Girl Twirl.

Elisabeth Hasselbeck

has a little ritual with her kids. At night they have little dance parties before bedtime. I that. Lacey would be so into that. She watches Hi-5 on my computer and knows the dance moves. I think it’s hilariously cute. She’s so much more coordinated than I am.

Do you have any rituals with your family? Did you have any growing up?

9 thoughts on “Girl Twirl.”

  1. for new years, we started this last year. we have what we call “club bratcher.” we dress up in our version of crazy dancing clothes, have a nice dinner, then turn up the music really loud and dance like crazy! the girls love it!!! i can't wait to do it again in a few weeks!!!

  2. Oh how sweeeeet!
    Doogan lays in bed every morning til he gets his much anticipated BELLY RUB!
    How do you type that cute little pink itty bitty heart?

  3. urgh, elisabeth hasselbeck is super conservative and very boring. I'm surprised you care about what she has to say.

  4. Oh that reminds me of that scene in the movie Stepmom where the little girl dances around the house with her mum after they know she is sick. So simple, yet so much joy in that moment.

    One of my significant memories as a child is my dad tucking us in on the nights he was home (he was a shiftworker) and without fail every night he did this he would say I Love You. I remember feeling so assured and safe from that.

  5. I remember a lot of rituals my family had… Sunday night BBQs, pizza nights, movie nights all on a regular basis. Actually, most of them revolved around food which explains a lot!
    I love the idea of dance parties – my bubba is just starting to get into dancing so that's something I'd love to do 🙂

  6. I like girl twirl! Our only ritual growing up was me, my little sis and my Dad dancing on a Friday night when he would come home from work and put on some records. You can't beat a bit of dancing until you fall down laughing! 😉

  7. we often have dance parties – crank up something silly on youtube on the laptop and dance around the lounge room. the other night it was that “blue” song – “I'm blue dadididada”, then walk like an egyptian. good fun and the kids actually dance to it. they don't really dance to kids music!!!

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