How to be happier: Hang out with a blogger

{Eden & I doing as bloggers do}

A while back I saw something on how to be a little bit happier. The expert gave some advice that really resonated with me: Get out with your girlfriends. She went on to mention that feeling you get after a really good time with the girls. Beforehand you might be saying, “I don’t have time. I feel too frumpy. I’m tired. I won’t go.” But always after you’ve made the effort, you’re buzzing a little bit inside the next day.

Want to know another way to get the buzz? Hang out with a blogger or two.

Before I had ever met a fellow blogger before I was a bit sheepish to admit that I blogged. Then slowly I met a handful of beautiful bloggers over dinner, and connected over things we had in common. Time passed by and more opportunities to meet with other bloggers arose and more friends were made. Each and every time I got the buzz afterwards. Just like my soul had been recharged. Hanging with my kind of people made me feel… good.

Of course for non-bloggers it might seem weird. Meeting people that you’ve met online might seem odd, and I know before I’d dabbled in it, I thought so too. I’m sure if I asked my brother about it {he hates online} he’d think I was a fruitloop.

It’s not that we spend time talking about HTML coding, blogrolls and all things blogging, because quite often those topics never ever come up. It’s just that we see glimpses into each others lives, and to meet is to get the real deal. Plus we all seem to get each other. It’s kinda nice.

Of course, as with anything, there are trolls and dolls that like to stir trouble in the online world, and there are bloggers that you just don’t gel with. But they’re few and far between {in my experience}.

The excitement has just kicked in for me about BlogHer. I’ve gone from fretting to excited planning and I can’t wait to spend time with my kind, my blogging friends – as well as meet new bloggers too.

How long has it been since you’ve had the buzzing feeling? Have you ever met a blogger or someone from online?

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21 thoughts on “How to be happier: Hang out with a blogger”

  1. TOTALLY agree! There is something different about catching up with people that really get you. I have loved it each and every time I have been lucky enough to do it. Your company NOT excluded! I hope we get to catch up again sometime soon x

    And next year? BlogHer and I have a date. Fo shiz.

  2. Totally agree. My craft group gals are the ones who totally get me – the obsession over fabric, the desire to buy a new pattern the instant you've heard about it. How there can never be too many craft books. And they make me laugh till I cry! What's not to love?

  3. I'm so lucky to have about 8 girlfriends from high school still, and 20+ years later, I LOVE the time I spend with them and always look forward to our dinners or long lunches. If only we could go back and tell our 16 year old selves how important girlfriend relationships are. Don't know where I'd be without my girls.

  4. I've met some great girlfriends online, we have a ball surnames we get together for weekends away. I met one of my best mates via a forum and her blog, she lived up the street from me. I am sure that blogher will be amazingly invigorating, very jealous here 🙂 tatum xx

  5. nothing better than ladies nights!! high heels, mascara and vodka! sweet!

    im a little clueless about this blogher thing- hows it work?


    p.s- so when are we meeting for that coffee? 😉

  6. yes yes! absolutely. I have been meeting online friends for 14 years now and it has been mostly awesome. Meeting bloggers is always awesome. I can't wait to hear more about blog her and hope to get there one day myself in a few years time.

    p.s. anyone that doesn't have fun with Eden is broken.

  7. As a Blogger myself (only fairly new to this amazing Blog World), I can only hope to one day meet other Bloggers in person, that I have connected with online.

    You are so lucky to be asked to be a part of BlogHer, I'm sure you will LOVE it and enjoy meeting even more fabulous Bloggers out there! Good Luck!

    J xo

  8. What's really funny is when you tell your “real life” friends about the bloggers you've met online and how they are now really good friends! They look at you like you've been internet dating!

  9. I've met a handful of bloggers and feel like they really understood me. I don't ever talk about my blog in real life, so it was nice to meet bloggers and be able to chat about the online world without feeling like a weirdo xxx

  10. Thanks to blogs and online forums, I've made developed some absolutely wonderful friendships. In fact, I met some of my closest friends online!

  11. Love this post for happiness reasons and also blog reasons. I have so loved meeting many wonderful bloggers in real life and it is so delightful when they are even nicer and more fun than you thought you would be. I have had the wonderful opportunity to meet Eden in real life several times and adore her! Hopefully we will met up sometime as well. N x

  12. Sure have. I count the lovely Jen from Style MILK and Hayley from Little Pinwheel as two of my gorgeous 'real-life' friends. Jen lives in Brisbane and we always catch up when she's in Sydney. Hayley and I catch up when one of us could be bothered crossing the bridge for a coffee!

  13. I agree! girls nights are the best! met my first blogger friends a few weeks ago and we just clicked! It was totally awesome! Have another date with a beautiful blogger next week and i can't wait! x

  14. Agree agree! I've only met one blogger so far but she was great and I feel like I've known her forever now! There's an instant connection that you don't get elsewhere. Have an amazing time at BlogHer and enjoy meeting some new blogging peeps! xx

  15. I wholeheartedly agree with this post. I think the blog world is a happy and inspiring place and the people we met online are just that in real life. I have met Charley of Flora & Purl and she is one of my dearest friends now. All thanks to blogging. xxLou xx

  16. I dont think you can make a differentiation between your 'online' life and 'real' life anymore, they mesh together so closely. I met one of my best friends online, I met my husband online (both through the same chat room we all used to hang out in) and I have met many others through forums I frequent. They are all good people, we have a blast together (due to the shared interest than brought us to the forum in the first place) and I would call a lot of them very close friends.

    For those who find this odd, its almost like they are the odd ones out now. Everyone has an online life that crosses over into their real life in some way.

    I would LOVE to meet some of my online blog heroes, they all seem like such fun…Mrs Woog, Baby Mac, yourself, Edenland. I can imagine a girls night out with those ladies would be a HOOT!

  17. I haven't met any bloggers in person as yet but I am hoping to get to the blog conference in Melbourne next year to rectify that! So far, all my interactions wth bloggers on their sites or at Digital Parents or on Twitter and Facebook have been positive – have met so many kindred spirits, hoping that does spill out into real friendships IRL! Kirsty @ My Home Truths

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