If you haven’t played before and want to join, please do! If you want to skip a month and take a break, please do. I love that so many people are playing along {it makes my heart sing}, but it should be fun. So if you’re finding it to be a chore, just jump in and out as you please.
Here’s how to play:
♥ Starting on March 1st take a photo each day with inspiration from the prompt. For example prompt 1 is ‘up’, so take a photo looking up. Or of the word ‘up’. Or something that lifts your mood ‘up’. It it totally up to you how you want to interpret it.
♥ Once you’ve taken your photo you can share it on Instagram, Facebook {on your own profile or business page}, Twitter, Flickr, your blog, Pinterest, Tumblr or even just keep them in a folder on your desktop. If you’re sharing on Twitter or Instagram add the hashtag #Marchphotoaday so others can find your photos too.
Note: For day 20 you’ll see that it says ‘before / after’. Again, you can interpret this however you like. I thought it would be cool for people to use an app like picframe to show two photos in one. It could be a meal before eating and the plate after. It could be anything! If you don’t have any iPhone or don’t want to buy an app – just use your imagination and either take two photos or work it into just one.

I look forward to seeing all the photos for March photo a day.
Are you in?
cant wait!!
Neither can I!
twitter & instagram: jonreid_
Yay! Am loving photo a day. Provided extra inspiration while we were on holiday.
Thanks again,
I am in!
So much fun! I am loving FEBPHOTOADAY, looking forward to participating in March too!
I'm in! 🙂
Cant wait to start this! Loving doing Feb Challenge!
Yay! March has been posted, can't wait… going on vacation for 10 days, I wonder what interesting pictures I will take on those days. hehe
So fun! Thanks for creating these 🙂 I just love them!
I'm in, I'm doing feb and I'm enjoying it!
I don´t have Twitter, Instagram, an Iphone or anything else – but your challenge is a wonderful and great help for my ProjectLife. Thanks a Lot!
so excited!
love the new look chantelle! it seems everyone has had blog facelifts lately. lovely and sleek. I am really enjoying the photo a day challenges. x
Thank you! x
Yay!! Can't wait to join in again, I've done Jan and Feb and have been sharing in instagram and my blog. My favourite thing (aside from the daily creativity burst) has been connecting with different people doing the challenge on instagram, it really is such a lovely little community. And congratulations and thank you for creating such a fun project that has captured the imagination of so many people x
I agree Sandra! I'm finding so many great blogs out there via these challenges. Will be off to check out yours now 🙂
i'm in!!!!!
I'm in again! I missed out on January but have managed all of Feb and loved the challenge! Thanks!
I think I'm in again too. Have Jan & Feb under my belt, so I kind of figure I may as well just keep going and see how long I can keep it up for! Love hte new blog look too – very grown up 🙂
Thanks Anna! x
I'm in again! February was already so much fun. 🙂
I am in…. 😀
I love having a prompt every day, February has been wonderfully challenging for me. Thanks!
I haven't done it before, but I'm in for March! Looking fwd 2 it 🙂
Yay!!! So excited 🙂 🙂
I am in – Missed a few in Feb but I determined to be ALL IN in March
I love your new blog look! It's very fresh and cheerful. 🙂
I think I will probably continue this in March. I wasn't sure I'd have enough time to even do this in February, but so far I'm really enjoying it! I think it takes a bit of the pressure off to only have a commitment for one month at a time (I've attempted a year-long photo project and ran out of steam about halfway through).
Love the new look!
Yes to the new challenge, love it. Have posted on my blog to share it
So excited about this! 🙂
i have loved doing this in feb! can't wait for march.
I'm in! I've never done a photo a day, but I'll try 🙂
I actually love doing this. It gives me a chance to play with my camera, even though sometimes I'm just trying to get through the photoshoot for the day. I,m really enjoying this. Thanks for doing it. Can't wait to start March.
my 1st time playing along, but so looking forward to this!! So looking forward to march!
I love this challenge. You are simply amazing! 😉 Yay for March Photo A Day! <3
I've been following for the last 2 decided to jump in and have a go 🙂
Yaaay! I've loved Fabruary, so I am really happy to see a March challenge! I am really enjoying getting back into taking pictures and finding my place behind the lens 🙂
Having so much fun in February!
Oooooh I love love LOVE your new blog look! It's very simple, but lovely!!
