So let me explain a little bit about what this is and how it works. This {above} is a photo a day challenge list for April. The idea is that you use your camera phone or camera and take a photo each day using the list as inspiration. For example: with the prompt ‘your reflection’ you would take a photo of yourself in a mirror, in the reflection of a lake, or even in the reflection of a window or kettle. It can by any reflection. There are no rules for this except to have fun!
So once you’ve taken a photo, what do you do with it? Share it! Here’s how to share it on different platforms:
INSTAGRAM: Upload your photo to Instagram, add a sweet filter and put #photoadayApril in the caption so others can see your photos {share to Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Flickr etc from Instagram if you like}
TWITTER: Upload your photo to Instagram, add some words to describe it and use the hashtag #photoadayApril so others can see your photos
FACEBOOK: Create an album titled something like, Photo a Day April, and make the album public, then upload your photos. It’s a good idea to upload the list too so you can refer to it and others can see what you’re doing. You can also share your photos on my Fat Mum Slim Facebook page. Or tag my page in your photos instead.
PINTEREST: Upload your photos to a board, and use the hashtag #photoadayApril so that others can search for them.
BLOGS & TUMBLR: Upload your photos to your blog or Tumblr and share with the world.
FLICKR: Share your photos in the Photo a day April group.
You can share the links to where ever you’re sharing the photos in the comments below if you like.
Once you’ve uploaded your own photo then go and look at other people’s photos, comment on them, like them and be part of this great community.
In March there were over 1,052,000 photos shared on Instagram alone. I think if we could count the photos on every platform we’d have well over 1.5 million. Well over! Good work everyone! Thanks for playing along.
Please feel free to share the list where ever you like. It’s our list as a community, so please put it up where ever you want.
Lastly, please note that the hashtag is #photoadayApril. It was changed from the format we’ve used in previous months due to people jumping on our hashtag and creating other challenges. The hashtag to use for April is indeed #photoadayApril
I’m looking forward to seeing all the photos in April! Let’s have some photo-taking fun!
Let me know if you have any questions, and I’ll answer them below. x
YAY so excited !!! Love #13, that will be fun!
I agree. x
This is fun!! I will definitely be partaking in this!!! How can we share it via blog?? Others have hashtags… do we just tag it the same way we tag blog entries?
*new to blogging . _ . *
You can tag it if you like. Just share your link in the comments here. 🙂
Oooh – I'm new to blogging, too and have been waiting to get in on one of these challenges! Fun! Yay! and thanks!
Ooh! Okay then here's the link with the tag attached ^^
I'm having so much fun looking at people's entry.
have loved doing March, will be joining in again this month!
I haven't missed a day of the March one so I'm in!
Such a fantastic idea Chantelle…..thanks for sharing with everyone!
PS I've tried to tag your page in my photos but I can't get it to come up! I'll keep trying 🙂
I have enjoyed doing this each day in March and really want to thank you for putting this together. It's a daily challenge that I love 🙂
Kate @ http://www.flufflefritz.com
I absolutly loved March and am continuing with April..I like the new hashtag too!!
YAY! I skipped feb and march but I'm ready again for april! So excited! Thanks for these challenges:) xx
OK – My NEW YEAR is going to start on the FIRST OF APRIL – time to focus on starting the New Years Resolutions and start my Photo a Day project!
Can't wait for some of these photo days they are great! Loved following and playing in March. Thankyou so much for a great challenge
What a great challenge. And it is helped by your list of inspirations.
I'm going to give this month a go, yay, so inspirational, love Posie
Thank you, again for the inspiration.
I'll be joining in, again and hoping to actually finish it.
Wanna follow?
Chantelle, you are amazing. This is really clear and inspiring. The Facebook link up is fabulous!
Xo em
I blogged about you:) http://www.scrap-a-little.com
Thanks Helen. Was a lovely read. x
FUN! I'm in. Thanks, Chantelle.
It'll be my first time to participate. Been seeing this on my friend's Facebook so I got curious. I tried doing Project 365 but I lost interest in it even before I got halfway through. I think is very doable. 🙂 Thanks!
Me too!! I tried the 365 project but got bored. The March photo a day challenge though, I didn't miss a day!
I just posted my recap of March!
I can't wait for April!
