Being a grown up sucks. Here’s why.

Brought to you by Holiday Inn.IMG_7572

Do you remember being a kid and someone asking what you wanted to be when you grew up? And you were just excited to be an adult, because no bedtimes! Eat what you want! Watch M-rated movies! Huzzah. Being an adult was going to be the BEST THING EVER?

And then you got older, turned into a grown up and yeah. It wasn’t all it cracked up to be. Sometimes I’d quite like a refund.

Here’s why being a grown up really sucks:

♥ Bills. Who knew you had to pay for turning the lights on?
♥ Laundry. Does that stuff EVER end?
♥ Food. Oh yeah, we can eat whatever we want but we no longer have the metabolism of a kid, so that chocolate ends up turning into a nice little muffin top. Yay! Not.
♥ Realising unicorns don’t actually exist. And no, you can’t be a mermaid either.
♥ Wiping the bottoms of other human beings. Turn into a parent and you need to do that stuff. More than once.
♥ And then there’s poop in the bath. Yes, that will happen too. It happened to me just last night. Baby poop. You have to decide whether to scoop it up or poke it down. Yes, I went there.
♥ One word: dishes
♥ Being sick, and no one cares. No one. No one to wipe your nose. Stroke your forehead. Where are all the people?
♥ Falling asleep on the lounge and waking up in the morning and STILL being there. What? Isn’t there someone to carry you to bed? Where’s that person when you need them?
♥ Dinner doesn’t make itself.
♥ Sleep. It’s a thing of the past. If only you’d actually enjoyed while you had the chance.
♥ Stepping on Lego. Ouch anyone?
♥ Crying doesn’t get you what you want, instead you’re that woman crying about that thing.
♥ Telling your kids off, and realising mid-argument that you have indeed turned into your mother
♥ It used to be fun to get mail with your name on it. Now, notsomuch.
♥ You run under the sprinkler in your undies and the neighbours call the cops. When did that become unacceptable?

All jokes aside, being an adult is pretty ace {except that unicorn thing, I might never, ever get over that} but wouldn’t it be great to be a kid again? Just for a day?


Holiday Inn are searching for Australia’s biggest kid. They want you to jump up and down, have fun, and play til you can’t play anymore.

Stevie Jacobs does kid well. See.

Upload your photo of being a big kid {even bigger than Stevie} and you could win a getaway to the Holiday Inn Resort in Baruna Bali. BALI! You can check out more details, and upload your photo here.

Good luck! And may the biggest kid win {I hope it’s you!}.

12 thoughts on “Being a grown up sucks. Here’s why.”

  1. I don’t think I’m going to win that comp… I took one look at the last leap backwards onto the bed and wondered if he’d done himself any damage. Forget the Biggest Kid… I’m the Worried Mum!

  2. Lol, you reminded me of when we did the tour of the labour unit at the hospital. Looking at the birthing pool set up, one of the dads asked ‘what’s the sieve for?’ While the mum’s all exchanged glances. You know what the sieve’s for, right?

  3. That’s hilarious! I do that thing with the lift buttons all the time when I’m in fancy hotels, except I do it when I’m the only one in the lift. I’ve got this theory about the carpet being different on every floor so I like to stop the lift to check. I’ve come unstuck a few times when the lift has stopped to let people on and I have to be like “Pfft! Who pressed all the buttons?” Oh and I also eat all the things from the kids section at the breakfast buffet. Gummy bears for breakfast, that’s a thing!

    • I’m not the only one! I’m positive that the carpet is different on every floor. Also, the rooms. If I stay in the same hotel twice, I have to stay on a different floor to experience the difference.

  4. I dislike making my own lunch. It’s one of my pet hates. Our eldest starts preschool next year. So now I am going to have to make his lunch as well.

    Ugh. First world problems.

  5. Never push poop down a bath waste – always scoop (if you can). Why when we’re young do we want to grow up so quick, and now that I’m all grown up, wish I could be young again? Great post. 🙂

  6. Love it…been there and done that with both my daughter and my granddaughter. Now about that mermaid thing…hanging in my office is…If your thighs touch, you’re one step closer to being a mermaid…so who’s the winner here??? Yep…I’m getting there!!

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