May photo a day challenge list

Are you ready for a month of photo-taking fun? I am and hope you are too! The hashtag for May is #photoadayMay

For those stumbling across this for the first time, this is a photo a day challenge. Each day you look at the list and there will be a prompt that corresponds with the date of the month. For example day one is peace, so for day one you’ll take a photo of something around the peace {a peace sign, something that’s peaceful in your life, you doing a peace sign with your hands etc}. You then share the photo on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, your blog, Pinterest, Flickr or where ever you want to share it.

It’s a fun way to be creative every day and it’s so much to be part of. Anyone can play {even if you haven’t played before}.

Here’s how to share your photo:

INSTAGRAM: Upload your photo to Instagram, add a sweet filter and put #photoadayMay in the caption so others can see your photos {share to Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Flickr etc from Instagram if you like}

TWITTER: Upload your photo to Instagram, add some words to describe it and use the hashtag #photoadayMay so others can see your photos

FACEBOOK: Create an album titled something like, Photo a Day May, and make the album public, then upload your photos. It’s a good idea to upload the list too so you can refer to it and others can see what you’re doing. You can also share your photos on my Fat Mum Slim Facebook page. {Unfortunately I don’t think people can tag my page in their photos. Facebook is being glitchy}.

PINTEREST: Upload your photos to a board, and use the hashtag #photoadayMay so that others can search for them.

BLOGS & TUMBLR: Upload your photos to your blog or Tumblr and share with the world.

FLICKR: Share your photos in the Photo a day group.

Feel free to leave a comment below letting us know where you’ll be sharing your photos. Once you’ve uploaded your photos have a look around at everyone’s pics. Leave comments, like them, share them and be part of the community.

Please feel free to share the list. It’s for everyone to use. Just save it and share it.

For those that would like some clarification, here’s the list. They’re open to however you want to interpret them:

1. peace {something peaceful, a peace sign etc}
2. skyline {where the sky meets land, can be buildings, the beach, forest, whatever!}
3. something you wore today {while you’re wearing it or not}
4. fun! {something you do for fun – big or small}
5. bird {a bird in the sky, an ornament, a picture, a pet etc}
6. you {a self-portrait, a picture of a picture of you, your reflection in the mirror}
7. someone that inspires you {could be someone in real life, someone well-known}
8. a smell you adore {perfume, a food, flowers, anything!}
9. something you do everyday {share something from your daily routine}
10. a favourite word {a word that you love to say, write or read}
11. kitchen {can be a picture of your kitchen, something from a kitchen or a cafe kitchen etc}
12. something that makes you happy {a person, a thing, etc}
13. mum {a picture of your mum, the word mum, a mum, mother’s day celebrations etc}
14. grass {the green stuff that grows on the ground etc}
15. love {something that represents love, something or someone you love}
16. what you’re reading {a book, a newspaper, a blog, a sign, a note etc}
17. snack {something you’re eating as a snack}
18. something you made {food, craft, a child, anything!}
19. a favourite place {a place you love being in}
20. something you can’t live without {something you’d rather not go without in your life}
21. where you stand {take a photo of where you’re standing}
22. pink {something pink}
23. technology {something that uses technology}
24. something new {what’s something new in your life?}
25. unusual {share something a little odd or weird}
26. 12 o’clock {take a photo at noon or midnight, whatever you’re doing}
27. something sweet {a candy/lolly, a cake, a person, something cute … anything!}
28. the weather today {is it sunny, rainy, cloudy today? Shoot it!}
29. a number
30. your personality {show us your personality in a photo, a word etc}
31. something beautiful {share something beautiful in your life}

I think I’ve covered everything, if not please ask questions below. And I’ll see you for photo a day May on May 1st!

Happy snapping until then. x

243 thoughts on “May photo a day challenge list”

  1. Ooh I was just thinking about the May list! Thank you for providing an outlet for this fried mum of a bub!

  2. Looks brilliant! I've done March and April and can't wait for May now. Some prompt words look challenging but most look great fun!

    I'll be posting them on Instagram, Twitter and my blog!

    Debra x

  3. Thanks, Chantelle! I have enjoyed April, and I will join in May as well. 🙂 I share just about everywhere – Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Flikr, Pinterest, and my blog

  4. I love your photo a day challenges! I have very poor follow through, and didn't finish the first two months I tried, but am on track for finishing April. Now that I'm on top of regularly taking a photo each day I'm going to keep on going the challenges. I love seeing how everyone else interprets the prompts. I'm sharing them primarily on instagram but also twitter as well

  5. YAY for May.
    I took a break over April, knew I had a tonne of things ahead of me and I lagged behind a little in March so I'm full steam ahead for May.
    Awesome list. Thanks Chantelle

  6. I just sent this to my printer (via email, no less, since I'm at Panera Bread and my printer is at home, which is 10 miles away, lol). 🙂 Yay! I've been participating in April's, and I can't wait for May's.

  7. Yay! Thanks for creating another great list! I will certainly be continuing with the challenge in May and sharing on instagram (@s_gale) and on my blog Although I am a little behind with getting my photos on the blog after getting back from holidays. Thanks again!

