Today I’ll be jetting off to Melbourne and then through to Tasmania. I’m pretty excited. Well, I will be once I actually pack.
Today I’m pretty excited to introduce you to Adam France, who is HUGELY clever {mind-blowingly clever} and has designed this week’s list {Week 11!}, and it’s beautiful. And so fun. You can see more from Adam on his website. Thanks Adam for sharing your creative skills with us for the Photo A Day challenge, and so enthusiastically too. Thank you.
Check out this beautiful list…
How to play on Instagram
+ check out the photo a day list for the daily prompt
+ use your phone or camera to take a photo using the prompt as inspiration
+ upload the photo to Instagram, add a caption {you could mention the day and the prompt in the caption}, add the hashtag #FMSphotoaday and then publish.
+ check out the #fmsphotoaday hashtag to see all the other photos. Like them. Comment on them. Be part of the community.
+ Each day a Fab Four is picked from the photos shared on Instagram for the challenge. It’s four photos that have captured my attention from each prompt. Check my feed {@fatmumslim} to see the photos.
How to play on Facebook
+ check out the photo a day list for the daily prompt
+ use your phone or camera to take a photo using the prompt as inspiration
+ upload the photo to Facebook – you can either share on your personal page, on your business page {if you have one} or in our Facebook Photo A Day group {you’ll be added within 12 hours of requesting}, add a caption {you could mention the day and the prompt in the caption} and then publish.
+ check out the photos shared in the group, or among your friends. Comment, like and be part of the photo-taking community.
+ Each day a Fab Four is picked from the photos shared in our Facebook group for the challenge by our lovely admin team. It’s four {or more} photos that have captured my attention from each prompt. The photos are made into a collage, shared and pinned to the top of the group.
How to remember what the prompts are
+ If you’re a lucky iPhone or iPad owner, you can use the Little Moments App to remind you of what the prompts are, as well as make your photos a bit fancy. You can grab the App here.
+ For all devices and PC, we upload the prompts which you can download automatically into your phone or PC calendar. For Smartphones & Mac Calendar, click here. For HTML for web viewing, click here.
+ You can also print out the list, save it as your screensaver or save it to your camera roll.
A little more about the prompts:
WEEK 11 | MAR | 2015
9. Make
Get creative and make something today. Or share something you’ve made {or someone else has made}. Share!
10. Floral
Yep, floral. Think flowers, beautiful flowers.
11. My happy place
Where’s your happy place? Share where you love to go. It could be your bed, a cafe, somewhere you’ve traveled to.
12. Details
Share something with beautiful characteristics and features. Look around.
13. Colour
Bright! Dull! Pastel! Rainbow! Find some colour {or color to some}, snap it and share it.
14. Favourite
What’s your very favourite? It can be anything; a person, a shop, a tree, a place, a food, a book, a movie. You get the picture, anything!
15. Small
Teeny. Itsy. Tiny. Not big. Take a photo and share it.
I’m looking forward to sharing photos from around Tassie for the challenge, and I also look forward to see what you take too. Have fun, ok? x