

thought today I’d open up the communication lines about blogging. There has been a bit of buzz of late about censoring posts and comments amongst bloggers. How do you feel about this? If something is written on a blog, should the owner stand by the post? Should they be able to remove the post as they please? Should they be able to moderate what comments are left on the post?

What do you think?
This is not about any particular blogger, or any particular post. It’s just a topic of conversation.

34 thoughts on “BLOGversation.”

  1. I think a blogger has the right to change their mind on a post and delete it if they choose. I also think it is their right to moderate the comments. Anything nasty that doesnt relate to the topic doesnt deserve to be there. Different opinions though are fine. I know I would delete any negative comments as I wouldnt want that “vibe” on my blog 🙂

  2. A blog belongs to the person who writes it, so I believe they should be able to change and delete content that they write if they wish.

    With comment moderation, my opinion is similar but a little different: I don't think it'd be a true representation of the reaction to someone's post if they censor and moderate the comments in a way that ends up showing only comments that the writer themselves also agrees with. We need differing opinions. Those comments should stay. Comments that I believe are fine to be deleted are hateful or spiteful or expletive-ridden comments. They have no place.

  3. Ummmmm. It's a toughie.

    If I ever posted in an over-emotional state, I would want the option to remove it.

    And all comments that went with it.

    BUT, I would be uncomfortable about doing that.

    So, I guess the solution, for me at any rate, is to hit publish when, and only when, I am 100% sure I can leave something up.

    Which means re-reading posts of a potentially emotive topic to try and minimise rabble rousing?!

    Or means writing your anger/hurt out, and then chosing NOT to hit publish….

    Dunno. As with most things, I am not sure there is a black and white rule for me….

  4. oooh what an interesting topic – i'm relatively new to blogging but can already see your point. I think that the blog owner should have control over what is on their blog and that includes comments – i guess that is why we have an opportunity to moderate our comments received. In my short experience here in blog-land though if you are going to write about something contentious or opinionated don't expect everyone to share your exact view and be open to new ideas and comments. Sometimes the written word can be a little harsher, so it's wise to always re-read what you write!

    Fab blog Chantelle!

  5. I think that if a writer/blogger creates a post, they should own it. It's like saying something in real life (not that blogging isn't real) you can't erase the words you've said.

    If you've written something controversial in the heat of the moment… I think a blogger should own that they've written it. If the heat of the moment dies down… and they change their point of view… I think they should simply say so.

    I guess that's in an ideal world… and I guess I avoid controversy because of the drama that usually goes with it.

    I think it's fine to delete spam comments, obviously. But I don't think moderating comments is the way to go. If they're completely off topic, or abusive or a personal attack… then they should be removed.

    It's food for though, that's for sure. x

  6. I agree with Simone – I think the blog owner should feel they're able to moderate as they feel necessary.

    If you open up a topic for discussion, I guess you have to remember that it is just that: a discussion, and that there will be people who have different opinions, potentially not the same as your own, and that this is not a bad thing. How boring it would be if we all had the same view of every single topic! But, there is a way to put forth your opinion without insulting other people, if we all play nicely together, it makes for a much more pleasant experience. I know there are people who thrive on heated debate and sometimes it's good to stoke the fire, so to speak; it can really get people thinking, and perhaps even seeing things from a different perspective.

    At the end of the day though, a blog is kind of like somebody's home. You open it up to other people to come and visit, but it's still your right to boot them out the door if they come traipsing their muddy boots through your house and shouting at your kids. I think people forget this from time to time. Just because it's out there in the public domain, doesn't mean we all have equal ownership over it. And if a blogger posts something and then decides they're not comfortable sharing it, then they absolutely should feel that they can remove it.

    That's my two cents worth. I'm intrigued to hear what other people have to say.

  7. Well said Abby,
    I agree with you in that it would be a strange world if we all held the same opinions and there was never a debate to be held. I guess it all depends on the topic and who the debate involves/affects. I follow the rule 'if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all'!
    So, in answer to your question Chantelle, I think (depending on circumstance) that yes, if a blogger has written something, and published it, they should stand by their opinion. If they didn't feel strongly about whatever it is they've written, perhaps they shouldn't make it public.

  8. To me a blog is about my thoughts on any given day. I have some posts I do cringe at a little, but that's where I was that day. I think leaving them shows that we all have good and bad days, and that like life, our blogs are not all sunshine and happy times. Bit if someone wants to remove a post from their blog they are entitled to.

