17 thoughts on “{one thing}”

  1. my family..i've had 2 days of bads news this week. it took a hug & a smile from my family to make it all better & make me smile today xx

  2. awww well the cute coffee picture for one.
    now what else made me smile? taking my draft report into class really worried that i hadnt done it right, then finding out that it WAS right 🙂 relief smile.

  3. My friend's two-and-a-half year old, as he was getting dressed after swimming: My underwear have spiderman on them. They mash (match) mummy's knickers.
    Friend and I couldn't stop laughing–apparently hers are lacy but he thinks they resemble spiderman.

    Shelly at Tropical Mum

  4. Grocery shopping with my almost 3yr old daughter tonight
    she caught herself in the security TV at the checkout and was in hysterics,she couldnt believe it was her

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