I'm participating in the Feb photo a day and looking forward to this one!
Yay! I'm so in! I loved doing January, but took a break for February and I really missed my daily photo taking. Can't wait! xx
I did it for both January and February and I count me in for March too.
Warmest regards,
I dont think my computer likes your new font … all the t's are l's!!
Hello I'm new (hahahah feels like a new class xD) and I'm in! 😀 saw the feb challenge trough another blog and I've been waiting for the march challenge! 😀
I think I'm gonna finally take the plunge!! I've seen so many others do this and it looks so fun, I'm looking forward to getting creative!
thanks for doing these monthly prompts. I am enjoying playing along
I'm in too.
thanks for the great idea 🙂
Count me in for March!!
This sounds like so much fun I might join in 🙂
I am so there. I loved February Photo-A-Day Challenge. Can't wait for March!
It sounds like a lot of fun! I saw some of the people I follow participating on their blogs and I am thinking about joining you in March!
How come when i click on the JOIN link it takes me to some channel 8 news website?
I don't know why it's doing that for you. I just tested it for me, and it doesn't.
well now the JOIN link isnt even there. Oh well….
LIKE! I'm in and sharing it on my blog (mostly Dutch readers 🙂 Thanx & have fun everybody!!
Awesome, this is so much fun! Thanks so much! What a great way to connect to others! xxx
I'm jumping on the bandwagon for March!! yay!
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How do you do this??? I'm intrigued, but oh so consumed.
I'll try my best. February is kickin' my butt. (In a good way…It helps me feel creative)
Thank you for doing these…
This is fun 🙂 A friend posted this on Facebook and I've hit every Feb day so far. Since my daughter is my favorite thing to take photos of, I have the added challenge of trying to include her in every photo 🙂
It's a great idea! I begin today with my boyfriend! I'm impatient to see our two différents interpretations…
Thank you very much!
ahhh! I'M SO EXCITED! I'm really enjoying February's so I'm totally continuing into March!!
I'd love to join I believe its fun!
Thanks anyway for doing this, you've got such a beautiful mind!
There's no picframe for us android users 😛 but there's photogrid (https://market.android.com/details?id=com.roidapp.photogrid&hl=en) which does the same job and it's free! 🙂
I've watched so many people on Flickr do your challenges & love them! I love how you have taken the pressure off me and said to just use my iPhone! I think I can handle a picture a day w/ that! 🙂 Thank you for keeping all of us inspired! Love your blog!
I enjoyed what I managed to take of February. I'm a little obsessive over the fact that I wasn't able to take photos on all the days consecutively (I know you don't NEED to but I wanted to) so I decided to stop for now and start again in March.
This has been very inspiring though so thank you so much for that and I look forward to March!
I'm going to do it this month. Love the prompts!
I really failed the February one haha. Glad I can start fresh in March!
I did my first one in February and haven't missed a day yet! I love doing this! Thank you!
I love these things. This has really helped me keep my husband updated while he is in Korea. It will also help if/when we get to join him later in the year to keep family back home updated. I am in for March and have posted a link so some of my friends/family can join also 🙂
this is the first time I have every tried a photo a day project I missed January and started for Feb.. Love it.. so much fun.. thanks to my iphone .. I am too lazy to always drag out my big cameras. SO glad I came across your photo a day as well as your blog.. you rock
Ok love.. u have me convinced.. I will do it ! .. thanks for such an inspirational challenge xxx Lou xxx
I'm in! I started this photo project in February, and have really enjoyed it! Cheers!
I'm so glad March is posted, I've really enjoyed working on photo a day. Gives me something to look forward to everyday. 🙂 Have a bright day!
I'm in too! I miss the 365 Blythe Challenge I did last year on Flickr, I'm ready for something new.
I'm so excited!
I've seen a few of my friends doing this on Instagram, and it took some digging for me to find out where they were getting their lists. Finally I get to try this activity out for myself!
Woo Hoo! I am in!
I've been in since January and am still going strong. I've always wanted to do a photo challenge and your list makes it doable. Thanks so much.
So in! You've got me thinking creatively and it so much fun looking for new things to take photos of! 🙂
Of course I'm in.
