Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.Phew.
Surely that’s the longest movie title there ever was. I went and saw this movie on Friday and when people asked me what I was going to see, or what I’d seen, or even when I was buying the tickets I had to resort to, “Oh the movie about Alexander and the bad day”.
I also went alone to the movies. Lacey wasn’t feeling well, so I went alone. And I laughed out loud. I was that person. And I liked it. The movie is hilarious, easy to watch and just fun. Plus it has a nice, feel-good message throughout.
Take a peek here:
We all have bad days. Maybe not baby-eating-green-texta, door-falling-off-car bad days… but the days where everything seems to go wrong that you just can’t wait til it’s time for bed because you’d need a miracle to turn the day into a good one. You hearing me?
I’m a glass half full type person so I love this quote from the movie:
“You’ve gotta have the bad days so you can love the good days even more.”
I’ve got 40 family passes to watch Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day at the cinema, which I think would come in very handy during the school holidays {the movie is officially in cinemas this Thursday}. Just answer the question below to win.
Open to Australian residents only.
Competition closes Tuesday 2nd December 2014 at 11:59pm.
One entry per person.
As I finished my comp entry, one of our cats just smashed my mother in laws 2 good platters off our dining table into stacks of pieces. Oh dear 🙁