  8. I found out about the photo a day challenge the 2nd of April and have been able to keep up, so I am definitively going to do May! I share on Instagram and Twitter @brewrites for both.

  9. Yay, have every much enjoyed April, i try not to blog more than a few times a week so i lumped my photos in groups of 10, worked really well. Pretty excited we have new photo subjects too in our household with new baby chickety chicks, loving it. Love Posie

  10. Love it! I have had a blast for the past 3 months and looking forward to May 😉 I keep my FB private, but I share my pics on Pinterest under “Amy Patch-Lindsay” or on Twitter under “amply made” Here is to pictures and the adventure each day!!!!

  11. I am SO loving your prompts. With your lists and Instagram for Android, I feel like one of the cool kids, finally allowed to enter the inner circle. =) Thanks for the challenge and for your creative inspiration.

  12. I have a friend who did all of April so far and I am an aspiring photographer so I can't wait to do may cuz the list has my mind wandering on what to shoot and how to get real creative with this list thanx a million

  13. I'm so exiting 😀 I've participate to all of your month picture (not January 🙁 I've started following you in February! )

  14. Super excited about this. I've tried the monthly challenge for the last two months, and about half way though I quit for some reason. But, not this month. I am making it a monthly goal to complete it this time.

  15. I'm excited about the May challenge!

    I'll be sharing mine here:

    Facebook: Tammy Powell
    Twitter: pinkpearls74
    instagram: pinkpearls74

  16. This will be the first time I try it. I've had so many friends take part in the photo a day challenge and I am very excited 🙂 I think this is such a great idea.

    I will be posting on :

    Instagran: Pinkxjen
    Pinterest: Jennifer Angel

  17. Just found this challenge. I'm new to photography, have just found my passion for it =). Can't wait to try the May photo challenge!!

  18. Hi Chantelle! I really loved this project, actually I failed with #photoadayapril 🙁 But I'm so excited to try again with May! Hopefully I can complete the whole month list! <3

    I will post on :
    Blog :
    Twitter : @merahsirah
    Instagram : @merahsirah
    Streamzoo : @merahsirah

    Hopefully I can meet new friends by join this awesome project! 🙂

  19. Yeay for new list! This was my first month and I've been pretty good with remembering each day.. tho sometimes I've stacked two days into one… one of my friends saw my photos and joined in as well!

    Am looking forward to carrying on in May…

    Have been sharing on Lightbox –> fb with a weekly round up on my blog 🙂

    Thanks for the prompts!

  20. I am going to try to participate in the May challenge…will be posting to Instagram (username:lisawellz) and Pinterest. I am sooo excited!

  21. I just came across this post .. this blog, actually. I've been keeping an eye out for something to be involved in, something small, but to expand my horizions a little, if you like. It may seem like nothing, but I'm looking forward to this challenge. I think it will help me be more grateful each day for what I have and my world around me. And we can all do with a better attitude of gratitude 🙂


  22. This will be my first time participating in the photoaday challenge. Follow me on instagram @sheebielovesya. 😀

  23. I will keep playing – missed a few April pics being sick – i'll be instagrammmmming! @mymonetdream…

  24. I have just come across this and think its an a-m-a-z-i-n-g idea! So inspired. I take a million photos daily so to have a focus/topic makes me excited. It's great to know there's a whole pose of photo-addicts out there! I'll be on twitter @oursouthcoastyr, flickr, instagram @katie180a. so excited!

  25. I stumbled across your blog, and I've been here for a while (hey, who said I had to do some serious work today?!), and I'll be joining your photo contest on Instagram (tonjeglez) and my blog!

  26. Looks great – I'll be playing along again! Check out my photos on:

    twitter: @laurafellphotos
    instagram: @leaf385
    facebook: /laurafellphotography

  27. Definitely giving it another shot! May might be the month that I will be able to finish it! (Of course, this is the first time I will be participating with my new iPhone, so new apps will help me greatly!)

    I will be posting on my blog:

    And instagram:

    I'm also in Pinterest:

    Good luck and have fun everyone!

    • I'm in too! I'll be posting my shots over on tumblr:

      I'm really looking forward to this as I got a digital camera for Christmas and I like the idea of prompts helping me through breaking it in! I'll be up front though and mention that I totally suck at commenting. I love looking at other people's photos when I get the chance; but with about 100 people participating in this challenge, I have to be realistic. Recently, I was asked to comment on 20 people's blogs for 30 days and I couldn't even manage that!

      Anyway, I love the idea of this PhotoADay meme and am looking forward to see what others and I come up with 🙂

  28. I'm in 🙂 My Instagram is: ladydragonfly4. I will upload them to my FB account as I take them. So happy about my May 'project'!

  29. Thanks so much for hosting this! I've seen it before but I've never been to your site. I'm so glad that I'll be participating! I decided to share the photos on my blog every week or so and on Facebook. I'm excited! 🙂

  30. Hi there!!! I'll try to participate this time, I'm always wishing to do it, but never did it. So, I'll do my best this time. I just share the info on my blog.
    I'll be posting on my blog: and on twitter @solsuny
    Love this project!

