Quick & Dirty Chocolate Souffle.


aim incredibly* high when I’m setting goals for myself. One of my goals that I wanted to achieve before I turned 30 was making a souffle. See how high that goal is? It’s up there with trekking the Kokoda Trail.

Australia Day this year was hot and sticky. The sort of weather where the only cooking you want to do is outside on the BBQ. Being the sucker that I am I thought why not try the souffle today. I had all the ingredients, and why not turn the temperature up a little more by putting the oven on. Why not indeed.

So I pulled out a recipe I’d kept aside to try and started weighing out the ingredients. I was separating the eggs when I lost count. Is there four or five in there? I thought. I threw another in just in case. The more the merrier, right?

Lacey was screaming and tired, and ready for a nap. My little sister was trying to calm her down whilst I was baking, she quickly came on to oversee the souffle baking. She grabbed a square of chocolate from the bowl that I had just finished weighing as she exited the kitchen. You do know that making souffles is an exact science, don’t you? I yelled as I wiped my sweaty brow.

Oh shit, she exclaimed with a mouth full of chocolate, do you want me to put it back in?

I didn’t tell her about the egg situation, but I was content that I could blame her chocolate stealing for the failure of the souffle if it didn’t work out. Nah, I replied, that’s just plain gross.

I whipped it all together and popped them into the oven. Lacey fell asleep. And we waited for the sausages to finish sizzling so we could start on our lunch. Sixteen minutes later the souffles were ready, but the sausages were not. So we did what any true blue Aussie would. We ate the souffle first.

And it was beyond delicious.

This recipe is from the current issue of Notebook magazine. Here it is:

Quick & Dirty** Chocolate Souffle Cake.

Serves 6-8.

Butter and sugar for the mould
225g dark chocolate
2 tbs strong coffee {I left this out because none of us like coffee}
5 eggs, separated
1/2 cup sugar
A pinch of salt
1 tbs flour

1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees celcius. Lightly butter and sugar a 25cm ceramic tart mould.

2. In the top of a double boiler or in the microwave, melt the chocolate with the coffee. Let it cool.

3. Separate the eggs – whites into a large mixing bowl, yolks into a medium mixing bowl. Whisk together the yolks and 1/2 cup sugar until it is a light yellow colour.

4. Pour the melted chocolate into the egg yolks and quickly whisk to combine, it will be quite thick. Add flour. In the large bowl, beat egg whites with a pinch of salt until they hold a stiff peak.

5. Gently fold the egg whites gradually into the yolk mixture.

6. Pour the batter into the prepared dish and bake for 20 minutes. {I actually did two from this one mixture and baked it for 16 minutes}. The souffle will fall a little once out of the oven.

And after a mouthful of this souffle my beautiful Hubby declared, You’ve got your dessert making mojo back.

I’d left it at the hospital when I had Lacey. I’m back, baby!

*Please note extreme sarcasm.

**I have no idea why this is called dirty. It’s what it’s called in the magazine. It’s not really dirty. Unless my Little Sis did actually spit the chocolate back in when I wasn’t looking….



{one thing}

Floral Friday.

25 thoughts on “Quick & Dirty Chocolate Souffle.”

  1. If I wasn't so upset about gaining weight last week while I'm meant to be loosing it, I would totally try this. 😛 Enjoy! It looks fab!!

  2. Nom, nom, nom. Saving recipe for when I'm allowed to eat chocolate again (probably tomorrow – lol).

    Ha! My verification word is 'thinco'. Do you think the universe is trying to tell me something?

  3. Looks fantastic! I've never attempted to bake a souffle, instead I frequent a local restaurant paying $13 (or is it $15??) for their signature chocolate souffle! It is to die for! Just imagine if I could whip one up myself, much cheaper on the budget. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  4. oh my yum. if i were allowing myself such bliss I would be whipping one up right now.
    p.s. i love your blog. i have been reading for ages and only just got up the guts to start commenting. Thanks for brightening up my day.

  5. Looks delicious! I tried another choc souffle recipe a couple of months ago, but it failed dismally. Of course, I blame the recipe, so I shall try this one. I too aim for souffle perfection! Thanks!

  6. Yummo!! Good goal before you're 30. I had 4 children between finishing 2 degrees & turning 30, so i've left cooking Everest attempts to do before i'm 35. Looks delicious, well done. Love Posie

  7. Wow, I always thought that souffles were really difficult to make but that recipe looks surprisingly easy. And the souffle looks perfectly cooked – well done!

  8. Oh, yum. This looks ridiculously good (and the words 'quick' and 'dirty' in its title only add to the appeal)!

    And isn't your hubby gorgeous! 🙂

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