August 2019 Photo A Day Challenge : It’s FOOD month!

Guys! It’s time for a new month of photo a day. Last month we did a month of YOU and this month we continue on with the theme thing, and we’re doing FOOD month.

It’s going to be delicious, tasty and fun. Here’s the list and all the details!


+ Playing along is really simple! Just look at the list each day and take a photo using the prompt as inspiration. So, for example, Day 1 is ON MY PLATE, so all you have to do is take a photo of whatever is on your plate. Easy! Tasty!
+ You can then share your photo on either Facebook or Instagram or both! To share on Instagram, just upload with the hashtag #FMSPAD and you’re done {more details below if you need them though!} and to share on Facebook, upload to your personal page or jump into our Facebook group and share there.


+ Simply upload the photo to Instagram, add a caption {you could mention the day and the prompt in the caption}, add the hashtag #FMSPAD and then publish.
+ Check out the #FMSPAD hashtag to see all the other photos. Like them. Comment on them. Be part of the community.
+ Each day a Fab Four is picked from the photos shared on Instagram for the challenge. It’s four photos that have captured our attention from each prompt. Check the feed here to see the photos.
+ To make it easier to find all the daily photos, you can find and use the daily hashtags below. Simply add them to your caption when uploading to Instagram.  Alternatively, my App {The Little Moments App for iPhone/iPad} generates the daily hashtag for you automatically so it takes all the thinking out of it for you!


+ Upload the photo in our Facebook Photo A Day group {you’ll be added within 12 hours of requesting}, add a caption {you could mention the day and the prompt in the caption} and then publish. You’re also welcome to share on your personal page, if that’s how you like to roll.
+ Check out the photos shared in the group, or among your friends. Comment, like and be part of the photo-taking community.
+ Each day a Fab Four is picked from the photos shared in our Facebook group for the challenge by our lovely admin team. It’s four {or more} photos that have captured our attention from each prompt. The photos are made into a collage, shared and pinned to the top of the group.


+ For all devices and PC, we upload the prompts which you can download automatically into your phone or PC calendar. For Smartphones & Mac Calendar, click here. For HTML for web viewing, click here.
+ You can also print out the list, save it as your screensaver or save it to your camera roll.
+ If you’re a lucky iPhone or iPad owner, you can use the Little Moments App to remind you of what the prompts are, as well as make your photos a bit fancy. You can grab the App here.

Need help understanding each prompt a little better, check out the list below:

1. On my plate | #FMS_onmyplate
Hello food month! We’re starting the month easy with the first prompt ‘on my plate’ – all you have to do is show us what is on your plate! Go!

2. A vegetable | #FMS_avegetable
There are so many delicious vegetables to take photos. What’s in season where you are? Take a photo of a vegetable!

3. A fruit | #FMS_afruit
Banana! Apple! Lychee! Or perhaps you live on a remote island with some fancy tropical foot that we need to see. Take a photo and share it.

4. Breakfast | #FMS_breakfast
What’s your breakfast? Obviously we need to see a photo or it didn’t happen. Take a photo and share it with us.

5. Lunch | #FMS_lunch
La-la-la-la-lunch time! Show us what you’re having for lunch today!

6. Dinner | #FMS_dinner
Yum! Dinner time. What’s for dinner? Share a photo with us. Make it fancy {or don’t}?

7. Raw | #FMS_raw
Raws means no cooked or transformed from its natural state – share something raw!

8. Cooked | #FMS_cooked
Yesterday we were taking photos of raw, and now today we want to see cooked! Show us a cooked food.

9. In my pantry | #FMS_inmypantry
Oh, this will be a real test. Open your pantry and take a snap!

10. Dessert | #FMS_dessert
My fave! Don’t you love that you kinda HAVE to do dessert today for the sake of Photo A Day? Such a shame, not! Take a photo and share it.

11. My fave recipe | #FMS_myfaverecipe
What’s your favourite recipe? It can be super simple – toast, a sandwich, a cake, a dinner recipe. Get creative!

12. A green food | #FMS_agreenfood
Take a photo of a green food. It might be avocado, a green smoothie, broccoli, peas or something else. Snap away!

13. Snack | #FMS_snack
What are you snacking on? Share a photo of it!

14. Macro | #FMS_macro
Macro is a super duper close up. You don’t need a fancy camera, you can totally do it with your phone.

15. Ingredient | #FMS_ingredient
This one is really open – an ingredients is any food item really, so choose whatever you like and take a photo.

16. Kitchen | #FMS_kitchen
It could be your kitchen but doesn’t have to be! Take a photo and share it.

17. 2 things | #FMS_twothings
Take a photo of 2 things. This is food month, so they should be two foods – perhaps they might be things that you think go together well.

18. A drink | #FMS_adrink
Cheers! Take a photo of a drink.

19. A white food | #FMS_awhitefood
Mashed potato. Popcorn. Ice cream. Cauliflower. Choose a white food and take a photo of it.

20. Sweet | #FMS_sweet
Schweeeet baby! Take a photo of something delicious and sweet.

21. A red food | #FMS_aredfood
Strawberries, red apples, raspberries, tomato sauce or just tomatoes. Take a photo of a red food.

22. Savoury | #FMS_savoury
The opposite of sweet, take a photo of something savoury and share a photo.

23. In my cup | #FMS_inmycup
What’s in your cup today? Take a photo and share it!

24. A food on a stick | #FMS_afoodonastick
This is going to stretch us! What food comes on a stick – fairy floss, kebabs, fruit kebabs and more. Take a photo and share it!

25. Cooking | #FMS_cooking
Apron on, and get cooking! Take a photo of something cooking {or pop into a restaurant and take a photo of something else cooking}.

26. On my fork | #FMS_onmyfork
What’s on your fork? Take a photo and share it.

27. Yuk! | #FMS_yuk
Ugh. Gross. Yuk. Take a photo of a food that you don’t like.

28. I shop here! | #FMS_ishophere
Where do you shop for groceries or fresh produce? Show us where.

29. This is delicious | #FMS_thisisdelicious
Yum! What’s delicious? Take a photo and share it.

30. Messy | #FMS_messy
Babies are messy when they eat. I am messy when I cook. Show some kind of messy food.

31. In my hand | #FMS_inmyhand
Take a photo of food in your hand. Get creative.

I have a feeling this month is going to make us hungry! Let’s get to it!