I'm in! I found your Photo-a-Day Challenge through Shelley at House of Smiths. Shelley inspired me to start my own blog and your photo-a-day challenge has been the inspiration for my blog posts for each day in February! It's been wonderful fun and I'm so appreciative of the creative prompts. Thank you so much and I look forward to tackling March's Challenge!
–Catherine @ http://www.hello-newday.blogspot.com
—Lauren from http://www.homemadebylauren.blogspot.com
I'm in again!
I'm in!!
I'm in for the first time 🙂
Can I use the image of the list on my blog?
I'm so up for this. I did January, didnt start Feb and have been missing it like crazy – hsould have just joined in half way through…
bring on March 1 and boohoo to copycats. (love your quote on inspiration. I'm all for that though)
cheers Fiona
I already make the challenge of February and I would be satisfied to make that of March
Fun! I just recently got an iPhone, but I've been following fellow bloggers doing feb photo-a-day so I'm excited to join in! xoxo, e
I'm doing February and can't wait for March!
I just wanted to tell you I am having so much fun doing the photo a day. I love that it's a monthly thing! Thanks!
I'm in…although I am NOT a photographer…just love the challenge and being inspired to capture some precious moments. Thank you!
I will be starting this on my twitter and FB accounts. Love that you make these!!
I'm in with my blog, February has been so much fun already 🙂
I'm in again. Fun way of documenting life as it goes by.
I was totally late and missed out on January and February but I can't wait to start on March! Thanks!
I am loving doing this for February and will be joining in again in March. This time I hope to write a little more each time as well.
Thank you Chantelle!
Thanks for inspiring us all to participate in your photo challenge. I participated for the month of Feb. Are you going to do another link page on your blog like you did for Feb? Also, I wanted you to know that I did create a paper for people to view if they so desire. It is located here http://paper.li/MarBaird/1328223484
I am going to play along in March, need the inspiration to take more photos. Thanks 🙂
I am glad that you decided to post about this.
I was actually annoyed when i discovered one of the 'copies' seems to have originated from someone i follow/follows me who didn't know where the jan photo a day thing had started, and i linked her in the direction of your blog. oh dear. i feel dreadful that she has blatantly copied, with no regard whatsoever for your efforts, creativity and origiginality, and i apologise in advance if it was my link that led her to you, and resulted in the copy.
I have loved looking at all the photos (despite my innability to keep up with the challenge!)
Keep up the great work, Chantelle!
PS I DO know how to spell originality. sorry for the typo!
Yay! Another month (almost) down, another to look forward to! Love the list, keep it up!
Yes, please. Roll on March
I'm one of your newest followers and I'm so amped to start the my first photo a day challenge. I'm actually shouting you out tomorrow on a blog post (which of course I'm linking back to you :))
Thanks for the inspiration! This should be FUN!
I'm in! 🙂
Looking forward to playing along. I love seeing what every one takes a pic of.
This will be my first photo a day and can't wait. I will be posting to my photography tumblr.
I'm in!! my first photo a day and can't wait. I will be posting to my photography on TW & instagram.
Can't wait to get started, have loved doing feb. Pics will be posted to fb in an album called march challenge
i'm in! this will be my first time trying it, and i'm excited!
yay! I just started this month, am loving it so much:) totally fun, creative, gives you a moment to reflect…and I love looking at how others interpret the day's subject!
I'm in! ;-D
yes! i am currently participating in your Feb challenge, March…bring it on! 🙂
LOVING being part of this!!! DEFINITELY in!! 🙂
I am in this month too, found your Blog some days ago and I thinks its really amazing! 🙂
IN! and on time this go round.
I am loving #FEBphotoAday. Only five days left, then it's onto March. I cannot wait to continue. It's fun to look back on the month, via pictures. Thanks @fatmumslim! 🙂
#febphotoaday creeped into my timeline(s), loved it!
Giving it a go in March!
I found your Feb Challenge…a bit late, so now I'm in for March and so excited to get started.
Thanks for doing this..:D
I believe this month I'm in!! Excited!
this time I will be in on my blog http://www.askthestylist.de
It´s such a great idea! Thank you!! 🙂
Greetings from Germany!!
hoping to do this!!
Totally going to do this! Printing this out right now and keeping at my desk at work. Sounds like fun!
I had so much fun with this in February. Glad to see the March list posted.
I love to join. I'll be posting on my blog and instagram
I will give it a go 🙂
I'm going to give it a try.
