Hello! It’s time. May is here, so grab your camera/phone/photo-taking device and get ready to have a cracking good time. All the details that you need to know are below. x
How to play!
Playing along with photo a day is super easy:
♥ Check out the May photo a day list.
♥ Each day look at the daily prompt and take a photo according to whatever the prompt is. For example for day 1 the prompt is ‘I bought this!’, so share something you’ve bought. It might be something you purchased today, like a coffee etc or something you love that you picked up some time in the past. It’s a great opportunity to get creative. Be inspired by a little creativity and see what you come up with.
♥ Once you’ve taken the photo it’s time to share it. There are loads of places you can share it. See below for more details.
♥ Check out other people’s photos. You can browse through them on my Facebook page, in the FMS Photo A Day Facebook group. Or on Instagram or Twitter just search for the #FMSphotoaday hashtag to see them all.
Where to play?
There are loads of places to be social and share your photos with the #FMSphotoaday community:
♥ Instagram: Just upload your photo, use a fancy filter, add a caption and the hashtag #FMSphotoaday and then share.
♥ Facebook: There are a few options here. You can simply share on your own personal page, among your own friends. Or you can upload to my page’s wall, or I’ve created a Facebook group for 2013. You can join it here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FMSphotoaday/
♥ Blog: If you have a blog, you could share each day or do a wrap up of all the photos at the end of the month.
♥ Tumblr: Add your daily photos to your Tumblr feed.
♥ Flickr: You can get their app {for free if I remember correctly} and share your photos there, or upload on their web version. We also have a photo a day group here.
♥ Twitter: You can share on Twitter by uploading the photo and sharing the hashtag #FMSphotoaday. Easy.
How do I remember the prompts?
There are a few ways you can grab the list or remember the prompts:
♥ Come back here each day and click the button on the right-hand side to check out the list.
♥ Right-click on the list above and save it to your desktop. Or if you’re on your phone you could take a screenshot and save it as your wallpaper. {To screenshot click the power button and home button at the same time}.
♥For those that have been asking, here are the links from Doug so you can view them in calendar form on the web or download to get alerts on your phone.
iPhone/iPad/Android/Mac: http://bit.ly/15KFbZw
Web: http://bit.ly/16Tad4H
What’s the fab four?
Each day I’ll be picking four photos on each Instagram and Facebook that have caught my attention, and sharing them to my Facebook and Instagram. To have your photos in the running you can just share them to my Facebook page or the FMS Photo A Day group or the #FMSphotoaday Instagram feed, or both. It’s not a competition – just a fun way to put the spotlight on some photos from the community.
And now a little special treat…
During the month of May I have a little treat. I have some goodies to giveaway to people who participate in the photo a day challenge. I have a PosterCandy poster {any size} and a $25 Social Print Studio voucher {to spend on anything in Printstagram} for two lucky people EACH week. So just share on Facebook or Instagram, and I’ll announce the recipients each week here back on my blog.
What do the prompts mean?
There are no rules when playing along with photo a day, you can be creative as you like! Interpret the prompt as you please. For those that need a little help, some more suggested details about each prompt are below:
1. I bought this!: Share a photo of something you purchased, whether it be today, recent or something long ago.
2. Morning ritual: What’s something you do most morning. Shoot and share it.
3. This is really good!: Find something good in your life and take a photo.
4. In my cup: What are you drinking today?
5. Paper: Is it a bill? Newspaper? A letter or a heartfelt card you received? Find paper around you.
6. Broken: Is there something broken around you? Shoot and share it.
7. Something beginning with F: Find something beginning with the letter F and take a photo.
8. Shape: Shapes are all around us. Which will you choose for today’s prompt?
9. A snack: Healthy, or not-so-healthy, share a snack with us.
10. Stars: Whether in the sky or elsewhere, find some stars and take a photo.
11. A smile: A smile can change the world. I hope you find many to choose from today.
12. Mother: It’s Mother’s Day. Take a photo of a mother figure, or if you’re a mum – perhaps yourself. Or what the word mother means to you.
13. Sunrise/Sunset: Choose one or both, and take some time to see the sun wake or go to sleep.
14. Need: What’s a need in your life?
15. 7 o’clock: Whatever you’re doing at 7am or 7pm – share it!
16. Mailbox: Take a photo of yours, or someone elses.
17. Season: What season is it where you are? How can you share it in a photo?
18. Want: What do you want in your life?
19. My favourite view: What’s your favourite view? Your kids sleeping? Your loved one? Do share.
20. Light: Light makes a photo beautiful, so how can you play with it in your photo. Could you find a little sunflare, play with light inside or something else. Lets make magic!
