I Heart…

i balmy afternoons + a cool fan
i missing + being missed
i having a super clean car
whitney + the gang
i mini chocolate easter eggs {sshhhh!}
i seeing the simple things {balloons! apples! cupcake drawings!} making a certain little person so happy
i the sound opening a ice cold can of diet coke makes
i being part of something this exciting
i little baby cuddles + remembering to a time back when
i the perks of blogging : trialling new products
i sweet disposition
i waking in the dark of the night to the sound of heavy rain
i short working weeks
i dreaming of all that may be

what do you heart on this sunny thursday?

8 thoughts on “I Heart…”

  1. I just can't enough of Olivia Palermo and all that she stands for. She is hideous and marvellous all at the same time. LOVE the city. What am I 22?

  2. oh im crazy about mini chocolate easter too… i sent danny out on a chocolate run last night and they were at the top of my list! its kind of unfair they have them in the stores already – they are just to tempting!

  3. Chantelle, thanks so much for telling us about Mums Card. What a great idea, I love them. Wish I'd known about them sooner, but better late than never! I've just ordered mine now!

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