Just fate

Yesterday we got the train for 1.5 hours on an old scenic railway. It’s something I thought I wouldn’t love, but I actually really enjoyed it. As we got into our carriage the woman in front of us approached the man behind us to ask if he spoke Chinese. Her camera wasn’t working and she wanted to see if he could help her.

Over those 1.5 hours we saw them become friends. They moved their gear to sit together, laughed the whole trip, took photos of each other and became friendly. We also saw them through the day as we did a tour together, and if I didn’t know they’d just met, I’d swear they were a couple. They just looked meant to be.

I’m sure they didn’t notice me, but I said to mum, “Would it be weird if I asked for their email, because I would really quite like to know how this all ends up…?”

Of course I didn’t, but imagine if they got married. Imagine!

I believe that things happen for a reason. Not all things. I don’t think we can justify every life occurrence with a reason, but I think fate comes into play and makes things happen.

I believe that I was meant to meet my husband. There’s a whole back story that I’ve told a few times, but I met him in a bar, but our paths were meant to cross so many times before that. It was like fate had tried so many times, and then it finally happened… and we fell in love. Corny, but true.

Three years ago I traveled to Cairns for my first ever work trip, and it was mind-blowing. It was luxurious, and generous, and I felt totally unworthy, as I often do with work-related things. I was so grateful, but I felt so far removed from reality.

On the plane ride home I met a guy named Pip who changed my life. I am gently urging you to read the blog post I wrote about it, because it’s my favourite post on this whole blog, and it was a life-defining moment for me.

Walking into the airport at Cairns on Monday this week, I remembered where I first saw Pip, and our plane ride together. I felt emotional, because as I said above, it was a big deal for me. It changed me. I wondered what he was doing and hoped that he was happy. I hoped that his dream had come true and that he was living in the town he loved, Cairns.

Yesterday after spending the whole day exploring, we asked our bus driver to drop off us at a restaurant that my mum was intent on trying instead of at our hotel. He wasn’t sure, but said he’d make it work {because he’s that kinda guy}. So, we hot-footed it off the bus and into the restaurant.

To be honest, it had been such a long day that I did say that I’d be happy grabbing take-away and having it in the room instead, but we sat down at Barnacle Bills and ordered seafood. The kids were ratty and stealing my attention, so Ma took them for a walk. I sat at the table and played on my phone {answered emails, checked Instagram etc} but then I decided to look up.

I saw Pip.

Pip lives in Wollongong, I live in the Northern Rivers of New South Wales. We hadn’t seen each other for three years, but here we were in Cairns and I saw him.

It’s so surreal I hardly believe that it happened myself.

I called out to him, and he turned and we smiled. I got up and ran to him. He remembered me. I remembered him. We chatted.

I could have easily missed him walking by. I could have been wrapped up in an email, or looking at photos, or entertaining my kids, or eating noodles in my hotel room, but I saw him.

I hugged him, because it needed to be done. He looked awesome. Still rocking his own style. Still living with his cheeky way. Ma came back as I was chatting, and I introduced her. I introduced him to my girls. Ma doesn’t read my blog, but she remembers how much our meeting moved me, she knew who Pip was.

Pip was happy. He was in his happy place. He’s looking to get an apartment here, as he was last time we met. I so want to win lotto and make it happen. I want him to be always happy. He asked when I was leaving, and when I said we were flying out the next day he stomped his foot and became annoyed. It didn’t last long. He was just happy. Look at that face, happy.


We said goodbye, and sat back down at the dinner table. Lacey turned to me and asked, “Why does your friend speak differently?”

I didn’t know what to say but told her, “Because he’s special, that’s why.”

She smiled and went back to her fish and chips. He is special. Life is amazing. It was meant to be, I just know it. Life is truly amazing.

Thank you for changing my life Pip.


Slow cooker beef tacos

Getting my yoga on

59 thoughts on “Just fate”

  1. So thrilled for you to have run into your friend again… it’s amazing how small moments make a big impact when we least expect it.

