Do you enjoy your own company?

I love being by myself. I enjoy my own company. I like to potter around with my own thoughts, doing my own thing… without having to answer to anyone or anything. Before kids I loved the days when Hubby would be off at work and I’d be home alone.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful for the company I do keep for most of my days {Hubby & Lacey}, but I also love getting a little me-time too.

I know for some people they don’t like to be alone. As soon as they are, they grab for their phone and start to make plans.

Do you enjoy your own company? If so, what sort of things do you like to do by yourself?

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29 thoughts on “Do you enjoy your own company?”

  1. very timely 🙂 I just spent all weekend by myself. And to be honest, I didn't do “alone” very well until a couple of years ago. But I have found that alone-time is recharging-me and self-reflection time now-and that is a great thing!

  2. im very happy spending time alone. i knew a woman who always had to have room mates and could never even stay home alone for dinner. crazy.

    i think we need our alone time to gather our thoughts. ive even travelled overseas on my own so it's no biggie for me at all.

  3. I've always loved alone time to relax and read. Alone time took on a whole new meaning once I had children – it was like gold. It still is and I still don't get enough of it.

  4. I do 'alone' time pretty well. I love the company of people, but appreciate the rare moments I get to myself… few and far between with 2 little guys running & rolling around!
    There are a few key things that I definitely prefer to do on my own. Shopping, exercising and driving. I concentrate, relax and enjoy these things a whole lot more without the distraction of others.
    I think alone time is very healthy.

  5. Yep, I LOVE time on my own! I am glad to see that I am not the only one… In fact, I have the rest of this week to myself – last chance before baby number 2 arrives! I am looking forward to spending some time with no tv on, just reading… and maybe watching a movie turned up loud! Also looking forward to being able to go out shopping and not be rushed by a grumpy Miss Two!

  6. i LOVE monday mornings very, very much. i also love it when they all go to bed 🙂 ……it sounds terrible, but i admit i love being alone!

  7. Yes, I love my own company too! Reading is my current indulgence – I can lock myself away for hours and lose myself in another world – bliss!

  8. Im with you i LOVE my own company and love to wander around or just laze around at home. Im a total home body to my core 🙂

  9. yep i love time alone!! it is so recharging and energising at the same time. i think because i spend so much time around other people (mainly my kids and hubby) that any “me time” is just heaven – just me, my thoughts and whatever I was to do!

  10. i totally love my own company, i had a flat week last week so i popped off to the beach on thursday with a book for two hours and i loved it {i need to stop feeling guilty though} for wanted to just hung by myself sometimes……..lisa

  11. I suffer from anxiety, so sometimes the thought of being on my own fills me with dread… I wish I was better at being on my own, and that I could enjoy it. Hopefully the anxiety will improve and I can. Just reading your post and the replies has my heart racing lol

  12. I love being on my own, just for a little while. I love sitting in the sunshine with a good book, having a hot cup of tea or writing rubbish in my notebook. It is something I've enjoyed more and more since having children…the serenity.

  13. I NEED me time. Sometimes I dont answer the phone or say I have plans just so I can stay home, put some music on and flip through a magazine. Or I grab my journal and write down my thoughts or attempt a bit of poetry or doodle. Its time for me to see where I'm at in life and if I'm content and happy.

  14. I'm 33 weeks pregnant and had a rare half day to myself yesterday! I got a cheesy rental dvd, watched that, had a nap and it was time to pick the kiddies up! 😉

  15. solitude is what i crave most, since becoming a mum. time in my own head.

    my husband on the other hand is a total extrovert and can't stand to be on his own.


  16. As nice as it can be, I do find myself going a little mad. I talk to myself far too often! And after spending six weeks, 3 hours away from my loved ones I don't really want to be doing the alone thing any time soon!

    I miss everybody when I'm alone. Even though it's still around me, my head is always noisy!

  17. I can see how being alone can be fun and be a novelty and a luxury for some, but when you've been by yourself for years it gets a little lonely.

  18. I'm happy in my own company, but I crave that of others after a while. I remember being very lonely before I met my husband, so I mustn't have been that fab by myself! x

  19. I love sow me time. The biggest problem is I don't get it very often and it seems when I do vacuuming behind the sofa and mopping become the first priority

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