Photo a day May: it’s time!

I can’t believe it’s already May. Sheesh. The year is flying by. And don’t I sound like my Ma saying that?

Today, for those living in the Southern Hemisphere, photo a day May kicks off. But before we start talking about the new challenge, let’s talk about April. I had a lot of fun in April, as you can see from my photos above. It was great seeing everyone sharing. There’s something that happens that you don’t see though and I wanted to tell you about that.

Over the month of April I got a number of emails and messages from women around the world. They were beautiful words from women suffering depression or going through cancer treatment. They’d found joy and happiness in the photo a day challenge. Taking photos helped women who were undergoing treatment to pass the time, and to also distract them from their difficult journey. Women who were suffering depression were finding joy in their lives and seeing light in their often dark worlds. I loved that these women didn’t know each other and they were sprinkled around the world, but they were going through a similar thing. It was beautiful to read their stories.

If you haven’t joined us in a photo a day challenge yet, then please consider it. It makes you stop each day and think about what’s around you. It makes me feel inspired even on the craziest of days. That’s what I love about it. I love that I feel creative, if only for 2 minutes of my day.

If you’re joining us for photo a day May, here’s the list:

CLICK HERE for details on how to play!

I look forward to seeing your photos! Happy snapping. x

Cake, Crazy and the Clan

I’m a dreamer.

87 thoughts on “Photo a day May: it’s time!”

  1. I wasn't one of the women who emailed you, but I did talk a bit about this on my blog as I posted my photo a day pictures. April was my first time joining in, and I found it a comforting distraction too as I work through my depression at the moment. So thankyou, and I will be joining in for May 🙂

  2. Today is day 1 and I am stoked I already have my photo done and loaded! I love how you have them all together (above). Will have to find out how you did that 🙂

    Am already loving my Facebook feed this morning filling up with all the other 'Peace' photos x

  3. wow. thank you for sharing about the women going through struggles and how this brought them joy and helped them pass the time. that's amazing! you are impacting so many to look at their world more creatively. <3

  4. I loved the April photo challenge {my first one}! Joining in again for May! But I must say your pics are soooo beautiful, clearly you have photographic talent going on and a whole lot of creativity 🙂 All I can say is thank goodness for the instragram filters – because they make my pics {and me!} look oh-so-much-prettier! xx

  5. I tried taking a photo a day in April and definitely didn't do so well. But, I am going to give it one more go for May! I love being able to stop and be creative for a moment, but sometimes I have trouble setting time aside. Or I fall behind and have to scurry to get pictures up.

    Here's to May!

  6. I've been doing the photo a day religiously since feb 1 (only found out about it jan 30) and i was happy to read about the women who had contacted you. As a carer for my partner suffering from anxiety and depression, the photo a day really gives me a sense of belonging, makes me feel inspired and gives me a little time-out each day. It makes me realize the good and happy things around me and also makes me more aware of my surroundings. Thank-you for the photo-a-day opportunities Chantelle. It has been a great journey so far and i'm sure it will be better as we keep on going! 🙂

  7. I'm a late bloomer, just starting now for May! Love the concept and even more thrilled that Miss 8 wants to do it too!! Follow us on Instagram at Cheekyhead and Tiny_T also I'm on Twitter at MidClassMamas!

  8. Hi!
    I loved April, looking forward to May. May i ask, how did you make the collage of your april pics? Im tryinbg to do one similar, and not sure how ? Thanks, Katy.

  9. Hi Chantelle, I love the monthly photo challenges. I just did April and loved it, so will definitely do May as well. I see you've already been asked this, but I was going to ask the same – how did you do the collage. I tried doing it myself but couldn't figure it out (I'm not on instagram….) thank you! 🙂

  10. I'm trying to get some more drawing and sketching in, but it takes more time than snapping a photo. So what I was thinking is that I'd draw a picture once a week based on you photo of a day prompt.

  11. I am all in ladies! I am new to twitter, so I am going to take this chance! @spunkyrella
    This is going to be great 🙂 xoxo

  12. This is the first time I do something like this – and it's already fun! I got up this morning, thinking about how hard it will be to find something “peace” today – went into the kitchen and there it was. Peace himself. Love the idea!