Really enjoying Feb and have introduced it to a couple of friends. Now a little concerned about March though and the thought of said friends and Day 23 – Moon.
I'm looking forward to participating in the photo challenge for March!! Will this be a link-up or is it something to just do on our own?
I'd like to give it a try, so I'm in!
Im in all the way! I dont have instagram or an iphone but I will give it a try, cute fun!
I did February and am going to do March! I love your idea lists* You can check out my photos @mitzzle twitter and instagram =)
I'm looking forward to playing in March 🙂 can't wait!
Very much looking forward to the March challenge. I am loving these! Instagram and Twitter: @BakeYourDay
I've loved #febphotoaday – you're cues are wonderful. Just open enough to allow for creativity but specific enough to get motivated! Thanks so much. Here's to #marchphotoaday
I'm in!
Have loved doing FEBPHOTOADAY! It's been great to get out and use my camera (or iPhone) every day, and can't wait for March!
i am really excited and looking forward to march! I've really enjoyed the febphotoaday challenge. 🙂
cant wait
Im soooo in!
Nice idea! I'll try it this month.
I'm a first timer! Gonna try it out!
I just had the idea to theme March around my lovable & handsome whippet, Jack. I take so many photos of my dog I thought what a fun way to get creative everyday with your photo a day challenge! I am already thinking of how to do 5pm on the 6th as I'll be at work while he's napping at home. Maybe a different time zone? So fun! Thanks for putting this on and keepin it going! @almostmrskane in Arizona
I'm so glad I found this before it was over! It'll be my first time trying and I can't wait.
I am in!!
I'm in!
such a great idea. i'm definitely in!
Joe ♥
>> IN THE NICK OF TIME – a photo diary<<
>> little girl in big city <<
I'm in! Can't wait to use my ” big girl camera” and get some practice !
I'm gonna join in for march
sounds like a fun project
great idea 🙂 i saw it for the first time ob the blog magnoliaelectric and i'm fascinated! going to join the first time in march and see how it'll be 🙂 sounds like fun! i'm gonna post the pictures then on my blog.
have a great day!
sina 🙂
Yay! So excited March is finally here, I've been looking forward to this! 🙂
i am in for march! i found you through “hey harriet”. i love her stuff. now i see that i will love your stuff too! we have a few similar shots, that one of you and your child in the back seat of the car? i just took one just like that this weekend of me and my son! and i have tennies really similar to yours with bright pink, and also i noticed your shot of strawberries in a yellow bowl! i have one similar to that from back in september. all that to say, i like your style! 🙂
lovely idea 🙂
I'm gonna play…my pics will focus on how wonderful central Oregon is.
I have been enjoying this. I do have to use previously taken photos on occasion (like pics of myself, or from Christmas, etc. for something like “makes me happy”), but for the most part, I do try to take each picture as it comes. It is quite the challenge! Sometimes I really have to come up with creative ideas..lol.
I also hold mine on my FB page until the month's end, then just post them all at once.
Thanks for making my year a bit more interesting. I hope when I go on vacation that i can keep it up and meet each day's challenge in May. Looking forward to seeing what Disney/Florida will add to my collection. I plan to compile mine into a book at yeary's end.
Have an awesome month!
Hello! I'm a new follower! I'm def in for March…I can't wait to get started!!!
~Colleen @ Meet the Sullivans (www.colleenandkeith.blogspot.com)
Heck yeah! Gonna be so much fun!
Where can I find the prompts of March? They'll posted here in your blog?
Sorry about my english… I'm too rushed!
Will you post them here?
I'm so gonna do the march on my facebook page:D
What a great idea! It's gonna be joyful March! I'm already thinking about the first few prompts. I'm definitely joining in! Good luck everyone! -Renia-
I'm attempting this again! My January was such a fail!
I missed out this month but am definitely in for March!
I joined in for Feb… not Jan though. i love doing it. I am always BLOWN away by how many people are actively participating! I was showing my husband the pics I took and told him about you and he asked how many people were doing it (thinking I was silly and not many) and on that particular day, there were over 500,000 entries on Instagram! He was shocked! haha.
Thanks for putting this together! I'm uploading to my blog, Instagram and twitter.
