The pointy end of pregnancy…

This is a sponsored post for Tommee Tippee Miomee.

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At my appointment at the hospital the other day my Obstetrician said to me, “You’re at the pointy end of the pregnancy now.” By that I think she means the ‘ouchy’ end. You know, pretty close to giving birth.

The waiting room is tiny, about the size of a standard bedroom filled with pregnant women trying to squeeze around each other to make their way to the bathroom, their appointments, to get weighed and have their blood pressure recorded. I don’t really look very pregnant, I didn’t with Lacey either. But I feel pregnant. Everything is sore and tight and uncomfortable. I ran into a neighbour that I haven’t seen since Christmas a few weekends ago as I was walking waddling around the block. “Yeah, I’m pregnant,” I told her. When she asked how far along I was, I think she was expecting me to say some date in the first trimester but when I told her that I was due to give birth next month, she responded quite surprised, “You don’t even look pregnant!”

Oh, I feel it. I’m smack-bang in that late stage where nesting is kicking in and everything has to be perfect for the baby’s arrival. I’m a control freak and I like to be organised, well kinda organised. I’ve called for the carpets to be cleaned, and the couch too. “Because the baby will totally know if the couch isn’t steam cleaned!” I laughed to the lady at the carpet cleaning place.

I’ve washed all the baby clothes, even Lacey’s pink things – despite not knowing the sex of the baby, you know… just in case and because I need to be organised to some extent. Heck, I even ironed some of the little clothes. It’s not that I have a whole host of spare time on my hands either, I’m doing most of these things at crazy o’clock {3am to those playing at home}. I’ve written lists and lists and more lists of things that need doing, and I am loving crossing them off. Linen press re-organised? Tick. Laundry walls wiped down? Tick. Tupperware cupboard sorted? Tick.

To be honest though, I don’t feel organised. I feel like I have so much ahead of me. At this stage with Lacey I was totally sorted. The room was set up, decorated and everything was organised. I waddled off to work each day, dropped the kids to school, came home for a wee little nap and then got back to work quickly. This time I’m fitting things in when I can, and trying to keep Lacey happy and entertained at the same time, all too aware that our days of just mama and daughter are limited.

When we had Lacey we lived in a teeny apartment. I really didn’t realise just how small it was until we moved into a house with a linen press, and cupboards. So we just couldn’t keep everything that we had for her. And because she was such an unsettled baby we went slightly crazy with things that might settle her or make her happy. A rocker promising to put her to sleep? We bought it. A musical play mat? You bet your bottom dollar we had it.

So, this time I’ve had to buy a lot of the things we didn’t keep from our baby days with Lacey. But I’ve got motherhood up my sleeve now and I know what I do need, what I don’t and what might be a bit of a splurge. Together with Tommee Tippee Miomee, I’ve created a downloadable {and printable} checklist so that if you’re pregnant you can have a buying for baby guide. Click here to download and/or print it.


Don’t forget, if you’re having a baby, had one or know someone who has, I’ve put together a sweet starter bundle of goodies over at Tommee Tippee Miomee. You’ll need to create an account to purchase the bundle {and log in}, one offer per customer, not valid with any other offers or coupons, and the offer ends on August 31st 2013 at 11:59pm. Use the code FMSBabyShower to get 20% off too, and shipping is free. x

P.S. I know a few of you mentioned that you want to see more of the baby’s room and know where stuff is from. There will be a post coming soon! Promise. x

11 thoughts on “The pointy end of pregnancy…”

  1. can I ask where your chair is from?? I have been looking for one like that for our nursery but have not been able to find anything!

  2. good luck with the tip of the point, it is a bit of an Everest climb, hard to breathe near the summit. I love your bees

  3. Reading all of this about being at the tip, I get the feeling I always get when someone i love is ready to give birth. All weepy and my tummy flutters and excited for you. Just love that tender trust, and that sweet baby breath, and the great expectations(hehe). Can’t wait to see where the bees live.

  4. We’re having a heat wave in the UK & I have never been so glad to be at the pointy end of something in my life! It’s been decided that I’m having a c section on 5 August so just 19 more days to wait! I am so happy! Seriously, 2nd pregnancies are hard when there’s a 5 year old to entertain as well! Nesting hasn’t hit me yet. Expecting it when I finally finish work on Friday. Glad you’re on the home straight too – not long til we meet our babies! Yeah!

  5. Oh Chantelle – you are SUPER organised!! We have around 6 weeks to go and only had new carpet put in yesterday. My chests of drawers are in the bath and storage boxes in the spare shower!! EEKK!! I still have mountains of washing / sorting and organising to do before our bubba arrives…. but strangely I feel much calmer this time round. We’ll see if I’m still feeling like that next week 😉 x x x Ps. Your babies room is gorgeous!

  6. Wow your nursery looks divine! I’ve got 4 1/2 weeks to go and only just cleared out the baby’s room yesterday! I love the bee wall decals – where did you get them?

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