Yummy strawberry yoghurt cupcakes

Yummy strawberry yoghurt cupcakes

I’ve written a little bit about my neighbour Carol, but in case you haven’t read those posts… let me tell you, she’s awesome. She’s a great cook, an awesome liver-of-life {you know, just fills her days with real living!} and she just tells it how it is {my favourite kind of people!}. I like her. The kids love her. And we like her cooking.

My kids do not like yoghurt. I try. Oh man, how easy it would be to give them some fruit and yoghurt for breakfast and send them on their way. But no. Denied.

Carol made these cupcakes and the girls gobble them up. I laugh, because yoghurt.

Carol kindly shared the recipe with me. She used a buttercream for the icing, I’d suggest doing the same.

Yummy strawberry yoghurt cupcakes


3 cups of self-raising flour
2 cups caster sugar
1 cup {250ml} strawberry yoghurt
1 cup vegetable oil
3 eggs
1/4 teaspoon of salt


♥ Preheat your oven to 180°C. Line two 12-hole cupcake pans with paper patty cases.
♥ Place all the ingredients into a large bowl, and mix using an electric mixer until well combined. Spoon the mixture into the patty cases, and then bake for 15-20 minutes until golden and cooked through.
♥ Top with a delicious buttercream icing.

What’s one food that your kids won’t eat?



8 thoughts on “Yummy strawberry yoghurt cupcakes”

  1. Hi Chantelle… I have written out this recipe for the cupcakes………. they will be on my menu for sure..
    My kids didn’t have any real food hates…. I was lucky.. xxx
    Have a great day …. Barb xxx

  2. Yum will have to try this with the kids. My kids eat everything which can some times be a blessing, or a pain if i am wanting to enjoy some oysters and crab. Beautiful photo aswell.

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