I fell off Project 366 very early in the year, but I'll try to stick to this in April. Thanks for the inspiration! 🙂
Ready 🙂
on twitter: thebrunette_
and on my blog: http://100facts-about-me.blogspot.it/
🙂 🙂
I tried to do this in march but I fell off after.. 2 days? Maybe I'll manage to finish this one 🙂
I've just finished March and can't wait to start April! I'm not on Instagram so I'll be posting the pics on my blog http://mydarlingsandme2@blogspot.com
looking forward to finally being able to participate with my shiny new iPhone!!
Thank you so much for that great project. I started my first photoaday-thing this month. Ok, for me it was an “a photo almost every second day”-thing, but I had a lot of fun and can't wait for april to begin.
I'm in! New to blogging and instagram. I was too late for the March challenge, but I'm raring to go for April. Thanks so much for putting this together. 🙂
Yayyyyy I'm in it again, can't wait to begin.
The pictures are here http://lovethelifewelive.wordpress.com/ and on my instagram mirellanl
yay!! I love this challenge 🙂
it's so much fun! come on April…
I'm in! March was my first month of this and I have loved the challenge.
I've just blogged about my April intentions (and linked back to this post):
Thank you for these prompts, you're an inspiration to so many of us!
I loved the idea and I will be participating!
I started doing the photo a day challenge on my blog about halfway through March, and I've only missed a couple of days. It has been fun and I look forward to April's list. I am also doing the hair photos. I really enjoy your blog!
I've enjoyed looking at everyone's March photos so much that I've decided to join in the fun for April. I'll post my first photo with info about the challenge on my blog (and facebook) tomorrow. This is a great idea…thanks for hosting it 🙂
Hello Chantelle!!!
I am happy to start with you this project for April.
I have watched February and March and apart from looooving the photos i also got really jealous 🙂
I will make a post about it on my blog and will be posting there:
Here's my #MarchPhotoADay compilation post:
(Been playing along since Jan 01).
Squee! I had SO much fun with February & March.
I'll be posting on Instagram/Twitter as cinnabubbles and post on Fridays/Mondays on my blog.
Remy / Cinnamon Bubbles
So excited to participate again this month and loving this month's prompts! Thanks for doing this! I posted about it on my blog and my photos will be shared on Instagram http://instajelly.com/henriettaann & Twitter {@ahensnest} and sometimes in a weekly round up on my blog 🙂
Might attempt this one. I'm on a photojournal website called blipfoto.com so I'll post mine on there as well as on Twitter x
I love the idea. I'll participate for the first time and I'm really excited. I'll post the photos on my blog! Greetings from Germany 🙂
Does it have to be via Instagram? Ive got a Blackberry so I can;t use it! Can I just take a pic on my BB and tweet as per normal?
No way! You can use any platform you like. As you can see above you can use Twitter, or Facebook or even Pinterest. 🙂
FAB THANKS! Sounds like sooooo much fun tho Ive almost missed day one!!!!!
This is my first month participating!! I'll be sharing my photos on Facebook. My album link https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.3032397501160.2119903.1599591874&type=3
I'm looking forward to this! I plan to blog it, add it to your Flickr album, and have it up on facebook to hopefully get some friends to play along!
does it still work if you don't put a captial A for april?
I came over from the blog 5 minutes Just for me. I am so excited to see such a fun challenge. I think I will have to try this out. I am excited to see so many interesting ways to participate.
I will be posting pictures on my blog.
http://pineconesandacorn.blogspot.com as well as my pinterest pasge of the same name.
Thank you for sharing such a fun project and the opportunity to meet some new bloggers.
I came across a link on twitter to this and I will be joining in this month. Cheers Kim
I will definitely try. 😮
I love this! I'm so glad that there's a Flickr group! I'll be participating. I'll blog every photo on Jenn.nu, and submit to the group. 🙂
I've got my first #PhotoadayApril on my blog. Mine will have a fitness twist as my whole life revolves around weight loss (or it seems to anyway!)
Joining in for the first time this month. Sharing photos on my blog:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/washinglinerevelations
Twitter: @chickasauras
yay! I'll join too. 🙂
Jewel Clicks
Going on my 3rd month of doing photo-a-day! Just loving it! =)
Go you. xx
I've started 🙂 On school holidays so a chance to catch up again 🙂
I can't get the fat mum slim facebook page to come up when I try to tag my photos. Can anyone help me out with this please?
My first month joining in this challenge. I will share mine on Facebook. My album is here. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.3032397501160.2119903.1599591874&type=3
I'm doing this for the first time! I'm on Instagram as @mj2molliej and will post them on my blog/website at http://www.curemoll.com. This really looks like fun, thank you!! 🙂
Starting my first Photo a Day month!!
