12 Instagram-ers to follow in 2012

I’ve loved sharing photos in the January Photo-a-day challenge on Instagram. Thank you to everyone that has taken part. It’s been amazing. One of the best bits though, is discovering some brilliant Instagram users. Some people are crazy talented.

Here’s 12 that I love and think you should follow immediately {if not sooner}:

Nic takes dreamy, dreamy photos that will create calm and let you lose yourself in their beauty.

OK, OK … yes she’s my good friend, but man she’s amazingly talented. She’s a seeker of light and my inspiration when it comes to photography. Keep an eye out for her teeny daughter on Instagram too. She’s a master in the making.

When I went to BlogHer Sarah dragged me along to speak to Pioneer Woman {they’re friends} so I stood there in her company and a guy came along and stood next to us. It was Ryan {aka The Panic Room}. In that moment I didn’t know how brilliant he was, or even what he did. Now I do. Amazing. Google him to discover his sweet videos.

Sarah, the gal behind A Beach Cottage, has style and knows how to use her. Don’t follow her if you’re at work and wishing you were at the beach. You may want to jump into her photos.

Bleubird is, like, totally famous on Instagram. I don’t know how I didn’t know about her until recently. Check out her photos and you’ll soon see why.

Bec takes beautiful photos, with beautiful light. Her pics always catch my eye. Always.

Jordan thinks outside the box when taking her photos on Instagram. She takes super clever shots of products neatly arranged. Love it!

Aren’t these shoes cute? Yep! Well so are Marissa’s photos. Trust me.

David knows composition. The way he frames his shot always catches my attention. Isn’t this shot beautiful?

Alice’s pics always tend to make me a little hungry, or thirsty. She kinda does it, and does it well.

Amazing, right? Shont’s photos always have a little bit of magic in them.

Jordi is a great photographer, beautiful and crazy, brilliant at doing nails. You have to see her nail art. Go on!

Are you on Instagram? Who’s your favourite Instagrammer?

Note: Click the images to be taken to their profile on Webstagram. This may not work if you don’t have a profile there.

I was here.

Be inspired this weekend

45 thoughts on “12 Instagram-ers to follow in 2012”

  1. I am having so much fun with the photo a day! I know it's only day 11, and I started late, but it's the first thing I've committed to this year that hasn't already been abandoned! Thanks so much!

  2. So I'm just curious, how do you follow people (or even see their back catalogue) on instagram if you don't have an iphone?

  3. thanks so much for starting the january photo a day! it's been so fun already.

    some of my favorite instagrammers are: @pketron, @cinloughridge, @bonnietsang, @doorsixteen and @hulaseventy

    (i'm @jodimckee)

  4. Thanks so much for this Chantelle – have become really addicted to instagram since starting the January challenge and had no idea that there was this big following going on on instagram as well – can't wait to check all these lovely people out. Are all these people taking photos with the iPhones or are they using their good cameras and then putting them into instagram? Leanne

  5. I just got an iphone not too long ago and I'm obsessed with instagram. I love that it can automatically post to facebook so my friends without instagram can see the pictures I take too. And the fact that I don't have to use photoshop all the time to edit my pictures. I don't have a favorite instagrammer but I'll check these guys out.

    I'm @ohmylorelai and would love for you guys to come check out my pictures. : )

  6. I love Instagram so thanks for sharing these. I recently wrote a blog post about how, as a new blogger, I felt like I should be using a better camera for my photography. However these people have all shown me that I can be just as creative with my little old iPhone. Will definitely be picking up some tips from these guys. xx

  7. I´m a little bit sad, because Instagram is only for i-phone-Users, but I have a Samsung Galaxy SII :o/
    Anyway, I love my smartphone and I´ve made some nice pics. And I really love the january challenge – it´s such a funny idea! Thanks for making me creative every day a little 😉 greetings from germany, geisslein

  8. I'm so sad to miss out on the fun too, I'm an android user (sounds like something I should go to a meeting for!).
    I love my droid. I hate instagram for not coming on over. Maybe one day.
    For now I follow a few people on google reader, but it's not the same.

  9. Off to check out these guys now. Thanks!

    There has been talk of instagram developing an app for android too. In the not too distant future.

  10. Thanks Chantelle.. I am following a few of these people already, but very happy to find the rest.

    My favourite are @ohjoystudio @emmadime @foxslane @ascotfriday @taza @meetmeatmikes and @jewelszee takes amazing landscape shots (if you like that sort of thing).

    I am on there as @katie_porter but still learning how to take great photos!

  11. Hi Chantelle! I like your list. My favorites to follow are fellow artists & illustrators like @hrrrthrrr & @gemmacorrell & @lisacongdon & @katebingburt. They tend to post pics of their works in progress. I'm @robinplemmons & my feed is full of colorful, stupid shit that I love & laugh at.

  12. I seriously love @dinky and @ditut, they take amazingly quirky and cute food shots. I also love @elinlia, the way she views the world is extraordinary, and @kapsore for out of this world ethereal images.

    Thanks for sharing Chantelle.

  13. I'm on instagram @eeka_cupcake_ninja …and I LOVE it!!!I love being part of a social network that's all about photography 🙂 Some of my favorites are @Kevingeraldez , @ditut, @merimerimery and @emilieristevski , plus I saw a lot of my fellow bloggers that I follow doing the #janphotoaday and I'm jumping on that band wagon today 🙂



  14. love this list!
    I love brub13… she's real, she replies to comments, and she likes my stuff too, yay! 🙂
    Loving your January Photo Challenge too by the way.

  15. So much talent! You should be there because your photos are pretty awesome too! Thanks for sharing. I love Bleubird, and beach cottage and Panic room's blogs, so it makes sense to love their instAgram too! Xx

  16. like i need more reasons to be perpetually on instagram :p Ryan is one of my fave's too. love his blog as well. haven't heard of a lot of these before so off to check them out now. thanks! i think 😉

  17. i love this list. can't wait to check them out – discovering you was such a happy accident. i'm so glad you january photo a day on instagram led me to you! love your blog.

  18. I'm on Instagram (@S_J_Hughes) and my pictures are slowly getting better… I follow some people who take really nice pics:

    @8112studios (video director)
    @iamneyo (singer/songwriter/musician)
    @instagood (they get recommendations from other users and promote their instagram pages)
    @garibaldiarts (just down right creative with his pics)

    Please check them out and let me know if you like them as much as I do.

  19. I've been following lovely instagrammers, usually I take my time to see each instagramers feed and I'm very selective.

    I love a soft and dreamy style and some of my favorites are:


    hope you like them.

  20. Oh awesome!!!

    I have been using instagramm for a while now, but never took the whole 'photography' as left of it seriously until the start of the January Challenge {which I am LOVING!!!}. My photos are improving as I am getting more and more inspiration 🙂

    Follow me @glamourhood


  21. These people are brilliant! Followed a bunch of them. What's your Instagram handle?

    I'm on there too – desertrose0601
    Can't wait to start the February photo a day!

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