  31. this is great! My friend sent me the link to your page. I have a camera addiction. I think I shall combine it with my pinterest addiction and load the photos there. Thanks Chantelle, this is a great idea 🙂

  32. I've wantes to do a monthly photo challenge for a long time and I never had the guts to actually try it. But I've finally decided to give it a try so I will start it tomorrow! I will post them in my blog 🙂 .

    Sara from A Modern-Day Lady

  33. Never done this before ran across the challenge on a friend's facebook page. I'm very excited about this. Posting on facebook.

  34. I'm going to give it a try…I'll post on Facebook and my blog (

    Thanks, this looks like fun.


  35. Joining this month & looking forward to it, thank you! I'll be sharing on facebook & Instagram

  36. I've just come across this and it's a great idea for inspiration..I'm going to do it on my Positano Daily Photo blog! Thanks x

  37. This is going to be my first photo a day challenge! I'm super excited! I'll be sharing on my blog and instagram (missnerdygirl).

  38. It's my first time to join your photo challenge and I hope I can carry on till end of May.

    I'll be sharing my photos on

    Instagram: badudets
    Pinterest: badudets

  39. Hi, I'm Debbie from Argentina, is the first time participating in a photo challenge … I hope to do well.

    I will comment to you that today I found this challenge, so I'll have to make two entries with photos of day 1 and day 2.

    I'll share the photos on my tumblr blog, blog address is:

  40. Hi! This looks like a fun project. I'm going to post my pictures to the flickr group page. My user name is writeagain04. 🙂

  41. Joining!

    this is great, can't wait to see everyone's pictures. 🙂

  42. I am taking te challenge and posting my photos to instagram (@CandidOne) and on my blog at! This is my first time taking the challenge! I would love to share with all of you!!

  43. Decided to join in for the first time bc I love seeing others #photoaday interpretations of the days' themes. My Instagram id is @bluebirdsunshine and I've got a blog of the same name. Look forward to checking out everyone's pics.

  44. Have just stumbled across this fab way to mark a day. I did a whole year of taking one photo a day back in 2010. Loved it! Have been looking for a new photo project and your list is brilliant! I shall be posting on Instagram @pensham & Flickr user name Pensham. I'm 1 day behind, hope that it is okay to do 1st & 2nd May together 🙂

  45. I just starting doing a photo a day for 365 days and I'm going to try to use your list as inspiration. Going to post them on facebook and my blog

  46. This sounds so much fun! I will be following the challenge on my blog, tomorrow I will catch up with the first two days and by friday I will be up to date! Please check out my blog xoxoxox

  47. Hi!! 'just found out about this challenge.. Great idea!!
    I'm joining too..
    I'll be posting at, on Facebook at “aMaryllis*άρωμα Γυναίκας” page and on twitter @aMaryllis_Mary.
    greetings from Greece!! Mary

  48. This is my first Photo a Day challenge and I am already having such a blast with it.

    I have been sharing my photos on my website, and on Twitter @WomanTribune. Thanks!

  49. So excited to join the fun! I'm a few days late, hope I can still catch up 🙂 I saw this challenge on a blog and came here.. she has a 366 day photo challenge, is that yours too?? I'd love to do that one and look back after a year!

  50. This is my first Photo A Day Challenge & on day 3 — I am LOVING it. I have been instagramming & tweeting (LaurieLizSmith for both). I am so excited for the rest of the month.

    Thanks for the inspiration!


  51. I am participating via twitter. I have been posting the picture everyday. I don't use instagram though. I'm just putting them on twitter via twitpic or twitter itself.

  52. Hi, I started this on 2nd of May, via my facebook page after finding your May Photo A Day while browsing the web. It is only now I have just realised that you have a blog for this great idea…I will pass on the URL so that my friends can join in too!!!
    Do you do this every month? I will upload my photos via my new blog – CreativeMe68-Sharon Dalton Photography
    Thanks again Shaz xoxo

  53. Wow…I always wanted to try this. I am 5 days late, but I am getting started now! You can find my photos on instagram @mrs_lovebug and on my blog

  54. Just saw this tonight. I'm going to start and will share my photos on my blog and maybe Facebook. Looking forward to seeing how some of the prompst move me. I used to take pictures all the time, but got out of the habit. Am really looking forward to getting back into shooting!

  55. I found this on May 1st and decided to play along! What a great idea! I hope you have a list again next month

    You can see my photos on my blog:

  56. It's late in the month, but I just found you through Pinterest. I'm jumping in. I've been doing Project 365 for myself, it will be fun to have direction. I can't wait for June 🙂

  57. I'm in! I started today, 12 o'clock. It's a amazing idea!! I'll be sharing on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

    Instagram and Twitter: annouk97

  58. Great great great idea! I believe that i'll be able to participate no matter the lack of time. I'm starting on the 1st of June!(I hope you can understand my english!!! :p)

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