A Letter To My Husband

Brought to you by Barbie.

Dear Hubby,

The moment I met you, I knew that I was going to fall in love with you. Something happened, and I know {hope} you felt it too. It’s been fifteen years since that moment we met, and our lives have changed so many times, and in so many ways.

The moment that you became a dad, it was one of the best moments of my life. Witnessing you, this strong, big, muscly tattooed man that I’d come to love, soften and become a father… my heart melted. I held our brand new daughter, and I cried, and you cried too.

One of my favourite things to see is the way you play with the girls. I love that soft side of you, and also the creative side that comes out when you enter into the magical imagination of the girls, and the places they take you. You’re not to manly to be a unicorn or princess or Barbie if the game calls for it, and it pretty much always calls for it.

Being parents isn’t always rainbows though. We both know that. We’re owed so much sleep. SO MUCH SLEEP. We’ve battled severe sleep deprivation, and endured many tantrums. We survived. The kids survived. Despite the tough times and the lack of sleep, you are always willing when that request from the girls comes along for playtime, I watch you teach them how to be confident, strong and positive young girls always encouraging them to be the best they can be.

Every dad is different. I know my dad had his parenting style, and yours had his. I know what dreams I had of what kind of father you might be, and I’m happy to say that you are everything and more. Thank you for always taking time to play with the girls, for being someone that they hope to be like as they grow, and for giving up your own time to make play a priority. Most of all, thank you for helping them create memories through play that they’ll be able to look back on forever.

Thank you for being a dad who plays.

Love, Me. xx

It’d be easy to think that play time between dads and kids is just something fun to do, but it’s also important. It builds a bond that lasts a lifetime, and also leads to higher levels of self-confidence in kids. Play is more than play, it helps children believe that they can be anything they want to be. #DadsWhoPlayBarbie is encouraging fathers all around Australia to make time for play. You can find tips and more details here.





2 thoughts on “A Letter To My Husband”

  1. .. beautiful letter Chantelle. I would be wonderful if more dads spent time with their children …. Barb xxx

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