Will be sharing..
daily on lightbox : cazmonkeysaround.lightbox.com
weekly on my blog : cazmonkeysaround.blogspot.com
Thanks for the prompts!!
Yay, thanks Chantelle. I'm looking forward to another month of fab foto fun!
I'll be sharing my pics on my blog: beinggawee.blogspot.com.au
And on Instagram: @gawee
Excited to kick off my fourth month of daily photos – thanks for the fun challenge!
My first month joining in! I started today and I will be sharing the weekends on my blog
Thank you for the great idea!
Sounds like fun..Can't resist.. First time doing this, and thanks for the inspiration!
I've had a blast linking up the past 3 months and look forward to the April Challenge too! I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with, Thanks for a great Blog Challenge / Link-up…I'll be posting my April photos at http://simplysara.me/
Hello everyone, I am new to this but am looking forward to the challenge and to sharing our photos. I will be posting on facebook. Album can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.3380620727822.143729.1638543490&type=3
Is this all I have to do for you guys to see my photo?
Hi everyone, I will now also be posting on Instagram @aussimbs. Tracy
I did the February challenge and loved it – am definitely gonna give April a go!
Photos will be shared on instagram @missbfriend and on my blog http://www.missfriendslittlesecrets.blogspot.com
Can't wait to get started! x
Love the idea! This is my first month joining in too! will be posting at http://aboutjeanne.wordpress.com/
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I did January, February and March on my blog http://www.theprincesschyme.com. Unfortuantely i missed almost all days in March. So now im going to try my best to complete the whole month of April. This is so fun. Im also doing on my instagram @chymecindy.
I did most of Feb and March so I'll definitely be participating in April. I'll be using StreamZoo, which is similar to Instagram, but on Android.
Didn't know about StreamZoo….. thanks, I will try that as well
Thanks so much for the StreamZoo tip! I was looking for something like this
Y'all are welcome!
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OK, try again – Great idea, I'm in! I'll post here:
I'll be posting daily on my blog: http://love-always.me
This is my first photo a day that I'm doing so I'm pretty excited. 🙂
I had fun with March, I”m signing up for April Photo A Day Challenge. I'm at http://marissadw.blogspot.com
I'm in for the third MOnth! yay! stoked. intstagram: peachytuesday
I am going to try and participate for the month of April. I'll share my photos on my blog http://www.lszalil.blogspot.com and from time to time at http://flyingunicornforums.com/forum. I had not been doing very well in March but I sure do hpe to be more diligent in April.
I love this challenge..April will be my 3rd month.
Joining for the first time! Love challenges. So check our my first day April 1st Self Reflections listed on my blog
I will also be posting via Pinterest and Facebook!
I'm in it to win it the Month!
Not only on IG (Mama_Kat)
but on my new blog (http://andthisishowthestorygoesblog.blogspot.com/2012/04/picture-is-worth-thousand-words.html) too!
I'm blogging mine – the first one is here – http://socksandscrapbooks.blogspot.co.uk/2012/04/april-photo-day.html
Thanks for looking. I'll enjoy having a browse at the others in a little while.
I'm joining the challenge 🙂
I will post my photos on tournelune365.tumblr.com 🙂
thanks for this challenge !
I kinda don't understand some of the numbers. For example the colour one, mail, cold, how you feel today and circle.. Can you please explain to me each one? <3 btw I started it today :-*
Hey anon. Hope this helps:
Colour: Take a photo of something colourful
Mail: Take a photo of your mail, a mailbox etc
Cold: Take a photo of something cold, the weather, inside your freezer, a drink etc
How you feel today: Take a photo of your mood today. If it's happy, what represents happy? A smiley face, a blue sky, your own face smiling?
Circle: Take a photo of a circle. A wheel? A ball? Anything round.
Thank you, this was very helpful. 🙂 I will enjoy doing this.
I am so excited to do this challenge! I found out about it Mid March and knew I wanted to be part of it for the next month! Great way to get us bloggers together 🙂
I just found this on Pinterest. I'm a horrible photographer, but I'm getting my blogging juices flowing again. I discovered your blog and loved this idea. Thanks for being my April inspiration. Best to you!
Great idea! I'll be doing this for the first time. Bonus: It's my birthday month!
