Don’t judge me, but I’ve never…


Watched Star Wars or Star Trek {perhaps they’re the same thing? I’m that clueless}, held a 50 Shades of Grey novel, or tried pilates. I’ve never traveled {in Australia} beyond the East Coast, been brave enough to jump out of plane or any other adrenalin-junkie-type activity  or had more than a wee sip of coffee.

I won’t judge you, but what have you never, ever done? Spill.

photo credit: Funky64 ( via photopin cc

89 thoughts on “Don’t judge me, but I’ve never…”

  1. You’ve never had more than a wee sip of coffee?!? Just joking… I’m not judging. 😉 I’ve never traveled outside of North America. I’ve never learned another language, other than the little bit of Spanish I took in High School.

  2. I have never….Read or watched any Harry Potter, star wars, Lord of the rings… Also have never lived alone. I wonder if I will.

  3. I’ve never watched The Lord Of Rings or been interested in anything Harry Potter- and don’t plan to…ever!! Gasp!! I’m with you on the Star Trek/Star Wars thing!!!

    • I grew up and still live near the ocean. Several years back I visited Michigan and as I stood there watching waves break and seeing Lake Michigan go off to the horizon I thought about how much it looks like the ocean. The smell, though, is something you notice missing. That smell of salt air is part of what makes standing and looking at the ocean so special.

  4. Been a perfect father to my children, but I’m always working on it.
    Been unfaithful to my wife.
    Smoked a cigarette–not even a puff.
    Had more than half a cup of coffee. I love the smell but not the taste.
    Intentionally purchased country music 😉

  5. 50 Shades of Grey is not on my bucket list, but you never know. I have never read or watched the Twilight series, and don’t care. I grew up with Star Trek and my kids with Star Wars. I crossed the border into Mexico once. And, I have Instagram on my phone, and never used it,,, aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh! 😉

    • Bonjour Sue ! I’m French , from France, and I don’t think I’ve ever tried frog legs ! And I hate the simple idea of tripe !! 😉 If you wnat to eat like the Frenchies, try foie gras, various types of bread and tones of different cheeses ! With wine of course ! 😉

  6. I have never eaten sardines, the thought alone makes me sick. I have never gone skinny dipping. I have never been arrested (yay me).

  7. I’ve never slid down a firemans pole (like at a playground. I just can’t.) or swung along monkey bars, caught a bus, eaten a prawn, been out of australia, tasted any kind of alcoholic drink, smoked a cigarette, dyed my hair, painted my toenails, eaten a prawn, had my ears pierced, watched Avatar, and Ive also never watched Star Wars or. Star Trek, held a 50 shades of grey novel, traveled beyond the East Coast of Australia and Ive never had more than a wee sip of coffee.

  8. Never seen titanic. I sliced open my thumb on my way to see it (stupidly on a pocket knife) which caused us to miss the start so we saw something else. I see that as a sign I should not see this movie. ever.

    It’s not like I don’t know how it ends!!

  9. I HAVE seen the Lord of the Rings movies and LOVED them, although I don’t care for fantasy or science fiction based stories. I have also jumped out of an absolutely perfect airplane. What a rush! But never read Harry Potter, Twilight, or 50 Shades. I have never had a mani- or pedicure.Very popular in the US.

  10. I left after 30 mns of Star wars !

    I have read 50 shades of Grey to prevent my daughter from reading it ! (a girlfriend wanted to lend it to her !!). No need to read it !

    I hate flying but I have and I will again. (maybe to come to Australia ?)
    I hate coffee. For ever.
    I have never said a four letter word .

    I have never been in such a nice group of people sharing the same interest before FMS !!

  11. I have never done any of those things either!!! out of all them the only thing i feel sad about not doing is seeing more of our gorgeous country!

  12. I have never read 50 Shades of Grey (I value my brain cells too much), The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter. Harry Potter is on my to do list though! I have jumped out of a perfectly good plane but have never jumped off a perfectly good bridge with an over sized elastic attached to my ankles. I have never been arrested, swam with sharks, seals, whales or dolphins. Whale Shark, dolphins & seals are also on my to do list. I have never been to America, Canada, Alaska or Europe however my husband & I are in the process of planning our trip to Canada & Alaska where we will get to see polar bears in their natural habitat!!