So fun! Can't wait! xoxo
Is March the month I finally begin this??? I sure hope so!
i'm joining for march, can't wait i already downloaded the picframe in my iphone 😉
So excited!! Loved Feb!
Man I can't wait for this! Just heard about it from a friend and I think that it's sooo cool.
twitter & instagram: @jonreid_ Follow & I'll follow back–can't wait to see what everyone has.
-Jon Reid
Oh I am so joining this one – it sounds like so much fun! Thinking about the first word already 🙂
Yes, I am in! Sounds like great fun. I shared your link on my blog
I'm in. Started in Jan and really want to keep going.
I think i am going to jump in and give March a go! x
I am totally in!
Count me in. Just posted Day 1 both on my blogsite and Twitter account.
site: followmeifucan.blogspot.com
twitter name: iamvayielicious
Good times! Follow me @pearmama on instagram, twitter and tumblr
My friend is doing the March challenge, so I'm joining in, too. I put your link on my page. This should be fun!
So glad I stumbled upon this! Im in!
I admired all f Rebs photos so I am in for arch
totally up for the challenge…failed to keep it up last month 🙁 determined this time around to take it on. Also thanks for the app idea! Installing now!
I had so much fun with it in February, I will definitely be doing again this month. Can follow my progress also on my facebook page 🙂
This is my first time doing this!!! I am a photo-a-day virgin!
I'm going to do it! First photo-a-day challenge for me. I'll post on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.
First time doing this!! Saw it all over the blogosphere last month and can't wait to do it this month & future months.
jumping in today! Can't wait!
I loved doing February's challenge, now on to March! I'm posting a recap of last month on my blog for my readers, can't wait!
Trying To Be Super Mom
I did Feb photo a day, it was my first time! And I really enjoyed it. Will do March as well. I posted my pics on my blog, so, if anyone wants to take a look, here is the link
And thanks for this idea!
Sent from my iPhone
I'm taking part this month, all thanks to a friend who did your list last month. I'm looking forward to being creative and pushing myself beyond what I normally photograph.
I'm in!
Thanks for this. I'm in! 🙂
Did it!
I am in!!
Instagram- @pinkteacups
Twitter- Pink_teacups
I'm in! 😀
I would love to join you in this challenge.
My first photo a day challenge. Very excited!! http://pinterest.com/pin/7107311881935062/
I'm so in! 🙂 This is so great!
What cool challenge! I'm going to attempt to do it for March on my blog and Pinterest.
I'm so excited to participate in this awesome challenge. I'm gonna be posting my pictures on my Instagram page.
I loved #febphotoaday and I'm totally doing the march challenge but what is up with all these other copycat march challenges.
I had so much fun doing #FebPhotoADay and Im already starting up with #MarchPhotoADay! I got my friends and families to join in and participate and they got the ball rolling. Thanks!
I'm a newbie. My pic can be seen here http://scribble-n-paint.blogspot.com/
This is so fun! Did my first yesterday – and will keep on! All my pics will be avauilable here: http://fotosuze.origo.no
Big hello from Norway! 😀
This will be my first time, but I'm looking forward to participating! I'll be keeping my pics in a Facebook album here:
My pics will be found on twitter @majikmom and on my blog http://www.oldentimes.wordpress.com.
Hope you will check them out.
This is really a lot of fun!
I'm posting my pictures on my blog!!
YES I AM!! I got the #marchphotoaday list set as a photoframe on my phone!
Like a reminder!
I'm in! http://www.flickr.com/photos/riikkakunnari
Can you start late and catch up?
I'm in!!
I am posting to my facebook blog page: https://www.facebook.com/AccidentallyAngela
I have joined twitter but I don't understand how to send pictures yet. This is fun! Thanks, Angela
I'm behind but determined to catch up! It's a great idea to share my insights with my friends and show our area to friends who are far away and give myself something to get me taking pictures more often! I have a bunch on my cameras just need to get them uploaded!
yeah! I'm in!
Love this project, it really inspire me!
few first pictures here: http://noomiy.blogspot.com/2012/03/marcowy-projekt-zdjeciowy-cz-2.html
Love this challenge!
Even though I've been posting my pics on FB, I just did a blog post with the first 15 pics. http://pegasuscove.blogspot.com/
I also did it! 🙂
Elizabeth Saxe Coburg-Gotha is an evil woman, why do we slave away at work our whole lives for money with her face on