29 by 29 {revisited}

1. Get to a size 16.2. Be able to run a lap of the beach without stopping.3. Get the lounge steam cleaned.4. Exercise 3 times a week (again).5. Sort through my wardrobe.6. Work out a five year plan.7. Try a new recipe each week.8. Plan my 30th birthday celebrations.9. Get my haircut in an edgier style.10. Get to 100 posts on my blog.11. Get un-addicted to chocolate.12. Get a Mimco handbag.13. Simplify my life.14. Get properly fitted for bras.15. Take Lacey to see a Roosters football game.16. Keep a food journal for a month.17. Get un-addicted to magazines.18. Get a full night sleep.19. Visit 3 new places in Sydney.20. Get a nice photo of us as a family.21. Do an aqua aerobics class.22. See 3 non-kids movies.23. Swim in the ocean.24. Learn how to do aperture on my camera.25. Read a book.26. Take Lacey to the zoo.27. Relax more.28. Catch up with my BF from school at least fortnightly.29. Be grateful each day. And breathe.