  13. Thanks, Chantelle! It is wonderful to know the joy that is being spread by this challenge. My 9 year old daughter, myself, and my sister-in-law did April. We've really had fun! 🙂 I have two or three extra friends joining us in May. I am happysnapmichelle on Instagram (and on my photo blog).

  14. I love the photo a day challenge, but I find it hard to take a photo every day that is worth taking! Maybe my life is too boring.

    But then a week later I'll find the perfect photo! Is that cheating?

  15. I am so glad to be doing this!!! I will upload to instagram (bellwallace) and Facebook Belinda Wallace!!!

  16. I am going to join for May! I did February but have been too busy since.

    Also, can you share how you make your photo display for April on this post? Is it through photoshop or a photo stitching site???

    Thank you!!

  17. Fantastic inspiration! helped someone close to me get going each day and do something positive and good for the soul!

  18. Reading this post gave me goosebumps. And here I was just thinking it's a bit of fun, and there are others who are drawing strength to battle real problems. Wow!
    Thank you for sharing

  19. I've been suffering depression for a while now and look forward to trying to complete the May photo-a-day challenge. Thank you for giving me something to look forward to each day, even if, as you said, it's only for two minutes at a time!

  20. Ok, I must know, how did you get all your pictures in the grid at the top? I love it! is there an app for that? :o)

    My Mother In Law just asked where to get May! I'm spreading the word! Fun Fun!

  21. I keep starting and then by about the 10th I've fallen behind and give up – I'm so rubbish lol.

    I love the grid – is there an app or do you have to photoshop to get it like that?

  22. wicked excited for photo a day in may! i fell off the bandwagon in march and april 🙂 thanks for the inspiration….
    how did you do that snazzy photo grid at the top of your post? would love to make those for the month too

  23. I love this idea and I have recruited a few friends to join in the fun. Thanks! Do you share the template for the 30 photos on one page?

  24. Wonderful to hear that a simple thing like taking a photo a day can help Cancer patients!
    It can also help Depressive patients. Myself, going through this (and now seeing the light at the end of the tunnel) and have something to do and look forward to is a massive help!
    Thank You, you have no idea how much the photo a day challenge has helped me!

  25. This is such a creative and inspiring idea, I love taking pictures but never get around to blogging about everything I capture.

    Hopping on board for May,see how we go!

  26. I've been trying to take walks lately for fitness reasons, and the past week or so, I've been taking my camera along for the ride. I usually walk in the same places, but this is a fun way to look for the spark of creativity even in our normal every day lives. I've never done a challenge like this before, but I'm going to give it a try. I'll be posting to my blog, and the first one's up:

  27. I'm participating in this for the first time (Android finally got the Instagram app) and I can't wait! My Instagram username is ginavillagomez. 🙂

  28. i've started and have now done it 3 days straight ! i'm usually not this committed, thanks for making me think a little xx

  29. That's exactly what I love about it…a little bit of creativity in every day. I also got 3 of my cousins involved and we love seeing each others pics each day! Thanks for the inspiration!!

  30. I've jumped in again, after haveing a month off. Love the way I look differently at things when I'm doing the challenge.

  31. This is my first Photo A Day and I am really enjoying it. Of course, I laugh at myself for how many of my pics may be of coffee… smell I adore, kitchen, something I made, something I can't live without… HA HA

  32. How wonderful that so many people around the world are joining in for your photo challenge. Thoughts and prayers for those dealing with cancer, but have your photo challenge to help get them through it. I, too, love your challenges and have enjoyed the creativeness of it. Taking the time to find the shot needed for that word is inspiring. I love seeing some of the other photos and being inspired by them. You have a wonderful blog.
    I'm joining in for the May Challenge.
    My photos will be posted late since I am late getting here.

  33. Hi Chantelle. This is good fun. My niece introduced me to the challenge. Life does get busy at times and the day passes and ooops! I've missed the days pic. You can find me at instagram @mards56

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