    I would draw the line at blogging about a person in a negative way or making public attacks on someone. And I think the same should be said for comments. I'm happy to have someone disagree with what I have written, but I hope they can disagree in a respectful way, and keep the comments on my blog.

    It's tricky, and I think we all need to remember that although in the public domain there is a real person behind the blog, being brave enough to share. A little respect can go a long way.

  9. yep – I think you should be able to delete your own posts – they belong to the blogger. You can't really pretend you didn't say it, but you can remove it from new readers. Why not, especially if you no longer feel that way?
    I bought a pair of high waisted blizzard wash jeans back in the day, I would hate to have to continue wearing them now just because of a fashion decision I made a long time ago. I have deleted my posts that are no longer relevant – expired giveaways etc. but most of my opinions I still stick by so I guess I haven't really come across what you are talking about.

    As for comments – I delete spam and double ups but I would leave others comments up regardless of what they said.

  10. I have never deleted a blog post, but I think there are some instances that people might choose to delete something. Say, if they wrote a post about a family member and then that person found it offensive or whatever…it's not worth fighting with family over. I think it's up to the blogger, but personally, I'd avoid deleting a blog post if I could.

    As for blog comments, well, I have only ever deleted comments that were repeated by accident or were complete spam that didn't relate to the post at all (got a lot of those on the Bloggers Without Makeup post), and I once deleted a comment that was just too much on the nasty side of things towards some other commenters on a blog post of mine. In that instance, I left a comment stating that I had deleted it and the person who made the comment responded that they thought that fair enough and apologised. I was also asked once to delete someone's comment, but by the time I got their email request, too many had responded to their comment so I couldn't delete it. I would have done that at their request though had I got their email in time, but I would have noted in the comments that I had deleted it at their request. I don't think there's ever an instance when it's necessary to get nasty in a blog comment. Even if you completely disagree with what the person is writing, you can express your opinion in an intelligent and thoughtful way. If you can't…don't leave a comment. Shut it down and walk away.

  11. I've deleted posts in the past – they did what they needed to at the time but were then no longer relevant – he'll I deleted an entire blog last week!

    As for comments – I have no issue with people disagreeing with me or even saying not nice things as long as they own up to those viewpoints eg put either their real name or their blog addy on the comment.

    I don't mind contraversy and I'm very opinionated – people don't like that then they don't have to read me but I ain't going to post about fairyfloss n rainbows all the time because well life isn't like that!

  12. In terms of blog post removal, I don't think this is appropriate. I think bloggers need to be responsible, and think about what they write before they write it.

    That being said, if what they've said offends/hurts/embarrases etc. their partner/child/family/friend and it will hurt their relationship with that person if it stays up, I think that is more important.

    In terms of censoring posts, I am torn, but tend to lean towards pro-censoring (within reason).
    A blog is a reflection of the author, and the comments, while not written by them, are part of that.

    If someone wrote a hatefuly/unwaranted/rude comment, then i could delete it, because it's not necessary, and is detrimental to the community of my blog. Just like in a classroom I wouldn't let a child say whatever they wanted. They would need to leave the room if they were swearing at other kids.

    My hesitation with this though is when it comes to people disagreeing via comments. I think if a commententor writes something contray to what you've written about then you should keep the comment. That is a legitament part of the conversation, and it should remain there for other people to respond to. This is, as long as it's not hateful or overly offensive.

    In summary, I think it's a fine line, but at the esense of it all a blogger needs to take responsibility of their blog and all that it includes and should carefully monitor and sometimes censor it. That includes censoring themselves BEFORE they write.

  13. I also agree with Nomie- it's a reflection of your life, and you wrote a post for a reason, at that time. Yes, you change, but that post is still true for that moment in time. 🙂

  14. What a great topic for discussion and quite relevant to me at the moment (though I won't go into that here).

    It's a tricky one. On one hand I love the idea of being able to retract stupid things I've said in my blog (as I feel I say too many stupid, in the moment things waaaay too often). Though I do that in real life too but I have the ability, most of the time, to be able to apologise or further explain or whatever it takes for me to fix up the error of my ways. In writing, it's really hard to do that. That's what I love so much about the delete button. So wish I had one for my mouth!

    So I'm still confused as to what would be best. I like the possibility that the retract gives me on my blog but, I see that if we are going to say stuff to the world, then we should be accountable in some way for what we write.

    As for comments…that's the one that's a little relevant to me at the moment. I think differing opinions are fine and healthy but I think we, as blog owners, should have the right to keep our blog safe and sound from harmful comments. After all, we are editors as well as writers. It's our little safe haven and I think it's nice to know we can keep it that way.

