10 pieces of blogging advice from people in the know.

What’s the best blogging advice you’ve ever heard?

The thing I love about blogging is that there are no rules. You can get to where ever you want to go by going down a number of paths, or just creating your own. We’re all pioneering this thing called blogging. Some have paved the way for us, including Darren Rowse, Dooce and my favourite Tsh Oxenreider.

The web is filled with great gems from bloggers and social media experts in the form of blogs, tweets and podcasts. I’ve collected a few of my favourites and put them together for you to read {and me to refer back to}.

My favourite piece of advice from the gallery below, has to be from Tsh, ‘Create before you consume’. I know that I have to get up on my own and get my blogging done before reading anything else, or tending to things around the home – otherwise my creativity flies out the window. Do you agree?

Here’s the blogging advice that I love from bloggers I look up to:

And here’s my own advice to throw into the mix:

What’s the best blogging advice you’ve ever read or heard? Which bloggers do you look up to?

39 thoughts on “10 pieces of blogging advice from people in the know.”

  1. Thanks for pulling together these tips. I must remember to be generous with others more often. I tend to forget unless I’ve had direct inspiration from someone else’s post. I like Dooce’s advice to try to craft a story.

    They make it all seem so simple, but sometimes I wonder if it just comes easy to them because they are so talented. Sometimes inspiration hits and it’s easy to write, and at other times it’s like getting blood from stone.

    I get confused by the conflicting advice. Some say, “write everyday”, and others say, “write less often but with more quality”. Lately, because I’m busy with work, I’m definitely writing less often, but unfortunately quality is also suffering!

    Anyway, I am struck by how beautiful you make all your posts and images, may ask what software you use to overlay text on your images? I know picmonkey can do text, but am curious to know how to use different shape boxes etc.

  2. My sister over at Moderndaymummying gave me great advice… use your talking voice when you type.
    Does anyone else make up a voice for the person when they read someone’s blog? I always do and I find that when your posts are ‘conversational’ it’s easier to read, because it feels like your ‘listening’ to someone speak.

  3. Fantastic advice! I’ve only just started blogging two months ago and I love it. It’s such a great way to connect with people you would have never have met before and to be able to express your greatest passions. Thanks so much for your blog, Chantelle.

  4. Really excellent post! I think I’ve come to all those conclusions within my blogging life. My first goal is to really be authentic and then to connect.

  5. Great tips FMS, some of the best advice was from Nikki @StylingYou… Don’t compete and be yourself. Good advice to try and stick too – emily

  6. great advice… might need to write these out and hang next to the computer 🙂 one I definitely have a hard time following is to keep the sentences short [I have a tendency to ramble!]

  7. I think the “create your own journey” resonates the most with me. It’s easy as a blogger to get caught up in the world and what everyone around you is doing and experiencing and only natural to want to do and experience the same. Knowing and understanding that each blogging journey is completely different I think is important. Also, a lot of opportunities that are presented can sometimes come down to luck and timing so if you’re not presented with the same opportunities as others you know, it doesn’t mean your blog is any less valuable. Produce good content, and they will come. I also think the most important thing is to create something you are proud of. Blog with integrity.

  8. This is great advice, I love the one about create before you consume. So often I’ll sit down to write, get side-tracked checking out some sites and before I know it my creativity has flown out the window! Very annoying. Thanks for posting these 🙂

  9. This is terrific because I’ve just started my website/blog and it’s so easy to just stop and think ‘noone cares’. I love the simplicity of the quotes here….the ones that resonates the most with me is ‘be patient’ and ‘just do it’….thanks for putting this forward!!

  10. Hello, I definitely like to be useful. It’s so satisfying to know that some mum or dad who was looking for a great playground or advice on cafes or beaches found my blog and got the info they need. The downside for me is that most readers come from Google on the Sydney blog, and non-bloggy readers rarely comment. Boo hoo. But when they do I am so delighted, and have got into some great discussions esp with families visiting Sydney for a holiday. Hooray for blogging, it’s so visual and creative and satisfying.

  11. Chantelle, I just spent the last hour reading this article and all its associated tips. It’s such a wealth of information. Thanks so much fo writing i! x

  12. As a new blogger (www.talungatales.wordpress.com), inspired by your September Photo a Day Challenge I might add, I’d like to thank you for posting the above. After writing the longest of my posts yesterday I can see where there’s room for improvment – especially in keeping one idea per line (or paragraph).

  13. Hey there, thanks for the blogging inspiration. In reponse to: “P.S. Apologies for the images in the gallery being slightly fuzzy. Not sure why they’re doing that. Anyone have any advice for me?”

    The images are fuzzy because they’re actually smaller than than the size they’re being displayed in the page. When you stretch an image to make it bigger, it will go fuzzy. You can only go from large to small and still keep the clarity. Example: your first image by “Tsh” is 400px × 247px in size and is being scaled UP to 627px × 387px. If you want it that big you’ll need a bigger copy of it. 🙂 I’ve created one for you so you can see the difference. 🙂

    (I’m a web developer who has helped alot of mums and women set their blogs and websites!) So all the best 🙂

    • Oh I love you! I wish I knew how to find out that information.

      Also, can you move in with me and be my tech guru?

      Seriously – do you do that kind of work? I’d love to have someone I can consult with on tech stuff – particularly because I’m pulling together a blogging course and you might come in handy!

  14. I like these tidbits. Very authentic. I find that the stories I like to write about the most are the ones that are the most time consuming and challenging…the ones that get me outside my wheelhouse or comfort zone. Putting yourself out there is a risk…but no risk, no reward!

  15. I was just reading your About page and realised you’re a fellow Australian! Thank you for posting so many different blogging tips. I am new to blogging and feel like I’m barely treading water, but these tips have been very helpful 🙂

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