4 ingredient bliss balls : healthy & easy

I don’t know if you know who your people are, and I’m not sure that I even know who my people are {but I certainly know how wanky that sounds} but there’s something that happens when I meet fellow bloggers that makes me feel like I’m coming home. It just feels good, and natural and easy.

Earlier this year, Emma {my Scatter Love partner} was flying up the coast, and the taking a road trip south and would be passing by where I live and asked if we could meet up. Of course we could. So we did. It felt so good to finally meet the person I’ve been working with for a year now, and dreaming big dreams with. She also brought a friend, Carly.

I bought Lulu with me, which is always entertaining. She smashed a baby cino at the table, and like seriously smashed it {well just short of physically smashing it} she had milk froth from one end of her to another. She enjoyed it, and that’s what matters.

It was such a nice afternoon. The girls {Emma and Carly} then drove off and away into a little cabin down south and I turned a slight shade of green, as part of me wished to escape the hustle like they were.

Carly emailed me a few weeks later with this recipe to share, and so here I am. You can read more from Carly over on her blog Pockets of Peace.

4 ingredient bliss balls : healthy & easy


Easy, Yummy, Healthy Bliss Balls.

The eternal dilemma. You want a little pick-me-up snack to stave off the tummy growls before dinner, but don’t want to ruin your appetite. Or you’re wracking your brain over what sweet little addition to add to the kid’s lunchboxes, but don’t want to send them in to hyperglycemic over drive. Enter, stage left: Easy, yummy AND healthy bliss balls.

Just five ingredients (well, four if you leave out the salt). Blend. Roll. Refrigerate.


1 cup of pitted dates
3/4 cup of Linseed, Sunflower, Almond (LSA) mix or Almond meal
3/4 cup desiccated coconut
1/2 cup peanut butter
Pinch of Himalayan salt to taste (if peanut butter is not salty already).

Makes approximately 12 regular sized bliss balls.

Vary ingredients according to the above ratio for more or less balls as desired, but of course you can also vary to taste. More dates will make it even richer/more caramel-like.


♥Soak dates for 30 minutes to hydrate them and make them a bit caramel-ly and help the balls to bind (do it for longer if you want them to be richer).
♥Add all ingredients in to a high speed blender (I use and OmniBlend) and whiz on low-medium until all ingredients are quite fine. This varies from blender to blender. I usually have to scrape down the sides of the blender a couple of times to ensure a good consistency.
♥ Roll in to balls with your hands (kids can help out!)
♥ Pop in to the fridge to harden them.

Will store well for a week or so.

Photography by Emma Kate Co.



10 thoughts on “4 ingredient bliss balls : healthy & easy”

  1. Hooray! I have seriously been on the hunt for ages to find an easy bliss ball recipe as I’ve been searching for a healthy snack to enjoy with my herbal tea after dinner each evening (I can’t quite give up my sweet treat, you see!). Thank you so much for sharing! I’ve printed this out and will be giving it a go. x

    • Yes I make something similar using sultanas and oats instead of peanut paste and coconut – combining with a smal amount of water
      I use sweet William “choc nibs” instead of choc or cocoa too!

    • I’ve made these twice now where I substituted the LSA for oats, and it worked a charm! As long as the other dry ingredient isn’t as absorbent as oats, I think it would work fine.

  2. Done! Delicious mixture – I didn’t actually expect it to be so good. However mine are way to sticky to roll so just trying to rectify that so I can eat balls of them đŸ™‚ Thanks

    • Chill a little before rolling, then you can also roll in some coconut, crumbs(ie cereal crumbs), small nuts like sunflower seeds or chopped nuts, whatever suits you.

  3. I was down at my local IGA supermarket and by memory ( which is usually not that good) was able to buy all the ingredients and made these delicious balls… Absolutely fabulous…. Yummmmm. Thank you. Will be making these on a regular basis… Love them!!! Ruth ( Brisbane)

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