This will be fun! But couldn't it end on “something that makes you HAPPY/EXCITED/GIDDY/SOME OTHER POSITIVE WORD” instead of “sad”?? Fun challenge 🙂
I'll make sure there is something wonderful to look forward to in May. Perhaps you can be sad that the month is over. x
This is my first time doing anything like this, still learning to take photos but thought this would be fun… going to post my daily photos to facebook… http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.3650149611935.2180418.1220313718&type=3&l=630ef18afc
Jumping on board this month & excited to be expanding my photo skills (& branching out from only taking photos of the Bubba). Such a great concept and I'm glad it's run each month!
I'm uploading mine to twitter @MrsW86 🙂
Thanks for doing these. So fun. 🙂
I'll be posting my daily photo at http://jasonkeribaker.blogspot.com
Hi. Really enjoying your photo a day challenges. How do we tag your page in our facebook photos? I tried and your page does not come up for tagging… unless I'm doing it wrong. 🙂
I started this today. I love the idea and I'm really excited about it! Thanks so much for doing this. 🙂
Love these! With your March photo a day challenge, I didn't miss a day! I tried the 365 project, but got bored.
I'm sharing on Instagram at: Calishorty4
on Tumblr at: http://corbinsheart.tumblr.com/
and on Facebook.
Thanks for another great challenge!
Oh! And on my blog. Sorry I forgot to add that.
My link is http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1987860154186.58864.1773807141&type=3&l=c98b6345d2
Add me!
I started today and I'm pretty excited! 🙂 I'm posting my April pics here: http://purplemixtape.lightbox.com/
Totally excellent! Will post at http://iwishforyouanapplepie.wordpress.com/
I will post there 🙂
I was a bit late posting mine yesterday – but as you can see I was stuck in the microwave.
Sharing mine of Flickr. Bit new to it and can't find the group, but heres the link to my set. think you have to click through to see the pic.
Do you have a Twitter account for this?
Got to your page through a friend's on facebook and ohh boy am I glad. Had joined the Feb one, though a little late, but really missed it when it ended. Thanks for making me look forward to the April month.
I am not very good with taking photos, but sure as hell enjoy this. Thanks !!
Taking the challenge on my blog http://carelesswalk.blogspot.com/.
Hey there! I'm going to definitely join in- on my blog- My Life of Chaos- http://www.mylifeofchaos.blog.com and on facebook- Pip Rumble. Thanks xox
sugandeyy.blogspot.com and instagram on delfinasugandi! (:
Joining this month on my blog menarethattheymighthavejoy.blogspot.com and on fb (pics posted on your fb page as I haven't figured out how to tag you in the photos/albums).
I am also joining in this month on my blog- http://barrowsbliss.blogspot.com/
Just viewed several color photos on twitter and they were great! Thanks so much for hosting this!
There are a few of us wondering how we tag you in our pics on facebook, can you please tell us how?
It will be fun to play this month 🙂
What inspiration! I happened to see your list on Pinterest. Last night I had been going over my own little blog and wanted to get back to writing a little something regularly again. So I am combining your April challenge with renewing my blog on a daily basis. You'll find my pictures there. They may not be great, but it will be fun! Thank you so much for your inspiration and, if you happen to want to wander by … I can be found at http://www.seriouslyawkwarddude.blogspot.com. 😉
Thanks for the challenge, I'll see how far I can get, lol. Visit here and leave a comment with your link so I can visit you too. http://www.rowellreviews.com/2012/04/02/reflection/
So I can post them on a pinterest page and link them to your page / blog? How do I do that using#PHOTOADAYAPRIL?
This is an awesome idea. 🙂 I tried to do a few last month and this month I would like to try to do all of them. I created a Page devoted to this on my blog. Love it!!! Thanks for sharing !!!
Here's my photo a day !!!http://sailingwithbarefeet.blogspot.com/
I love these photoaday's! Mine can be seen here:
Love the challenge! Im in again…you can see all my picture on http://claudi-ja.blogspot.de/ or at INSTAGRAM NIck Claudi_ja
Mine is here http://pinterest.com/scrapasun/photo-a-day-april/
Super pumped to participate!
so glad to find this site from a friend… am definitely going to join and have fun! 😀
What would you do for day 3?
Like a picture of your mailbox or something you got in the mail?
I spread my mail for the day out on the table. It was nothing but junk! LOL.
Cool!! I am following all the way from Greece!! Here is mine (reflection) for the day!
I found your challenge in February and thought I'd try a month of it. I love it and can't stop! I'm sharing mine on my blog http://www.melaniesfamilyblog.blogspot.com
I'm going to do it…finally!!!