    Not sure how clear I've been but it's been fantastically helpful reading everyone's thoughts on this topic. It's got me really thinking some more about it all.

  15. I would once have said that a blogger should have a right to delete a post they have written, however, recently a post which I thought was brilliant and sorely needed was deleted from a blog due to it being in response to an article and I found myself very disappointed when I went to direct some readers to it who desperately needed to read what had been written. I agree that once you've posted something you should be willing to accept that you've put it out there. Deleting a post doesn't mean it never existed. If you change your mind or have some clarification to make, I think another post should be written.
    As for comments, I think moderation is a good thing to keep out all the blatantly nasty, off topic personal attack types. I don't mind having differing opinions voiced, it makes life interesting and gives me something to think about.

  16. I believe that everyone should have control of their own blog so if they feel like deleting comments or turning comments off, then I completely understand & respect that.

  17. It is YOUR blog, you have the right to do whatever you want. if you want to censor a blog, or change something it is your prerogative!
    It is your individual voice on the interwebs, you should be able to control what you want.

  18. Yes, I think that it's fine to delete posts but be careful what you write anyway 'cos once you post or comment: it's OUT there for the world to see.
    Point 1, blogger: Once I deleted an entire post because my husband pointed out that it could easily be taken out of context and seen as offensive to a family member. Sometimes I think it's best to avoid uneccessary conflict. However, another blogger copied it to her page so now I have no control over it.
    Point 2: Commenter: Regrettfully I posted a fairly negative comment on someones blog when I was having a particularly crap day. I basically said her reno was 'beige' and that IKEA's cool but it shouldn't be used for her entire house…. not nice, I know.(For some stupid reason, everything she said 'urked' me but I should've just looked at another blog & forgotten about it.) Anyway, I couldn't remove it and tried to apologise. When I looked back at it another day I saw that she published my negative comments but not my apology. Then she wrote a sooky, sympathy cry comment after it and published a comment under mine (from another blogger) which basicaly called me an idiot and bitch, bla, bla….. oh, and I was blocked from commenting.
    In the 'real world' I would've been able to apologise properly and I wouldn't feel like such a 'knob' but in the 'real world' I would never have said that to someone in the first place.

  19. Yesterday I received my first negative comment and I was upset.
    I wanted to automatically delete it.
    I thought it was someones opinion and yes the were right I am not get with spelling and grammar but hey no-one was making them read it.

    I love blogging and I love receiving comments. The bad I could do without but hey, I put myself out there.

    I remember as a child being told, 'If you have nothing nice to say don't say it at all'. That is still my moto. You can be assured you will not receive nasty comments from me.

    I am not saying I expect people to agree, disagreeing is not such a bad thing. Being rude and hurtful that is another.

    Great topic C to discuss. X

  20. I agree with you Chantelle. I think if you say something you should own it just like you would in the real world. You can always right another post stating that you have changed your opinion if you wish.

    I think moderating comments should only be done if the comments are abusive or a personal attack and are unrelated to the post. That sort of stuff is just not needed in the blog world. But if someone is simply offering a different opinion to your own that should not be deleted simply because you do not agree.

    I used to read a fashion blog that put up a comments etiquette post. The most of it I agreed with but one of her rules was that she did not need advice about her outfits. If you don't like the way she wore something then that was fine but don't comment about it. I thought this was a little odd. I agree that someone telling you you like crap or fat or something is a rude thing to write and should not be done but if they are simply saying “great outfit but I would have worn it like this” is acceptable and could even give you some new ideas. There was a big debate about this on her blog and she has since clarified this rule but at the time I thought it an odd rule to give people.

  21. I agree, too a point with if you say it you own it, but at the same time, owning it means you have the right to remove it if you want.

    Lets face the reality.
    None of our blogs are moderated {well not that I'm aware of – someone please tell me if there is blogging police out there – eeks!!! *smile*}

    If I was a total cow and wanted to use my blog to insult, bitch, make fun of or offend people I could. Who really is going to stop me? And if anyone had a problem with it, then don't read it
    I was reading a very popular American blogger's blog regularly and in the end I found I got sick of her constant opinions on everything and that she obviously enjoyed stirring the pot. Not for me so I don't read her anymore. Simple as that.
    SO yes if someone wrote something in an offensive personal attack way in my comments I would delete it, basically to send them a message that I wont/don't have to take it. But if it was a constructive comment, then hey go for it….I'm not perfect.
    In the end ….. its a blog.
    A wonderful way to be creative and share ourselves with anyone who wants to share it too.
    Let's not take it all too seriously hey?

