Falling in love again


I was given a camera {on loan} for a while, for a job I’m doing. It’s a DSLR {fancy with the option to change settings etc} which is a nice leap up from an iPhone, and I only just realised that I haven’t had my big camera out for a very long time. Since Luella was just 1 day old. Sheesh.

When Lacey was little I played around with photography every weekend. Today I fell in love with it all over again. I loved it.

How was your weekend? Was there chocolate involved?

4 thoughts on “Falling in love again”

  1. Very relaxing weekend here with sleep in’s galore. And, of course, the Easter Bunny found our house yet again, so there’s loads of chocolate as well. Maybe the diet can start again tomorrow?

  2. My husband & I are in New Orleans this weekend to celebrate our second anniversary. I’ve had to remind myself to use my iPhone for photos to immediately share as I’ve mainly been using my Big Girl Camera. No chocolate yet although last night there was creme brûlée and maybe tonight there will be bread pudding.

  3. There is one big mistake i’ve made this year and that is selling my DSLR. I thought I would not miss it but I do. So now I’m saving to get a new one. *typing and eating chocolat at the same time now 🙂

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