10 things you really don’t need to know about me

{print from Aeropagita Prints via Etsy}

1. I’m very bad at doing nothing

In fact I’d go as far as saying I don’t really know how to do nothing. I’ll read a magazine, cook dinner, watch a program on TV and play with Lacey at the same time. If I find my life in a lull, I’ll take on or start another project of something. Right now I’m up to my hair follicles in work, helping planning a wedding, making invites and sending them out, helping planning a hen’s night, and juggling day-to-day life as a mama/wife/employee/friend/sister/etc

2. I have the travel bug
I’ve never been one to want to travel. My sister would jet off around the world and I’d bid her farewell without a sniff of envy. I had no desire to travel overseas. I loved Australia and wanted to explore here. Now I actually read the travel section in the newspaper and I dream of planning another trip. Where to next?

3. I’m too assertive but I’m not assertive enough
Last week it came to light that I’m a little too assertive within my extended family. It’s been said that ‘I’m the glue that keeps our family together’ but I’m also kinda a bit too sticky. I make the decisions. I tell everyone what we’re doing. I’ve done it for so long that I didn’t even notice that I did it. Yet at work, I’m always being told that I need to be more assertive. I need to find a happy medium.

4. I have an addictive personality
I easily get addicted to things. Right now it’s diet coke and ricotta cheesecake. Why do they have to be food? I just got told that diet coke is so bad for me that a woman recently lost her liver because of it. I’ve always thought that it had so many chemicals that one day all the diet coke drinkers would grow an extra arm, or something. No more diet coke for me.

5. Finding my ‘career’ just after becoming a mum has been hard
Just like I never wanted to travel, I never really wanted a career. I never ever wanted to work in an office and I never wanted to experience the pressure of a business. Stumbling across my career after becoming a mum has been an interesting journey {read: hard}. I just wanted to win lotto and pop babies out. I love having a career now. I love making a difference. I do wish that I’d started in my 20’s. I do look forward to my future.

6. I had a career highlight this month
We had an editor’s conference and I sat in a small room with a whole host of brilliant print and digital editors. When our business had a chance to talk my boss and CEO spoke about Social Media and the role I play. They were so complimentary and suddenly my idols {magazine editors} wanted to talk to me. I even shared a toasted sandwich moment with Donna Hay.

7. I have a super fear of microphones
At the same conference I saw someone heading towards me with a microphone so I could answer questions and I froze. I couldn’t do it. There was one strict rule I had at my wedding, no microphones for me. I can’t go near them. I am going to put it on my list of things to make myself do to get out of my comfort zone.

8. This year has been full of ups and downs
I feel like this has been one of the worst years of my life, mainly because of losing Bluey {Hubby’s dad}. Nothing feels ‘right’ anymore. I still get really teary and can’t really talk about him without crying. At the same time Lacey couldn’t possibly be any cuter, my sister got engaged, I’ve been overseas twice {including a trip of a lifetime to Disney World}. Still, it’s all a little tough.

9. I’m losing weight
In the past couple of months I’ve lost 8kg {one dress size} and I’m slowly losing more. It’s hard to diet but not diet, but I’m finding a happy place {eating healthy, moving more, losing weight slowly}. At my sister’s wedding the other bridesmaids are size 6’s and 8’s. It’s inevitable that I will be the chubby bridesmaid.

10. I struggle with the last 20%
I get all revved up for starting anything. Cleaning the house, cooking dinner, a new project, tackling my inbox, making something, anything. And then when I reach 80% I get unmotivated. So the fact that I finished this list, is a miracle in itself.

I was tagged by the lovely Rachael at It Must Be Coffee Time, and I’m now tagging you. You! If you have a blog, share it over there. If you don’t, tell me below. What’s something that I don’t need to know about you?

30 thoughts on “10 things you really don’t need to know about me”

  1. You may be the chubby bridesmaid, but it sounds like you'll also be the awesome one that gets stuff done! I swear I wasted years of my life worrying about my weight and not truly living. I regret not appreciating my body more and just getting on with life.
    Had to laugh at your diet coke addiction too. Even with talk of extra arms, I'd love one right now with some ice blocks! Sorry liver, you've got to die somehow. 😉

  2. I'm with you on that last 20% thing! I get so motivated easily, but struggle to finish the big projects! Congrats on the weight loss too. Well done. I loved reading your post today xoxo

  3. I loved this post, I am sure people will identify with many of your 10 things (me with the loosing weight and the 80% rule). Good for you to have your moment to shine at work!


  4. I can relate to some of these! Unable to do one thing at one time, I am writing a blog post, reading yours, and feeding my 7 month old boy at the same time. Gone are the days of doing nothing!
    Way to go with your weight loss! 8kg is awesome! I joined a local gym a few months ago and it makes me so happy to see old clothes too big, and of course shopping for new smaller clothes is the best!
    I have joined in, and look forward to reading more! 🙂

  5. totally with you on the finding it hard to finish things one. completely jealous of your toasted sandwich moment with donna hay, the woman is a rockstar.
    was the perfect thing for me to blog about this morning too http://bit.ly/sz3vGv after being up an hour earlier than normal :/ Tatum xx

  6. I am with you on many of these – especially the last 20% thing.

    I cannot believe you shared a toastie with Donna hay – love her – slight crush…

    I have a speaking gig tomorrow and I swear until I read your post I had not even thought about if I will have to use a microphone – i hate them too and am now a tad worried and praying they will hear my loud voice and let me off the hook – eek!

  7. The title should be 10 things you DEFINITELY need to know about me (and you), as so many of these points ring true for so many of us (tick for the ricotta cheesecake, cross for the 8kg for me). It's nice to know that in the midst of my melancholy/exuberance/enthusiasm/procrastination/motivation there are many more sharing the experience with me.

