I don’t know if this is an American thing, an Orlando thing… or even just a Disney thing but everywhere I seemed to go, I seemed to be surrounded by super white shoes. It was just a small thing, but it made me smile so big – to catch a glimpse at a pair of blindingly white shoes, and imagine how proud the owner must be to have them so white. Part of me just wanted to ‘Christen’ them like we did at school. I got all sniper-like and snapped these photos as evidence…

{the owner of these should be proud of these shiners!}
The parks at Disney are so filled with people that it’s like combining the Easter Show, Grand Final Day and Thursday night shopping on steroids into one place and doubling it. It’s all sorts of busy! So imagine my surprise when each day {oh except one, perhaps I won’t wear that dress again} I was stopped by a stranger and complimented on my dress{es}. People would go out of their way to say a kind word. The first time it happened a girl walked straight towards me, through the sea of people, just to tell me, “Your dress is so cute!” Joy!

3. It’s just like the movies!
Perhaps I just watch too much CSI and Law & Order, but I had to laugh when I walked into the airport terminal and saw the man in shackles and prison outfit… but when we were driving to Miami and spotted a prison bus beside us, I cracked up. There was a man peering out the window at us. I know this sort of thing happens in Australia too, but it’s so much fun when it happens while on holiday.

4. American food is gooooooood!
I’d been prepped by well-traveled friends and family that American food was big, and at times nasty, but I have to say we enjoyed it. We were spoiled at Disney with delicious food at the events we attended, but even a pizza we grabbed in Miami was perfection. Best of all food is so cheap. We were spending way less than what we would spend in Australia, even with a tip. I actually even managed to lose 2kg while in America. Who knows how… but I like it!

Disney World has 62,000 employees. They’re all smiley and friendly {well all that we encountered}. They’re efficient. Someone spills a drink outside on the cement, and within seconds a Disney staff member is there mopping it up. The thing is though, that they’re not referred to as staff… they’re called Cast Members. Disney is like one big performance. It feels like you’re on the set of some sort of surreal movie. Cast Members is so fitting. I love it!

6. Americans are {mostly} super enthusiastic
I know that it’s a sweeping generalisation but seriously… that’s how it seems. We visited the Magic Kingdom on St. Patrick’s Day and about 36.8% of visitors were wearing green. How’s that for spirit? It amazed me how many families were wearing identical personalised t-shirts with things like, “Spencer Family’s Annual Vacation 2011” or “We’re holidaying for Val’s 50th!” Next time we go to Disney we’re going all out and getting caps and tees just to fit in. We even saw a couple get engaged near the Cinderella castle. Magic moments, I tell ya!
Have you ever been to the States? If so, what made you smile?
Yellow school busses. JUST like on tv!!!!
So, when do we get photos of your cute dresses???
I so understand your desire to christen those white shoes! Takes me right back to school.
What a great post!
I really enjoyed reading this post and learning about your perspective on America. Great post!
I agree about the cute dress, we need to see more of YOU! Greatpost, sounds like you had a fun time!
my mum loves her white shoes. the whiter the better. I thought it was because she is a nurse but now I think it's because she is half American.
Things that made me smile in the states were “shrimp cocktails” that were huge prawns hanging off the rims of glasses.
Seeing people wearing cowboy boots with actual spurs and couples doing the grocery shopping with walkie talkies so they could communicate while in different aisles.
I've been to Disneyland but would love to visit Disney World. Next time.
I remember when we visited the US a few years ago, we'd already decided to move back to Oz from the UK where we'd lived for several years BUT if we hadn't already planned the move, we'd have lived in the US for a while. LOVED it.
You have totally hit the nail on the head. Before I travelled to The States I was one of those people that thought Americans were loud and obnoxious and acted like America was better than the rest of the world. When I went there I fell in love. I love their enthusiasm and how they celebrate every 'holiday' with 100% commitment. I ended up living there for 2 years I loved it so much. I'm getting ready to take my family there for their first visit in July and I am so excited.
I love the States! For me it's the shopping… and the food and the people and the holidays and the yellow taxis and… Ok so I love it there and can't wait to go back.
How much did you want to stomp on those white joggers???
Here's a USA story. I work in New York City, and today they are filming a movie outside my office building. There are fake manhole covers with alligators crawling out of them. I will try to snap a picture and put it on my blog later today. Just for you.
Sending love from across the miles.
What a great post! It is nice to see someone finally have something nice to say about America! ha ha See we aren't all so bad, just some of us! I am glad you and your family had such a great time over here!
Dear Chantelle,
I think the white sneakers are an american thing. When Americans go recreational, they GO RECREATIONAL. It's very practical I guess. I saw many americans in Florence in shiny white sneakers, all set for a day of walking. My birks are just as comfy though!
Ha the family trip tees are all kinds of hilarity!!
I wish you would write about America everyday as it gets me a little more excited to book my trip and more importantly reading this first thing in the morning also helps me to remember to save save save!
I LOVE Americans! I love their zest for life and matching t-shirts? Heaven. x
The white sneakers and blue jeans is such an American thing. It gives me the giggles everytime I see it.
I think the white sneaker thing is an American thing! Before my first trip to Europe someone told me to not wear white sneakers or we'd really stand out as American tourists… it was really good advice! Hope you're having fun!!
Haha, I loved reading this! I actually live in Florida, so it's nice to read about it from a different perspective 🙂
I do think the white sneakers is an American thing. When people go to Disney they know they're going to have to walk, A LOT! I think most people either buy brand new tennis shoes or they wear the tennis shoes that have been sitting, unworn, in their closet.
I'm glad you enjoyed yourself and liked the food and the people!
So glad you enjoyed your trip and even more thrilled to hear such lovely comments about Americans. It's nice to feel loved by such a lovely Aussie. Visit anytime, I'm sure the States loved you as much.
I live about 40 minutes from Disney and ran two marathons there. It can be a lovely place to visit.
Well my love of their fire hydrants is well documented and the chocolate.. OMG the chocolate and my latest addiction is salt water taffy. As I still have a few days left here I am going to indulge as much as I can in all my favs. The GAP, Sephora, Macys, Tiffany, and Chocolate…… Oh and do my Adventures by Disney Application yes I was one of 3 people suggested to apply for Disney from my class.
Elizabeth Saxe Coburg-Gotha is an evil woman, why do we slave away at work our whole lives for money with her face on