  2. I love fate, for some reason you, the powerful story teller that you are, was meant to meet pip and tell the world the story about how he changed your life. Thank you for making the world a little bit better 🙂

  3. Wow, how totally amazing. The fact he recognised and remembered you must mean you made a difference to his life too.

  4. I believe everything happens for a reason and there’s a perfect example right there. We can all take heart that Pip is living his dream – so why shouldn’t we. Big hugs to you, beautiful soul. x

  5. The angels sometimes make us meet people again and again in a life time. Just when we need to see them in our lives. I loved reading your story. I am a celebrant and it is one of my greatest pleasures in life to create ceremonies for couples. They tell me so many amazing ways they met. Some just like your couple on the train. Love and the moments where we touch anothers lives and the best of all

  6. I believe that people’s paths cross for a reason – it really was meant to be! I got all goosebumpy reading this, I’m pleased yours and Pip’s paths crossed again and I love that pic of you both – two treasures together!

  7. This is the perfect start to my day. I hadn’t read about Pip before last night and I think I’ve fallen more in love with your blog than ever before. You are amazing. Pip is amazing. And today is a great day to live with purpose. Thank you.

  8. Best post EVER to read while snuggled up in bed!! The universe is loving you fierce lately, keep that heart and mind of yours wide open because amazing things are happening. X

  9. Serendipity – I just love that you looked up and saw Pip again. I am so pleased you did. So so pleased.

  10. OH ALL THE FEELS. And I bet he turned up right at that moment for a reason too. I have no doubt that you impacted his life the way he did yours. The world needs more people like the two of you – good souls xo

  11. love, love, LOVE this story!!! <3
    {We live in Townsville and hubby is in Cairns on business – he had dinner at Barnacle Bill's last night!! }

  12. I just went and read your original post and of course ended up sitting here in tears. So lovely that you guys got to meet again. I definitely believe in fate.

  13. NO WAY! I just read the post when you meet him, I think you were meant to be there to meet him, to make his soul shine again like the first time it did when you met. I’m a big believer in signs and chance… this post has just made my day, when I needed something positive. x

  14. What a story! Made me teary reading the first installment from several years ago. Things happen for a reason, though we usually have no idea why.

  15. Such a lovely story. It is amazing how people come into our lives and make an impact, and all for the better of adding more understanding to life

  16. I read your story about meeting Pip last week. Then the other night I was driving home from a family dinner out at some markets and was overcome with sadness thinking about Pip. And the line about I just want to be normal for a week. How lucky I am to be ‘normal’. So lucky that most days I don’t even realise I am lucky. I’m crossing everything and hoping you win lotto for Pip.

  17. What a beautiful story. I have tears streaming down my face. YOU are a special person Chantelle and I think we can all learn from you.

  18. Beautiful Chantelle x Totally teared up (majorly) in both posts and totally agree that everything happens for a reason too. How cool you bumped into each other again and that things are moving in the right direction for Pip. Reading this is a reminder that there is still lots of beautiful and good things in our world xx Thank you x

  19. Chantelle I so hope that your story removes some fear and stigma for those people back on that plane that day that turned the other way – there are so many kinds of people out there with so much to offer, if you look properly. We are all blessed to different together. <3 Thank goodness for rose coloured glasses.

  20. You are such a wonderful gal! I love to read about your perspective on life. I see it as you do. You’re definitely meant to write about your blessings, that we usually call fateful events, and then share them with us. He changed your life, you surely changed his and then with sharing the experience with us has changed others too. Hopefully, just as a reminder that people are people. Then also maybe showing others that everyone feels and hurts. Those who may be called ‘different’ can see the stares, the avoiding of eye contact. They hear the ignorants words or horrid chuckles on their behalf. I hope that if any of those people read your posts, or even just this one, that it changes them for the better. People and people. We all want to feel accepted, loved, and happy.
    I’m so happy that you were able to see each other again. You are special, just as he is. xoxo

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