There’s a lot I miss about my pre-baby life.

I miss the selfishness. Not having to worry about almost anyone except myself.

I miss reading magazines. All in one sitting. I miss spending the money on magazines and not feeling guilty for it. Not thinking that the $8 just spent could have purchased half a pair of baby jeans.

I miss having my body to myself. My breasts pretty much now belong to Lacey. That’s what she thinks anyhow.

I miss underwire bras. I miss that support. Poor girls. Not long now.

I miss doing nothing. I miss the silence. I miss spare time.

I miss driving in the car alone with the music up loud. I miss not stressing as soon as I get in the car because Lacey might start screaming at any moment.

I miss having a clean house. I miss having lots of storage. Well, more than we have now anyhow.

I miss reading books. Watching TV series without missing an episode. I miss baking for the sake of it.

I miss sleep. Solid sleep. Going to bed when I want. Waking when I want.

I miss dressing for pleasure and to look and feel good. I miss not having to worry about breastfeeding accessibility with clothing. I miss wearing unsensible footwear.

I miss having time to do my hair and make up. I miss putting me first.

And I do miss all these things. Part of me will always miss these things. I think I need to give them a little bit of a voice… just a quiet, mouse-like squeak of a voice because they don’t need to be heard too loudly.

I am happy to go without all these things though, because Lacey is more than worth it. I loved my old life, but this life now is so much richer, so much better. So worth living. Forever wonderful.