Disney Social Media Moms 2011: Day Two Too

We shared lunch with my new-found friends, and I was surprised to see on every table they had a glass of brownish coloured drink.

“What on earth is this?” I asked my new blogging buddies, who found it amusing that I wasn’t familiar with iced tea.

I took a few sips and decided it tasted pretty much like the tea I drink back at home that’s gone cold between emails and tending to a toddler, and put it to the side.

The room was buzzing with chatter, networking and hungry mouths munching on the delicious fare {Disney food is amazing}.

{Meet Jen & Shannon}

{Meet Stefanie & Leigh – and her iced tea!}

We then returned to our conference room to find a Duffy Bear waiting for us, wearing a Social Media Moms tshirt. He’s so super soft and Lacey’s new best friend. I feel sorry for Lacey’s other favourite bear who has been sadly neglected since.

By this time in the conference the jet lag had well and truly kicked in and Duffy Bear was looking like a rather attractive pillow and the corner of the room like a cosy place to have a wee lie down. I fought the fogginess {with a cheeky diet coke} and kept on conferencing.

{Minnie stopped by to say hello!}

We then had a sharing from the audience where bloggers shared their favourite memories briefly. One blogger stood up to share and then stormed the stage to go on and on and on about her niece. I thought it was odd, but Shannon beside knew that Disney always like a trick and that it was an act.

The blogger turned out to not be a blogger at all, instead it was Fran Capo, the world’s fastest talking woman. Fran shared her inspiring story and urged us to always “just say yes”.

Next up to the stage was Chris Brogan. Chris was the person I was most excited about hearing speak. I’d heard of him before, and I’d also seen him at the Disney events prior to the conference and he was super friendly. So friendly that he even offered for me to sit with him at our finale night. The guy is just so darn likable, and smart too!

Chris shared so many brilliant insights that I could probably write posts for a month about them, but my favourite of all was when he said, “Stop saying ‘yes’ to things”. {I know, I know, a contradiction to what Fran said, but there is a difference!}. Chris doesn’t own a TV and says that being online can be a huge time zap. He suggests not having too many browsers open, stop reading so many things, stop being enticed by Twitter and Facebook. He doesn’t deny that these forms of Social Media are vital for blogging, but we need to watch the amount of time we spend on them. So true!

{Chris Brogan}

After Chris finished speaking the music once again started, this time playing Be My Guest from Beauty & the Beast, and in marched waiters with trays of champagne.

To finish off the day of learnings we were entertained by Georgia Stitt and Susan Egan who both sang and shared their stories of motherhood. Georgia is conductor and lyricist, and Susan is a broadway actress who played Belle {from Beauty & the Beast} for years. She was also the voice of Megara in the Hercules movie.

Susan and Georgia performed the hilarious Mum Song for us, among a whole host of other performances whilst we sipped our champagne.

We then all headed to our rooms to see our families for a quick catch up, and then we boarded the bus for a private party. More on that a little later on. xx

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7 thoughts on “Disney Social Media Moms 2011: Day Two Too”

  1. It sounds like so much fun Chantelle…I have enjoyed reading all of your travel stories…I keep dropping hints at home that perhaps we should head off to Disneyland with the kids a little earlier than planned…he just smiles at me!! wishful thinking.

  2. Such valid points made. I've really been re-evaluating my social media time recently. This has helped me with some decisions I think I need to make. Thank you x

  3. Somehow, I thought I'd already said something about your post, but I guess not. Sorry about that.

    It was a pleasure to meet you and thanks for the very kind words in the post. I'm glad I didn't ruin your impression of me when you met me. : )

    Hope you're well and that the flight back was okay. : )

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