Point & Shoot: Looking Up.


lean or sleep? That was the question of the day on Sunday. Guess which won? Cleaning, of course. After weeks of rain, I had some serious laundry to tackle and floors to mop… besides I am hopeless at sleeping during the day {even after very, very, very, very little sleep the night before}.

So I lit my favourite candle, put on some tunes, put the slow cooker on {that recipe will magically appear here later on in the week} and got into it… until I got distracted by trashy TV and the Sunday papers. I got most of it done though…
But I managed to pop outside and shoot a photo of the beautiful blue sky. For a couple of weeks, with the rain and life getting in the way… I’ve forgotten to take the time and look up… and it was so refreshing to see that vibrant blue sky. ♥
How was your weekend? Do you spend your weekends socialising and having fun? Or cleaning and getting on top of things? Or a mix of both? Or {gasp} working?

Share your Point & Shoot below. I’m so happy that today is a public holiday which means I get to leisurely browse your pictures. Perfect. x

5 thoughts on “Point & Shoot: Looking Up.”

  1. Generally my weekends are a mix of working and 'getting on top of things'. Since DH works shift work and I work weekends they don't really feel that 'weekendey' to me anymore.

    Maybe once the boys are at school weekends will feel more like weekends again.

    Hope you get some more sleep tonight lovely.

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