I started playing later in March, but just learned I should be linking them to you.
I am doing April with some other facebook friends, but cannot figure out how to get my pictures to link over to you. When I try to tag, it doesnt actually tag you.
I have tried a few different things and nothing seems to work. Got any advice?
Awesome! I have been waiting for April's cause I missed the beginning of March. And yes, i have the same question as Amber P. I couldn't get any code off your image to put in with the HTML so it would link to you. I could only save your “image” and upload it as a photo on my blog. Not trying to steal your idea! Would link to you if I could!
I'm starting today…you can see my photos at: http://cdmesquita.blogspot.pt/
Bye!!! 😀
You can check out my PHOTO OF THE DAY here:
Hello, Chantelle what an awesome idead to get back into taking photos. Just joined and hope to keep up. Missed the first few days of April and will try and catch up.
You can check my first 3 photos here:
what a wonderful Idea! thanks for the inspiration!
I'm a bit late but joining in on the fun and creativity! Can't wait to see what everyone else has come up with 🙂 Here's my info:
I started doing this, something about the month of April
broke me down to be my 1st 🙂 I even did a post on my site about it!
ps. I'm now a photo a day addict!
Trying to be in! So no pics everyday, but almost. 🙂 Oh, and texts are in finnish. But who needs words when it's a PHOTO challenge. 😉
I am still on time to join this challenge?
new to the challenge but I've tried to make up for the days I've missed. fun idea 🙂 fun app 🙂
So fun! Starting a little late 🙁
pictures found here: http://willkaseysadie.blogspot.com
I just found this and I think I will join too,
I made new blog just for this challenge, photos will be found here
May not be regular this time around but will be doing it.
Doing it! For reals.
Enjoying the challenge, Chantelle. It's been great having to think every day about the topic and to look for photo opportunities – great for the brain and the eye!
Here's my gallery so far: http://sherylgwyther.wordpress.com/2012/04/09/photoadayapril-a-photo-a-day-challenge/
Thank you for the chance to have some photofun! 🙂
GREAT RESPONSE to the April challenge!! Once again I have joined you. I've added my first weeks pictures for April. Thanks for the challenge. You are absolutely FABULOUS, Chantelle. I really enjoy your blog.
OK, go here:
I've leapt on the bandwagon mid-month…but that's because today is my birthday, so these challenge prompts will document the year I am 28.
Hi Chantelle –
I just found this challenge yesterday, so jumped on board too – my first post was through instagram, but I've now posted my 'catch up' on my blog: http://aboo10.blogspot.co.uk/2012/04/photo-challenge.html
I think I'm doing it wrong… but I'll be on track in May!!
What a lovely idea!!
LOVE these!! Doing it on Instagram!! @gladyanne http://followgram.me/gladyanne
I found this yesterday and started today 🙂 I'm posting on Instagram @ twoplusseven and I have a public Facebook album
Looks like fun 🙂
Here's the link to my photos. Going to get yesterday and today loaded a little later this afternoon. Love doing this, thank you so much for a great idea!
Yay! My first photo a day challenge:
To begin : http://les-pages-a-venir.over-blog.com/article-photo-a-day-april-01-103506499.html
I love this idea! Thank you!
Even though it's not the start of April, I'll surely join this challenge. I can't wait to start.
Am I too late to join for April's challenge?
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hooray! this looks like so much fun. i'm definitely in, despite the fact that April is already half over. 🙂 you can fin me on twitter @bsidesdesign or instagram @brandisides. i blog at http://www.bsidesdesign.wordpress.com
Have really been enjoying these photo-a-day things!! I haven't missed a day since Feb 1st!:)
I LOVE THIS! When will you be posting the May photo challenge? I am so happy to have found you xoxo I cannot wait to take part!
I have been loving the photo challenges since they started this year and haven't missed a day (although been late with posting a few times) just wondering if you will continue this for a whole year? looking forward to May's list!
I'm loving this photo a day challenge look forward to next month.
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This has made me so much more observant of the world around me – thank you for the inspirational idea! Here are my photos for the first half of the month:
It's been so fun!
This is my April recap… http://yaniblog.blogspot.com/2012/04/photoadayapril.html
Blogged it! I was super slack the past week but will add each topic to my calender so I will not forget! lol!
Oops! That comment was supposed to be in May!
great blog . font is a bit too small on my browser though
Any chance you have a calendar for this that can be imported into Apple’s calendar app?
This is last year’s list unfortunately. The 2013 April list is out on Monday. x