  13. I have never watched the Sound of Music. I have seen bits and bobs, but never the whole thing. I have also never jumped from an aeroplane, but given I find it hard to jump off a diving board into a pool, safe to say that is never going to happen 😉

  14. I too have never seen Star Wars or Star Trek, jumped out if a plane or had more than a wee sip of coffee so you are not alone in some of your endeavours! I have travelled Australia as used to work in travel & have read 50 shades books.

  15. I’ve never had more than a wee sip of coffee, either… blegh! There are many things that I’ve never, ever done, but for some reason, I can’t even think of one right now… What a fun post! 🙂

  16. i have never owned a pair of high heel shoes.
    I have never been to a tropical location or out of North America (went to Florida once when i was a kid)
    I have never been on a “DIET” even though i am overweight, i just try to make healthier choices.
    I have never been one of the “COOL KIDS” and never wanted to be.
    I have never tried drugs (once the doctor prescribed me muscle relaxer for my back pain and after taking it once I was afraid to take it again because i felt like the floor was too far away from my feet. too weird!!!!)

  17. I’ve never seen Gone With the Wind or Casablanca. I’ve never drank coffee. I’ve never seen The Blues Brothers or Caddyshack. I’ve never grown a garden. I’ve never traveled for work. I’ve never been to Mardi Gras or Disney Land. I’ve never swam with dolphins. All things I hope to do someday.

  18. I have never seen the ocean. I have never travelled outside of the United States. I have never been to a “cool kids” party. I have never owned a bikini. There are plenty of others, but that’s the 3 most prominent in my mind.

  19. I have never watched a full episode of The Simpsons from start to finish…. I always find a reason for getting up and doing something else 😀

  20. I haven’t done any of these things you mentiont but the coffee and the travelling, I even lived in another country for a little over a year.

    Besides that, I have never lived alone, have never owned a rubik’s cube, i have never been been to the oktoberfest even though i don’t live far from munich and I have never owned a pet.

  21. I have never seen the Notebook, I almost feel ashamed…
    I have never drank coffee, or beer, either, just the smell of it, bleugh!

  22. never read 50 Shades of Grey and never plan to

    never jumped out of a plane and again, never plan to

    never done drugs, not even a bit of marijuana – this does not count a few codeine pills I received during an excruciating experience with a ruptured ovarian cyst

    there are numerous more, far to many to list, but here’s the biggie for me:

    I have never had sex. I am 27 years old; I’m not religious in any way, there aren’t really any reasons for my lack of action, it’s just never happened. I’ve even only ever kissed one man, and then not until I was 24. And I desperately hope this doesn’t mean something about me.

  23. i’ve never held or read 50 shades of grey or ever plan to, but have indulged in delicious coffee more often than not. Have never been near a crocodile or plan to and never ever will i bungy jump. sky dive or anything to do with heights. I hope Roseann from Minnesota gets to see the ocean someday soon

  24. I have never read 50 Shades; never jumped from a plane or from anything else; never eaten clams or oysters; have never been to Australia.

  25. I’ve never eaten a McDonalds burger in my life.. or a meat pie.. and I’m NOT a vegetarian! Lol – I’ve also never read 50 Shades, and I read a novel a week! I feel like I’m ‘rebelling’ against the whole saga by not following suit of everyone else & reading them 😉

  26. Oh this is a fun idea, I’ve never … used Instagram or done a linky but I did discover the world of blogging this year so I can cross that off my list. I’ve never … owned a house but I want to. Wow, i’m sure there are millions of things I’ve never done but I’m drawing a blank.

  27. There are two kinds, the “I’ve never, and don’t plan to” and then the “I’ve never, but it’ll hopefully happen one day”. I’ve never seen or read any of the Harry Potter or Lord of the rings, I’ve never eaten frog legs or duck brain, and I’ve never done bungee jumping. I’ve never smoked a cigarette (not even tried a little), and I’ve never tasted beer. The latter “I’ve never” is a way longer list 😉

  28. I’ve never had coffee either! Same goes for energy drinks. I pulled all-nighters with good old water.

    Never had most forms of alcohol, nor do I plan to. Tried beer (pong) once & it was way worse than I thought it’d be.

