A Gem.


love looking at photos, taking photos, learning about taking photos and getting to know photographers. One of my best friends is a photographer and she’s a constant source of inspiration and super talented too. Photographers seem to be pretty darn fantastic people {I know that’s a sweeping generalisation, but show me a photographer you don’t love}.

I discovered Alexandrena Parker last week, and I was so super excited when I did. She’s a little gem that I’d never heard of before. She’d just shot for Wovenplay. And I know they have great taste. Miss Sheye {photographer goddess} has snapped for Wovenplay before too. So they obviously know talent when they see it.

The other brilliant news is that Alexandrena {or Alex for short, I’ve since learnt} is affordable. It’s just $250 for 1-2 hour session, and you get to take home 15-20 images home on disc {and they’re fully retouched too}.
You can see more of Alex’s work here and here. Or you can send her an email.

Guest Post: Sleep Baby, Sleep.

The Dress That Never Was.

10 thoughts on “A Gem.”

  1. Chantelle …. I would have to agree about photographers being fantastic people ;). I am so glad you share such a love for photography and find inspiration in it too. Cassie xx

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