Can I Ask You A Personal Question?


logging is quite a self-indulgent little hobby. You know all about me, and I know very little about you. It doesn’t seem quite fair. And to be honest I’m sick of hearing about me, so I can only imagine how you guys are feeling.

So, I’m bringing sexy questions back. I haven’t done them in a while, but I loved the responses last time and hope that you’ll all participate again. As not to make this all about me again, I’ll respond with my answer in the comment section a little later on instead of here.

Are you someone’s best friend?

Image: theclikchick

{love}: Happy Flow Chart.

East + West.

16 thoughts on “Can I Ask You A Personal Question?”

  1. Oh, I agree Chantelle – blogging feels really self indulgent. Lovely idea and I'm looking forward to reading about everyone's friends.

    Yep, I am someone's best friend. In fact, I'd say there are 4 people to whom I'm a best friend – and vice versa cos you can't be a best friend without them being a best friend in return!

    My Mama – she really is the bestest Mama and indulges me
    My darling husband – he knows all my secrets and loves me all the same.
    My “actual” best friend who is like my soul sister and in the traditional sense of the words, is my best friend and has been since high school. We haven't lived in the same country for over 10 years but our conversation has never, ever stopped.

    When I have news I find myself pulled in 3 different directions as to who to tell first. I think it depends on the news as to who wins out.

    and I have a new best friend in my bebito…at least until he's 14 and too cool to be best friends with his Mama that is!

  2. @Jessi: I'll have to pop over and meet your bestie. Although I have the feeling I've been there before.

    @Cat: What a sweet response. I am much the same.

    I probably don't have one particular person that I go to for everything. Hubby {Shane} probably most fits the role as best friend. I am really close with my Ma though, and my two sisters, and my brother. I also have really beautiful friends too. x

  3. I guess my best friend is my wife Anita (but her best friend is that loud-mouth neighbor of ours Kathy… what's up with that?).

    It is fun to get to know the people who interact with us on the blogs. There are some pretty amazing and wonderful people out there.

  4. I'd have to say Mr.P is my best-friend. Although I do have a lovely group of close girl-friends, and my sister who's closest to me in age I would probably consider a best-friend too.

    There's nothing better than knowing there is someone in this world who knows you as well as you know yourself and still loves you!

  5. Yep, I am my bestie Mary's best friend 🙂

    Not sure if anyone else classes me as a best friend, but I would be flattered if they did. Unless I hardly knew them, then that would be creepy.

  6. Yup, I am M's best friend, and she is mine. We have been since we started uni together.

    I am also N's best friend, though we dont have a lot to do each other lately due to distance. We are more like sisters though, have been since high school.

    And then there is a friend who I speak to every day who probably knows more about me than M and N together. She is pretty darn close to a best friend.

    And lastly, I am my husbands bestest friend, and he is my bestest friend of all 🙂

  7. My husband is my best friend….but how I would love a girl best friend. I've never being someone's 'best' friend before and I often think of what I must be missing out on….

    So no, as far as friends go, Im nobody's best friend….

    Myabe one day…


  8. i feel like i have a few best friends…

    the one ive known the longest and feels like my sister (only better)… sheree… although our tastes are no longer exactly the same – she knows everything about me and we can just sit beside one another on our laptops and say nothing and feel connected.

    then there are the friends that inspire me artistically and they are like nourishment for the soul – you of course and bec!

    then there is the mummy friend. shes the one that can come visit after your child has wrecked the place… she wont judge you – infact, she will make you feel better saying the exact same thing happens to her all the time. you can call anytime of the day, how ever many times you like and never run out of things to say… thats bee! always in a great mood and seems to get everthing your going through, always!

    i just think there is no one special friend… there are more than i have mentioned above… i think you have lots of best friends that you connect with for different reasons and we need that!

    me x

  9. I hope I am someone's best friend.
    I think the term “best friend” is thrown around a lot though
    I use to think that giving someone 1/2 the best friend charm was dooming the relationship!

    I am having so much trouble picking my bridesmaids out of
    “best friends” that I actually have 7 bridesmaids 😛


  10. I hav 2 best friends, and then there's Mr. J as well. I don't like the term 'best friend' though. I have had lots of close friends who were BFFs (or s I thought) at the time and then life changed. So now I jus have “close” friends.

  11. Ooh, I'm not really sure…I guess I am my husband's best friend…and I have really good friends from primary school, high school, uni and my life since then…but I'm quite a private person, and years of depression have left a divide in most friendships…
    That's a bit sad really isn't it…

  12. Am I someone's best friend?

    I should preface this with saying, I don't really LIKE the idea of best friends…

    However, in answer – I'm really not sure. I don't THINK I am. I truly don't.

    I have two good friends, old friends. One, I know I'm not her best friend. I long relinquished that role when I couldn't let her inside my grief. She confirmed that I had when I was excluded from speeches at her 21st in preference for her many other friends. Another, it's just hard to tell. I would consider her my best friend. I'd like to think she considers me hers but gut tells me she doesn't. It's certainly not something I would ever ask – I'll just wait to see who she chooses to be her maid of honour when she marries, if she marries!!

  13. This is a very cute idea… I have a few best(est) friends. My best friend who I grew up with and shared a flat with for 7 years. My other best friend who makes me laugh until my face hurts. And I like to count my other half as my best friend too – I can't possibly imagine what I would do without him. Ohh and can I count my little sis as my best friend too?

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