I knew I’d jinx myself…

I knew that when I wrote that post for this morning {which I actually wrote earlier this week and scheduled for today} that I’d be jinxing myself. I hesitated for a moment, wondering if I was about to dig myself a hole. Every time I write about sleep, it always swiftly comes undone… worse than ever before.

Lo and behold, last night was such a bad night. I am surviving on just a sniff of sleep, and nothing more. I even had to call in sick for work {the second time only in my adulthood. Oh the guilt!}. But in typical form, I can’t for the life of me nap during the day. I never have been able to. Guess who is sound asleep on the lounge though? Yep, Lacey.

I’m distracting myself with blog reading and writing and trying to make myself weary so I can get a nanna nap in. I am snuggled up in bed though, which is lovely for my soul.

I stumbled across this beautiful picture and words today, and had a little chuckle. A smile simply isn’t enough right now. I’ll need someone to ship in truckloads of concealer for these bags under my eyes today.

How is your hump day going? What’s making you smile today?

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12 thoughts on “I knew I’d jinx myself…”

  1. Ohhh no! I read your other post earlier this afternoon and almost cried for you because I know how hard it is for me to function without a good night's sleep. I honestly don't know how you do it.

    Glad you're getting to spend some time relaxing this afternoon – there is nothing better than being snuggled up in bed with a laptop.

    My hump day is going OK. Cups of tea are making me smile today. Almost as good for the soul as an afternoon in bed

    Crossing my fingers that you get some decent sleep tonight xxx

  2. I think its time to cash in that Tresillian referral Chantelle. Lacey is still young enough.
    There isn't anything wrong with asking for a help.
    I haven't needed to use it myself, but I have friends who were in a similar position as you and Tresillian helped immensely. Give it a go – you never know?!

    x Al

  3. Hope your hump day improves, perhaps with another kind of hubby hump 😉 I've had a crazy busy stressful morning and popped into Borders on my lunchbreak and saw a book I'd read reviews on and couldnt wait to see it in the flesh. The book is Decorate and it was every bit as gorgeous as Id imagined. Plus its my Bday month so I think I have to go back and buy it for myself. That made me smile 🙂

  4. Having a wee hump day here too. Thankfully I chatted to a gorgeous friend who views much of the world in the same way and I'm feeling tonnes better. Hope you get a good night lovely xx

  5. First of all: darn!

    I'll tell you what we did in the end.

    We persisted with that Maxi right through until we was six years old. God help us, we did. I think in that entire time he slept through the night on his own and out of our bed about four times.

    So then, at six, we finally said 'whatever it takes!' So we set up a little mattress at the end of our bed and now he comes up in the night and slips onto that mattress and doesn't wake a soul. We've done this for a year now. I don't know when it will end, but it doesn't really matter I guess!

    Good luck, best wishes, fingers crossed and many hugs to you. x

  6. We have a cot in our room with the sides off. During the night raya stumbles in her nightie down the hall and crawls into that cot and goes to sleep. We wake in the morning to see her there – and we don't care. We always make her fall asleep in her room but as long as she doesnt' wake us. Sometimes she lies there awake and says she just wants to be near us and that is fine with us too.

    Perhaps that's another option otherwise dig out the Tresilian slip

  7. Mother's guilt is bad… working mother's guilt is probably double because you're torn between love and duty/need to pay the bills. Possibly a tired working mother's guilt is worst of all. This will pass. She won't still be waking you when she's 16 – I always look to the future when my two are doing the almost inconceivable.

  8. Oh, man! Isn't that always the way?

    I guess we've been lucky with avoiding most sleep issues, but we have other little things to deal with. Shoes are one of them. The absolute bane of my life when it comes to the 9yo. He is SO fussy about shoes and socks, and they've always been an issue. I can't tell you how many times we've been late to school because we've argued for 10 minutes about getting his shoes on after he complains about this and that with them!

    Hopefully this was a one-off and all will be well again soon. Hopefully….tonight! *touches wood*

  9. I hope you feel better! It sucks to be sleep and can't get to sleep!
    Sending sleepiness your way…
    Love the picture by the way. And the quote. Which I quite agree with.

  10. I just found your blog and absolutely love it 🙂
    I can sympathize with no sleep, my daughter was a rebellious little girl who never slept and as I type I have my little man in my arms, bouncing on the bed to get him to sleep.
    I am very lucky that my little boy (who is only 7 weeks old) sleeps much better at night though parties during the day….
    And by party I mean not sleeping unless in my arms being rocked or patted to sleep.

    Looking forward to reading more during these night wakings. 🙂

  11. Oh you poor love. I feel so badly for you. These days I'm still up to my four year old. But that's because we're no longer wearing a night nappy. But it does mean four times to the toile every night. It's getting the better of me! Meanwhile my one year old sleeps soundly.

    So, like you I wear my smile and hope that nobody notices the bags under my eyes!


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