11 magical memories made in America

Each year Disney has a different slogan for their parks, and this year it was ‘Let the memories begin!’ Today I’m sharing my final tales of our trip and I thought it would be fun to share my top eleven memories that will stay with me for a lifetime.

1. The Magic

When people ask me how the holiday was, I really only have one word, “Magic”. Words don’t do it justice, nor do the pictures. It’s something you get as soon as you walk into the gates. The first time that we ever walked up Main Street at the Magic Kingdom and up towards Cinderella’s castle, I cried. Why? It was magic. It was like I was living a dream. I can’t describe it any other way, it was just… magic.

2. Family time

It’s no secret that I adore my little family, and spending time together, without a worry in the world is pure bliss. We laughed, we were amazed, we were overjoyed, we were exhausted… but more than anything we were blissfully happy.

3. Celebrate!

I’ve always loved musicals. Seeing people singing and dancing gives me goosebumps and I’m always overcome with joy. On our first park visit we saw the Celebrate street parade by accident really, and we danced and sang in the street like no one was watching. All the Disney characters lined the street and celebrated. It never fails to amaze me how the dancers seem to dance like it’s the first time they’ve ever performed, with such enthusiasm, even though they’ve done the same show four times everyday for the past so-many years!

4. Animal Kingdom’s Safari

I don’t want to spoil this for anyone that might take this ride in the future, but it’s one you wouldn’t want to miss. We all boarded a truck and headed on a safari to visit a whole host of African animals in their almost natural environment. We came up close and personal with so many animals, including this friendly rhino {there’s no zoom on my camera so this is actually how close we were}. It was really, really cool and one of the highlights for me.

5. Funnel Cake

Is it sad that one of my favourite memories is food? Well, this is me that I’m talking about so of course food had to make it at some point. Funnel cake, I’ll miss you! But I’m also relieved that you don’t ‘live’ in Australia otherwise I’d be in big, big trouble!

6. Floridian Resort

We were lucky enough to be staying the best resort that Disney has to offer, the Floridian Resort. For me it was the magical small things that made our stay special, the chocolates and goodnight card before bed each night, the housekeeping card that the cleaner marked with her embossed personalised gold sticker after she cleaned, the way they shaped the little hand towel each evening into something creative {one night an elephant, another night a handbag!} and just how beautiful everything was. Amazing.

7. The Lion King

As I said before, I love a musical and this knocked my socks off! It’s Disney’s most popular show and we stumbled across it just before it was about to begin. I could have watched it over and over again.

8. Being a Social Media Mom

My life has changed from being a Social Media Mom. It’s hard to put into words, but the whole experience has been overwhelmingly life-changing. It’s not just the magical ‘fun’ stuff, it’s seeing the how the Social Media Moms work, learning at the conference, making friends with other Moms and just being inspired. I’ve fallen in love with blogging all over again.

9. Being the odd one out
At first it was really weird to be the odd one out. To have people tell me they couldn’t understand what I was saying. To be walking on the left when everyone was walking on the right. To be seeing everything for the first time. It was odd, and then it was wonderful. To really hear my own accent, to see things on the right side, to be unique. It was wonderful, and I kinda miss it.

10. Shopping!

I will miss the shopping. Orlando has mall after mall of discount outlets. Michael Kor handbags are just $250 {kicking myself I didn’t get one now!}, Marc Jacobs purses just $90 {kicking myself again}, clothes, shoes, clothes, kids clothes, hats, bags… oh my! Seriously… I wish had days more to shop, and a budget to suit too! {I’ll share what I did buy later on…}

11. The happiest girl in the world

This smile… I’ll always remember how much Lacey smiled on our trip away. It was fitting of course, because she was in the Happiest Place in the world. xx

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Best ever birthday cake!

Miami {in pictures}

10 thoughts on “11 magical memories made in America”

  1. These really are magical memories for you to keep. I have to admit I envy you ;-). I enjoyed every single time we got to visit Disney and I would love to share the magic with our children, too. And some day we will! :-). Have a great week – maks 🙂

  2. This is beautiful Chantelle and reading your top 11 gave me goosebumps! It really sounds like the most incredible experience and one you'll all hold onto forever. I am SO keen to go to Disneyland with my boys… and to do it in style like you did :o)
    Social Media Mom sounds so cool, actually, I'd love doing that part too!

  3. hi chantelle! how lovely you stopped by my blog and said hello. i just read your last post and am glad you had a fun time in america! we're headed back there soon and you make it sound like a fun place to return. we are from california and could indeed take a trip to disneyland… you asked about my story – we've been living on st. maarten for the last 20 months whilst my husband attended the medical school here on the island. about to head back for his hospital rotations in a couple of weeks time. cheers! anushka

  4. Thank you for sharing Disneyland with us..I think from the time we're little ourselves and see that georgeous castle at the beginning of a Disney movie and hear the music we all want to see that fairy tale castle..I did anyway! I think I'd love the musicals too.

  5. Looks like an incredible trip. Funny that blogging took you to a conference in America at the same time it took me to one in Australia (where I was the odd one out walking on the right)! And aren't funnel cakes to die for? Nom nom…

    P.S. Your daughter is absolutely adorable.

  6. I love hearing about your favorite memories in America. I live in Orlando, so it is a treat to read about the city I live in from another point of view. It really is a great place to live.

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