  8. Thanks Chantelle xx

    I too, am only an 80% doer. I tend to blame it on not enough hours in the day, not enough days in the week, but really I'm too impatient and loose interest. Can totally relate with no 5…why do I only just now realise, after having a child, what it is I want to do? Very frustrating that I don't have the time or 'money' to make it happen right now. Wish I realised what I 'had' pre child days.

    Congrats on the weight loss! And remember size isn't beauty, true happiness is beauty, so knock those 6's & 8's dead at the wedding.

    Was great reading this!

    PS Microphones scare me too!

  9. Ohh goodness, I can relate! The no career thing, now an amazing career AND baby, the last 20%, the addictive personality, the assertive ambiguity, the travel bug.

    It's so bad that yesterday I saw Jetstar advertising tickets to Japan for $199 so I booked immediately and am now apparently going on a Japanese holiday in December!

    I think I might do the same thing tomorrow… ten things.. surely I'll get past eight!

  10. I loved reading this – Chantelle, come up to my house. I will *totally* teach you how to do nothing. It's awesome, but it always leaves me feeling lazy. Odd.

    You don't need to know that I borrow my husbands clippers for lady gardening. And he can always tell because I blunt them.


  11. OH my goodness.. the 20% thing.. I'm totally like that.. I have been doing my PhD since pre-hubby, pre-house (and pre-renos) and pre-baby that's now 3 years old.. and well its action time.. I've done the 80%.. and its time for the 20 and I just wanna run away and hide.. but I know that once i finish SOMETHING of significance then I know I'll be able to do it again.. failure's not an option… but seriously I'm struggling 🙁

    Any ideas from anyone on how to *DO* that last 20%???

  12. I will gladly help you get over that fear of microphones ~ you are lovely in every way and if you are traveling, your accent will win the crowd before you even get past saying hello =) Thought of you today and so glad I stopped by my Aussie friend! Blessings from NC ~

  13. Totally understand the 80% syndrome – I'm like that as well. Get really excited to start something new but I get bored or distracted and never seme to muster up the energy to do the lsat 20%.

    Also, the losing weight for being a bridesmaid – I'm one for my childhood friend at the end of Nov and am half-heartedly (but desperately) trying to lose weight so I won't be the 'chubby' one next to the other size 6-8's bridesmaids next to me.

  14. Yeah I've been the chubby bridesmaid and I think everyone has the 80% sydrome!!

    Something you don't need to know about me, I recently discovered that I am a jealous person … I want what other people have and feel a bit sulky when I can't have it. Bad trait alert!

    I'm going to start counting all my many blessings instead of worrying about other people. It's my almost new year resolution!!

    Kair x

  15. I drop off at 80% too! Usually i get that far through a project before real life takes over and I just can't find the motivation to do the last piece. I have a “finishing” day once a month where I force myself to finish jobs or projects I have almost but not quite done. At the same time I make WonderMan do all the jobs he was “gonna” do but hasn't. He's the king of procrastinators!

  16. What a fun list for me to read on my first visit here! You are a charm–'tho I must say that giving up Diet Coke is a pretty big proposition, as the stuff is insidiously addictive.

    Congrats on the weight loss. I'm working on the same myself right now. If you ever start another blog, call it Chubby Bridesmaid, as those words together tell a fascinating story!

  17. You've just totally turned me off diet coke, now i'm imagining this baby coming out with 3 arms.

    Well done on the weight loss, and the career, i'm so glad to hear your enjoying it. So what if you didn't find it at 21, maybe there's a reason you came to it a little later? You might not have had as much to say or share in your early 20's & the blog/career wouldn't have been as successful as it is now. I'm a believer in everything happens for a reason, even if we don't quite understand the reason at the time.

  18. I read this this morning on my ipad but only getting back to comment now after a busy day. I love this list … for many reasons Chantelle. Lot's I can relate to (the good and the bad stuff) but the thing that most resonated with me was you finding your career after children. You know what I think? I think we were all waiting for technology to catch up with our brilliance 😉 Yes, I had a career before blogging but it was never as rewarding or satisfying. I was a geek in the making and just had to be patient for my time to come! Your's has come … and more. Shine your light! x

  19. What a great list. I love these kinds of memes, I think we should all come back to our lists in a year and see how we've changed, if we've changed. I only wrote mine last week (?) and already have changed one of my points – I've started eating right and am getting back in to jogging every other morning. I just read my list, and one of the points was that I was too lazy to exercise, like bad food too much, so its easier to sit on the couch and complain about being fat. not anymore! Here's the rest of the list: http://coloursofsunset.wordpress.com/2011/10/20/10-things-you-wish-you-didnt-know-about-me/

  20. You inspired me to do one on my very own blog and boy, it was confronting! but lots of fun 🙂

    It made me realise i need to fix things {not cut my own fringe anymore and failing at it!} and being able to talk about something {Post Natal Depression} I feel better about.

    Thankyou! & I totally love your blog 🙂


  21. I love the ten things posts, but this one has to be one of the best I've read Chantelle.
    I am SO scared to read that a woman lost her liver as a result of drinking diet coke… I LOVE diet coke :o(
    Well done with forging a career that you truly enjoy after motherhood, it is such a tough gig trying to do both. I know now, after a few shake up's this year, that where I have been with my career is in no way where I want to stay. It's a little overwhelming, a little frightening and a whole lot exciting to think what I really love to do might be just around the corner :o)
    Also, big congrats on the 8kg! That is seriously impressive. You will be a stunning bridesmaid, mark my words xo

  22. Ooh, love this, and will probably steal it for my blog! Was great to find out a bit behind the girl behind the blog too 🙂

    And I'm totally with you on the last 20% thing. The amount of almost finished projects I have is just ridiculous.

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