larger rolls, but put baking paper in between the rolls before freezer because they could get stuck together.
What do you do with the other eggs? Add them to the sausage meat?
Whoops. Poor eggs. Have edited to add. They go into the sausage meat mix. x