Aldi Experiment.

I have been dry (literally) out of facial moisturiser for a few weeks now. I have been, dare I say, using body moisturiser on my face for a couple of weeks. Gasp. I know. I know.

My normal moisturiser isn’t remarkably expensive. It’s up there, but not too bad. It’s just hard to get. The only place I know I can get it from is my beautician and I’m not due to see her for a few more weeks.

So when I read a little tip about Aldi Moisturiser over in the comment section of Mama Mia, I couldn’t resist. The commenter said that Aldi Moisturiser had won many awards over in the UK and was a favourite of theirs.

Aldi is a little supermarket in Australia. I don’t know much about it, really. They stock one brand of each item, and that’s it. I think. We get our nappies and wipes there. I haven’t really looked at anything else whilst there.

We were due to pick up some baby supplies recently so I also nabbed a day moisturiser and a night cream too.

Now I’ve only been trying these for a few days, but so far I’m impressed. For $4.99 each, they’re a bargain.

As for the product itself. I’m in love. The day moisturiser was initially off putting because it’s blue, which just seems wrong. I looked beyond the blue though. It has sunscreen too. You wouldn’t know it though. It doesn’t have that sunscreen feel or smell.
I am loving the night cream even more though. It’s rich, but not too rich. It feels light. My skin feels great. I’ve been using it as a day moisturiser.
So cheap and chic. I think it might be a keeper.
What moisturiser do you use?
Do you have any cheap + chic beauty secrets?

Look At Her.

{one thing}

11 thoughts on “Aldi Experiment.”

  1. I use Aldi night cream too…I think it’s brilliant…and just as good, if not better than more expensive brands. Does seem popular over her in the UK. My day one kind of cancels out my bargainous night cream, as it’s a bit pricey (though I do normally get stocked up at birthdays/christmas) Clinique Superdefence…it’s SPF25…great for my pale and lifeless skin!

  2. I use total effects too – have used the oil of olay (or oil of ulan as it used to be called!) since I was around 13, and recently switched to total effects and love it!

    We don’t have Aldi here, so I can’t try that out, but it sounds good!

  3. I was tempted to try it too after reading the comments on Mama Mia. Good to hear it is nice!

    I love Rosehip oil for a real skin pick up.

    I would love to know of a good cheap eyecream if anyone knows one?

  4. I’d love to hear how this goes Telle, I like beauty experiments!

    I use Gatineau products and unfortunately they are not cheap. They do however last me at least 12 months sometimes abit more, that’s where I see my value.

  5. I’m interested to know the age of all the people testing. My skin is a lot different in my later 30’s than it was in my early 30’s and definitely worlds away from my 20’s.

    Clinique did the job in my 20’s and I ‘upgraded’ to clarins in my 30’s. I’m always interested in saving a buck without sacrificing quality..!

  6. I have found a few unexpected suprises at Aldi – the nappies are fantastic as is the Organic yoghurt. In fact they have a lot of great cheap Organic products. As for skin care, I love Botani ( beautiful, well priced creams that are 100% natural – no nasties x

  7. I use petroleum free Paw Paw ointment on my face in Winter (very dry skin!), and Rosehip Oil for all year round.

    Daytime I use Simple moisturiser, or more Paw Paw cream if my face is super dry.

  8. barganic. I don’t get Aldi, I just can’t shop there only if it’s something we need like nappies that I have heard somebody tell me about that was great. we dont have an aldi anymore though 😛

  9. boooo we have an Aldi as I actually heard about this ‘miracle’ cream a while ago from reading a UK newspaper online but our Aldi’s in Brisbane don’t seem to stock it!! mmmn blue cream thought sounds interesting though!

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