21. I care about this…: What do you truly care about?
22. Change: This can be a hard one, so put your thinking cap on. How can you show change in a photo?
23. PJs: Pyjamas, we all wear them? {Except you nudists!} so share them. Please.
24. Go: A green light means go, but what else symbolises this energetic word?
25. Us: Us could mean your workmates, family, friends or otherwise. How will you show everyone your ‘us’?
26. Fave thing to do on Sunday: What’s your favourite thing to do on Sundays? Sleep-in? Eat out? Party? Share.
27. Can’t live without: What would you rather not live without?
28. What you’re doing now: Choose a moment in your day and take a photo of it.
29. Kiss: This is our charity prompt. We’re going to kiss MS goodbye. So wear red, or pop on some red lipstick and show us a ‘kiss’!
30. Tool: A tool in the garage or something useful that helps you get through life. Perhaps in a cooking tool. Find one and share it.
31. Four things: Choose four things and take a photo. They can be anything.
Charity & reader prompts:
♥ Our charity prompt this month is MS {Multiple Sclerosis}.
In May we’re going to KISS MS {Multiple Sclerosis} away. So pucker up on the 29th May and share a photo of a kiss. If you’re on Instagram or Twitter use the hashtag #kissgoodbyetoMS as well as #FMSphotoaday. On this day people all around the world will be wearing red lipstick and kissing MS away. I hope you will too {boys, maybe lay off the lippy but give someone you love a kiss instead!}. Read more about the cause here.
♥ The reader prompts this month have been suggested by:
Morning ritual – Janet
Us – Brenda
A smile – Katie
Thank you everyone!
You can suggest a reader prompt below:
Are we going to be able to add it to our iPhones like in the past?
The link has been added above. 🙂
Does the link work for Android? I can’t open it when I put it in my browser…
Same here I can’t open it 🙁
Hi C. When I try to add to my iPad with the link from the awesome Doug, it keeps coming up as last months?? Is it just me???
It has last months and this months. Are you able to just check May and see that it has prompts in there?
Hopefully we can get to the bottom of it. 🙂
Hi OrganisedChaosBlog – Unsure if you’ve worked it out, but the calendar includes both April and May lists, if you scroll down you’ll see the may. Mine said “Add items” and (31) beside it, so my phone must ‘know’ not to add the days previous. 🙂
Joined you for this in February, then slipped away. Planning to get back up and running now!
I’ll try to participate this month. Wish me luck 🙂 // Je vais tenter de participer ce mois-ci. Souhaitez-moi bonne chance !
Would try to participate, looks so much fun. x
When I browse tags on Tumblr it seems there are several different prompt lists out for May?? At least two other lists except the one you have here, and they all say FMS? Isn’t that weird? Or can it be that people re-use old ones from previous years?
How do I find people who share on blogs? I thought I read somewhere on your site to leave links but now I can’t find it. However I’m thinking of participate..probably on Tumblr.
Hey Susanne,
The list to use is the one above. 🙂
And you can share your link in this post if you like: https://fatmumslim.com.au/hey-its-may-photo-a-day-come-and-play/#comment-881511471 I need to create a streamline way for people to share where they blog. Let me know if you have any tips. x
Maybe add a linky list to the post where you introduce the prompts for the month? It would be easier then to find the links instead of browse through the comments.
Us falls on my wedding day. Cannot wait to share that photo 🙂
I never do these things, so I’m going to try for the first time. Day one down. Wish me luck!
Yay looking forward to it, thought to be honest I am still playing catchups from March and last month :O
What hashtag should we use on instagram to be included in the weekly prize give away?
#FMSphotoaday 🙂
Oh dear, Chantelle, the link for the calendar prompts isn’t “live” and when I type it into my iphone it just won’t open. I’ve had no trouble for the past months 🙁
Can you suggest what I’m doing wrong?
Has got last months daily pics in calendar
I´m doing it on my blog: http://saaera.blogg.se
Sounds like such fun! Will definitely be doing this on Instagram! (@sohinii)
TV, Turmeric, Tea
I am doing it at my blog…
My entry for day 2 …
Did we fix the android app link thing yet? I still can’t load it.
Blogged! http://squigglefloey.wordpress.com/2013/05/04/but-i-dont-take-pictures/
I’m missing the prompts on my iPhone calender for Photoaday…..has Doug done it yet?
Did you read the post? They’re shared above.
Having a lot of fun with my first photo a day month! Thanks so much for hosting this challenge!! I’m blogging about it here: http://www.sannipanni.com
Can I join in today? 😛 Or is it too late already?
Dear Chantelle,
Hello from Portugal! I’m on board as well – only one year late! :))) I picked the wrong May calendar (last year’s, I guess), but never mind, I’m doing it anyway… And it’s loads of fun!
Big hug,
Haha it only took me like 3/4 of the month to work out how to add the prompts to my google calendar :p
BTW cannot wait for next month. Excited to see what my bday prompt is 😀