Skinny For Santa.


his is the last week of the Skinny For Santa challenge. It’s gone by quite quickly. Time flies when you’re being healthy. Or something like that.

I’m pretty happy. I’ve lost just under 10kg since I started this whole concentrating on being healthy gig. That feels good. Hubby has lost 16kg, and is looking pretty darn spunky. I was waiting for him yesterday whilst I was sitting outside the doctors. I saw a guy walking through the carpark and I thought to myself: That guy looks like my husband when he was 21.

I was having a bit of a perve, and then I realised that is was him! He looks so so good.

How have you been travelling? Have you achieved your goals?

17 thoughts on “Skinny For Santa.”

  1. Wow! That is awesome! You guys must need whole new wardrobes!
    Ive lost 2.5kgs in the last 4 weeks. Still have another 1.5 to go before Christmas…

  2. Wow great job!! good on you both – that's amazing.

    I on the other hand despite all my efforts at the gym have been terrible on the food front and have not lost any weight at all.

    It is disappointing and makes it very hard to feel happy in a bikini – but will be very committed in the new year to working it off before getting back to uni in March.

  3. Congrats!
    And isn't it a good feeling to look at your hubby and have that feeling!?
    What diet/eating plan have you both been following?
    My hubby and I would love to loose 20lbs or so!
    Was it difficult to get started?

  4. My hubby has been working out too. He came home from the gym this morning and I had to do a double take. Muscles. Seeeeexxxxyy!

    Means I have to get on the treadmill though!

  5. 10kg is HEAPS! And I giggled at the bit about your hubby!

    I've been on a bit of a health kick recently too (I just wrote about it on my blog). Feels good to be healthier doesn't it?!


  6. I set a very achievable goal of losing 5 kilos before Christmas and I am proud to say I got there. There is still room to improve my diet and exercise so I'm hoping the next 5 kilos might be off by the boys Christenings at the end of Jan.

  7. Chantelle! You and your hubby have done sooo well! I had lost 7.5kg as per thursday last week, so I have 1.25kg to go this week and the next to get to my 10 kg before christmas! Wish me luck…

  8. Well done Telle & (new) Hubby!

    I have lost a total of 6 kilos since starting on this healthy eating and gym business. More importantly my body shaped is/has changed! I don't recognise these thighs…….and I had grown quite attached to my mammoth thighs and thought 'that's just the way I'm built' well, I was wrong!

    A bit like you Telle, I was perving on this chick at the gym last night wih
    tht a pert bum and then realised she was me he he


  9. Congrates Chantelle!!!

    My bf and I have been trying to eat healthier as well but have been failing big time!

    I guess we really need to try harder!
    It's so nice to look at your partner sometimes and realise that you are still in love with the same person no matter how much he has changed on the outside. :). For me, that is.

  10. @Jack: Of course you do. Good on you. x

    @Nem: Thank you. x

    @Hayley: I don't yet, but Hubby is falling out of his clothes. It's quite funny.

    @Lona De Anna: Thanks lovie. It is nice to still be so in love. x

    @Elle: I think you look perfect as you are. But I know we all have our own ideals. x

    @Teresa: We just avoid white carbs for the most part. We also are pretty organised with meals and things.

    @Alex: That's how my mind works too. I go phwoar! and then immediately think about how I need to do better!

    @Jane: I'll pop over and have a look at your health kick. x

    @Alicia: Absolutely better than nothing, and certainly better than gaining. x

    @Melissa: Good on you. That's great. xx

    @Jen: Thanks. xx

    @m/t/b: I think the New Year is a great time to get started. xx

    @Megs: Oh, you can soooo do that! Go girl! x

    @Sammi: That's so so so good! I a so proud of you, I bet Lilli wonders what happened to her Mama. x

    @bowsnhearts: It's not easy… I hope you get there. x

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