Four Days In Japan

Mum Moments

14 thoughts on “The Sideline Mum”

  1. Oh lol !! My miss 7 plays netball and it is just a sea of arms from both teams being waved around and a whole heap of kids calling out peoples name….chaos!!
    Good luck curbing your sideline encouragement….no tips here…I don’t know enough about any sport to offer advice to my children bahahaha!!

  2. I myself used to be a shouter at my sons games and then I watched back a video my husband took of the game and I heard myself screeching! That was enough to stop me from doing it!

  3. .. I can see you encouraging Lacey… good for you Chantelle!
    I used to go to watch my son play football when he was young boy..he’s in his 40’s now… and I was to nervous to call out.. I wish I’d been a little bit vocal..
    Don’t keep quiet, just lower the pitch and enjoy….
    hugs… Barb xxx

  4. We had an 8-hour netball carnival at Tweed on Sunday, moo moo played 6 games, and they won them all and got a trophy! She’s a rad defense, a bit like her mum. I too call out, but mainly just remind her to get friend and stick with her partner. Some days I have to put my hand in my mouth as she probably can’t hear me anyway. It’s all positive things I say (out aloud) I keep the other stuff to myself!!

  5. I can relate to this – though from Lacey’s point of view! I too was a very keen netballer as a kid and my Dad was also very vocal in his support. His catch cry was ‘Make space!!’ and to this day we still laugh about it – my husband even calls it out when he comes to watch me play now.

  6. Yep l totally get you.. omg l do the same except my daughter’s sport is hockey..
    I took my best friend eho my daughter loves thinking she would mske me quiet..
    She was a thousand times worse than me..

  7. Haha so funny. I wonder what I would be like. I once played netball pretty well too and still can’t catch stuff – that’s my hubby’s and my couple joke haha.

  8. Oh lord. You just reminded me of a very confusing experience when I was 12. We also had a netball team at school and I was quite good at it (the catching especially). Never understood why one should stop after that age and move on to volleyball, which I never loved as much because you weren’t allowed to catch. But alas, my father came to our big game, and we were doing okay, and then he started yelling ‘block! block’! I had really NO idea what he was talking about, we never learned how to do that (but then again, we never had played against a team with awesome smashing skills like the one we were up against). We lost the game (we were not THAT good) and for the years to come I rolled my eyes when my dad tried to ‘coach’ me in any way 😀 Poor dad!

  9. I used to shout “down and ready” when my daughter’s middle school team played volleyball, a hold over from my own time playing in high school. I mean really, shouldn’t you be down and ready and not just standing there?? I should have helped coach but I was kind of done at that point. By high school, my daughter told me I made her nervous when I came to her tennis matches, so I didn’t have to go anymore. Bittersweet, but it sure freed up my time! And she was playing for herself, not for me, which is the whole point, I suppose.

  10. Oh Chantelle, this is me, in every way. I have three daughters. I watch 3 games of netball a week. After those games I am absolutely exhausted! It’s torture, trying to help your kids without being able to actually physically help them!!!! Argh! But, I’m learning, I’m trying to relax, and most of all, trying to keep my mouth shut! Fun 😉

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