  22. hmmm
    Im an avowed NONCENSORER.

    what I write
    what others say
    All of it.

    Freedom of speech even if aforementioned comment or speech isnt what I wanna hear…

  23. Interesting post Chantelle – there's a lot of fuel for discussion here. I think that it's important for every blogger to remember that the internet is a public domain and that what's put up there can easily get beyond our control to take down. Don't write in the heat of the moment, don't attack other bloggers personally, don't put anything out there that you'd be embarrassed to own. Edit yourself. Think before you post. All the rules that apply to print and other forms of traditional media should be thought about with blogging too.

    As for comments, I think people who disagree in a thoughtful and respectful manner should be given equal respect. Haters should be deleted. Don't give them the attention they crave.

  24. Interesting topic in this age of technology. Blog's are different things to different people. Some people treat it similar to a personal journal. Others are very aware that what they say in their blog is out there for anyone to read.

    I think you should have the right to delete something you posted. Doesn't mean you're not owning it, just means you may not agree with it anymore (we all grow and evolve and consequence of this is that our ideas and beliefs change sometimes) and you may not want that out there as it doesn't reflect how you feel now.

    As for comments, I guess that's up to the individual, but as long as a comment isn't designed to cause pain or hurt, if it's genuinely someone's point of view, even if its a negative one, I think it has as much right to be heard as a negative comment. Not everyone agrees, and not all of life is positive. That's what makes life so interesting!

  25. Sometimes you don't like your post and want to delete it, just like a birthday card you change because you don't like it. so changing that is okay.

    Comments, well that is a little comlicated I think. On one hand I think it's your blog and if you don't like the comment get rid of it. But on the other a blog is there to exchange opinions. Even if it is opinions you don't like. Nobody has to take “abuse”. So I would delete those. But critisism, well… I believe if you make yourself pblic, that is one thing to deal with.

    I write this very easily, but I don't like critisism either. 😉

  26. Honestly, an I say this on my blog- it's my blog, and I write what I like. I also delete what I like- not that I've had to do it yet….

    Same goes for comments. It's not a democracy, it's a Lori-ocracy, and I'll edit or delete as I see fit (not that I've that yet either. And I probably wouldn't delete unless it was trollish- but I reserve the right to.)

  27. Oh interesting discussion…

    I think I fall into the 'your blog you can do what you like with it' category… BUT… once you hit post you can never really delete anything. As soon as you post it goes out to feed readers, deleting the post later won't delete what is already in my feed. Also google cache's everything!

    Personally I'd feel a bit 'iffy' about changing or deleting a post without at least giving an explanation. Same goes with comments – I wouldn't hesitate to delete an offensive comment (and I think it is up to me what I feel is offensive on my blog) but I'd personally not delete comments just because they disagreed with me.

    So as a blogger I adhere to my own standards and ethics, as a blog reader, I am not phased if you delete posts or comments but it may make me not want to read, which is the joy of the internet!

  28. Interesting. Some cogent arguments in both directions in earlier comments, so I'll try not to repeat, but rather say that my position is:

    – bloggers must have the *right* to remove posts as there are circumstances where removal is legally or morally imperative (ie where a third party's privacy or copyright has been infringed, or where someone has been libelled or otherwise maligned);


    – bloggers probably would be best not to exercise the right of deletion frivolously or out of regret for ill-judged commentary. I think standing by your words, unless they are offensive or actionable, is part of being a human being of integrity.

    For the record, I have never deleted a post, but I have taken one of my two blogs private to enable me to spend less time fretting over potential offence to sensitive persons in the private one.

    Re comments, I believe in comment moderation. Heartily. I do not believe in censoring opposing or critical views, but all the most engaging blogs I read have clear comment policies and breach of those policies leads to deletion of comments. Obviously spam is out, but on my blogs, so are personal insults (to me or other commenters), racist or bigoted hate talk, anything that I judge may be libellous etc. My blogs are my spaces, after all. If you came into my house and talked that way, you'd be shown the door. Same online!

  29. I'm pretty new to blogging but I'm in the mindset that if it is your blog, then you are free to post and delete or do as you please (to a certain extent).

    When commenting on other people's blogs, I think it is important to remember that there is a PERSON on the other end… with feelings… and we kinda forget that when we post sometimes.(esp if the comment is nasty or negative.)

    It's really difficult in the blogging world because what you say in a post a year ago, is always there for anyone to come see at any time. But if you said it IRL, then it's out and in time usually forgotten.
    Great discussion btw! 🙂

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