    I’ve never been able to stay in once place more than 3.5 years (consecutively living). All my life I’ve moved around and that elusive 4 years is always out of grasp.

  29. It makes me sad that people have never seen the ocean! I guess growing up in Australia I am completely spoiled for choice, and can’t imagine not being able to pop down to the beach whenever I wanted.

    I’ve never been to Europe but that’s about to change, and I’ve never been married. Hopefully one day that too will change!

  30. I’ve never been outside Europe. I’ve never had any alcoholic drinks. I’ve never had a cigarette. I’ve never done any extreme sports.

  31. Wow! Let’s see, I’ve never drank coffee (have sipped it and immediately spit it out – so it never got past my throat!), I’ve never inhaled a cigarette (yah, I tried my husband’s menthol and let the mint swish in my mouth, but seriously, I never did inhale!), I started listening to 50 shades, and it was too raunchy for me! Last month was the first time I spent time “living” alone, 3 weeks was all I had to do – I’ve always at least had an animal… or a parent / roomie / husband. I have never done any illegal drugs (still don’t even know what a marijuana leaf even looks like!). And I have never said God’s name in vain. Now, I HAVE read (listened to) the Harry Potter books like 150 times each! And I have listened to the Twilight series – and have just bought the Lord of The Ring movies (only got thru #1 so far… but I’ve only had them 3 days!), and I love, love, love Star Trek (both the old and the new!)… not so much Star Wars (but have seen all of them)… But, around here, if you haven’t watched all of the Duck Dynasty shows, you’re nothing (so, I’m nothing – I have no desire to watch those men…). Oh, and Instagram is a mystery to me… so that hasn’t been touched either! And can someone please explain # to me? #Idon’tgetwhat#isallabout#seemsliketryingtogetawaywithoutusingspaces

  32. Well … you should be my daughter! While I have watched all the Star Wars films I also have raised boys and now grandsons. Boys and Star Wars go hand in hand!! I’ve raised an adrenalin junkie son who jumps out of planes and scuba dives both here in the USA and in his favorite place on the planet—>Australia! I startle if a motorcycles drive by me on the freeway or when someone walks into a room where I’m alone. I don’t drink coffee or alcoholic drinks. I’ve never seen a copy of 50 Shades of Grey and have no desire to. I’ve never done pilates but I did buy a yoga DVD. Ha! But hey! I love a good roller coaster but you’ll never catch me on one of those amusement park rides where you drop full speed to the ground. But I have no problem flying at 35,000 feet in an airplane for 14+ hours. Especially if its in first-class!! 😉

  33. I have never gotten through an entire episode of “Sex and the City”! I have tried to like it but have come to the conclusion I am just too much of a prude. I won’t be reading 50 shades of grey!

  34. I have never watched Dirty Dancing {this shocks my friends.} Read or watched Harry Potter or Twilight.
    I have never dived into a pool, and never will {but i’ll happily jump out of a plane again}

    I’ve never surfed but I so want to learn.

  35. I’ve never seen any of the Star Wars films, Star Trek, ET, Harry Potter, or any Disney films whatsoever. I don’t feel I’ve missed anything other than maybe a lot of hype?

  36. I have never smoked anything and never will. Don’t do drugs and never will. As for jumping out of plane, loved it would do it again in a heart beat. Love adrenaline junkie type activities. Fifty shades of gray nope and don’t intend to, but Black Dagger Brotherhood totally addicted too. If it does not have a positive effect on my life then not really interested 🙂

  37. I’ve never said NO to coffee!! EEK! I’m an addict. It’s the only ‘mummy time’ thing I look forward to, honestly, If I don’t have my coffee, I don’t want mummy time! lol

    I’ve never traveled outside of QLD or NSW!

    I’ve never commented on a blog until now! |haha|

  38. I have never watched Braveheart. Or The Matrix. Or Titanic.

    And don’t judge me, but… I LOVE Star Trek 🙂

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