Guess what, it’s birthday month – for me! My gift to you is the June 2024 Photo A Day challenge.
I hope you don’t mind that I selfishly made this photo a day challenge a personal one, because I am curious person and I love learning about people… so this month is all about YOU. Each day you’ll share a little about yourself.
I am spending most of June in Japan, so I’m really keen to stick to this month and take a bit of a journey through this. Fingers crossed I can stay on track, it’s been a while!

How to play Photo A Day
Playing Photo A Day is super simple, and an easy way to get creative.
📷 Look at the list for the daily prompt.
📷 Take a photo using the prompt as inspiration. For example, if the prompt is ‘I am…’ so start the month and share a little about you. How would you finish that sentence? I am… tell us about you!
📷 Once you’ve taken your photo, it’s time to share it! You can share to Instagram, or Facebook (more details below).
📷 Enjoy the community. On both Instagram and Facebook (especially in our private Facebook group), we have a beautiful community. Each day we pick our favourite four photos to put a spotlight on. You can spend time liking and commenting on other people’s photos, and maybe your photos will get picked for the Fab Four!
How to play on Instagram
Simply check out the list for the daily prompt, and then snap a photo using that as inspiration. Share your photo, and be sure to include the hashtag #FMSPAD in your caption so the community can see your photos. We also have a daily hashtag list (see below) so that we can find your daily photos easier.
Follow our @fms.photoaday Instagram account. We love showing off photos from our community. You can look at the #FMSPAD hashtag to see all the great photos from the challenge.
How to play on Facebook
We have a fun, private FMS Photo A Day Facebook Group that you’re welcome to join. It’s a dedicated place to share your daily photos. We also have a beautiful team who selects four photos every day (the Fab Four) from each daily prompt.
You’re also welcome to share to your own personal feed, whatever suits you best.

How to remember the Photo A Day prompts
Remembering the daily prompts can sometimes be a challenge. You can bookmark this blog post to refer to, save the Photo A Day list to your camera roll (or even make it your screensaver), or you’ll find the list at the top of our Facebook Group. We have also added the prompts to our calendar, so you can download for an easy reminder.
For the calendar prompts: You can download the prompts automatically into your phone or PC calendar. For Smartphones & Mac Calendar, click here. For HTML for web viewing, click here.
A little more about the prompts:
1. I am… Capture a photo that represents you in some way. It could be a close-up portrait, an object you identify with, or a scene that reflects your personality.
2. I held this… Take a picture of something you held today that has significance. Maybe it’s a sentimental object, a work of art you created, or a delicious treat you enjoyed.
3. I walked here… Document your journey! Capture the path you took on your walk, a unique landmark you passed by, or the final destination you reached.
4. I feel… Express your emotions visually. Maybe it’s a peaceful landscape for serenity, a crowd for excitement, or a cozy corner for contentment.
5. I saw… Capture something visually interesting you encountered today. It could be anything from a fleeting moment to something extraordinary.
6. I love… Show something you hold dear! Maybe it’s a person, a pet, a hobby, or a place that brings you joy.
7. I have… Showcase a prized possession! This could be a family heirloom, a unique souvenir, or something that holds sentimental value.
8. I like to eat… Capture your culinary cravings! Take a picture of your favorite meal, a delicious snack, or a dish you’re trying for the first time.
9. I read this… Share your literary world! Take a picture of the book you’re currently engrossed in, a favorite quote, or a cozy reading nook.
10. I stood here… Commemorate a place of significance. Maybe it’s a viewpoint with a breathtaking vista, a historical landmark, or simply a spot that holds special memories.
11. I work here… Offer a glimpse into your professional life. Capture your workspace, a team meeting, or your favorite aspect of your workplace.
12. I like to… Show us what you enjoy doing! Maybe it’s a relaxing activity, a creative pursuit, or a way you spend your free time.
13. I know… Challenge yourself! Capture something that represents a piece of knowledge you possess, a skill you’ve mastered, or a fact you find fascinating.
14. I love this view… Share a scene that inspires you! Maybe it’s a natural wonder, a cityscape at night, or a simple everyday view you appreciate.
15. On weekends I… Capture how you unwind and recharge. Maybe it’s an adventure, a social gathering, or a quiet moment at home.
16. I create… Showcase your creativity! This could be anything you make, from art and music to crafts and culinary creations.
17. I bought… Share your recent purchase! Maybe it’s something practical, a special treat, or something that sparked joy.
18. I love this time of day… Document a specific time of day that holds special meaning for you. Capture the light, the mood, or the activities associated with it.
19. I like to drink… Showcase your favorite beverage, whether it’s a morning coffee, a special tea, or a craft cocktail.
20. I don’t like to… This is a chance to get creative. Photograph an activity or object that you dislike, but find a way to make the image interesting or visually appealing.
21. I went to… Share a photo from a recent trip or outing, highlighting a place that captured your attention.
22. On saturdays i… Document a typical Saturday activity or ritual. It could be a relaxing morning, a fun hobby, or a social gathering.
23. I once… Share a photo that represents a memorable experience from your past.
24. I sat here… Photograph a place where you find comfort, inspiration, or a sense of peace.
25. I can… Illustrate a talent or skill that you possess. This could be anything from playing an instrument to cooking to solving puzzles.
26. I can’t… Similar to “i don’t like to…”, find a creative way to photograph something you struggle with or find challenging.
27. I live… Capture a photo that represents your living space or the environment that surrounds you.
28. I wore this… Showcase a favorite outfit, a piece of clothing with a story, or something you wore to a special event.
29. I found… Share an image of an interesting or unexpected discovery, whether it’s a natural object, a forgotten item, or a hidden gem.
30. I do this on Sundays… Document a typical Sunday activity, emphasizing the unique way you spend the end of your week.