152 thoughts on “Finding readers: How to get the people to your blog”

  1. thanks for sharing chantelle, the fb part is something I have given thought to but seeing as I don’t use it much personally I wondered how I could learn to like using it for blogging. but you’re right – it’s all about getting to the party! x

  2. I think getting blog readers is the toughest part of blogging – “build it and they will come” doesn’t apply in the blogosphere. You’ve got to build it and then find time to “market” it as well. I always find it difficult to split my time between creating the content and then spending time on social media, commenting etc. Perhaps I need to focus more on your last point about creating shareable content. Thanks for an informative piece.

  3. Thanks for sharing your experience. I love commenting on other blogs and enjoy the online friendships that have developed from that. I would also add that having an attractive looking blog with great layout and photos really helps. Its an area where my blog is somewhat lacking (but I hope to make up for it with cheekiness).

  4. I love that you have content as #1, I feel like people forget that part sometimes when giving advice on how to promote blogs. ; ) Commenting is such an important part of the blogging network, too. I’ve been commenting less since I started reading blogs more on my phone, which is a PITA to leave comments with…but am trying to get back to it!

    • Yeah I find that too Marcy, I usually go through Facebook instead of a reader and then I can go back and leave a comment on the facebook link to let them know my thoughts and that I was there.

  5. This is really great. I’ve been blogging since February, and I had a slow start with readers until I started communicating with others in the community. I don’t have a huge influx of readers now, but I do see some come in from comments I’ve left on other sites. It definitely encourages me to keep giving feedback on other sites!


  6. Thank you for your advice! I’ve been trying the comment thing for a few weeks now, but i still have very little reader. Recently started my twitter account… Let’s see if it works. My blog is in german only, but maybe there are some german speaking people around to check it out: http://mamafuchs.wordpress.com

  7. If you love the sublime beauty of the sky, the Ministry of Clouds might be your cup of tea.

    The Ministry is a self appointed bureaucracy of artists, governing the ungovernable. We encourage everyone to ‘just look up’ a bit more through our photoblog. The material is both curated and original work and our motto is ‘IN NUBIBUS GLORIA’ – to the glory of clouds.
    Visit the Bureau at http://www.ministryofclouds.com
    The facebook page is http://www.facebook.com/ministryofclouds.
    or you can view our performance ‘Cumulus’ from this year’s Sydney Fringe Festival at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qL7oZvun4IA .

    Hope you like it! Thanks Chantelle.

  8. All fantastic advice! I really try and leave comments on blogs that I connect with, but think I need to broaden my horizons a bit more. I also like to use social media as a source as well, any chance I can get to have people view my blog I’ll take.

    Mine started out as a place to share my budding photography passion and to be honest I didn’t think anyone would even view it! I am so grateful for everyone who has stopped by, and would love anymore feedback

  9. Terrific post. I remember when I first started my blog and showed up at Twitter, wearing great shoes… and quietly slunk back out of the room, wondering what it was all about. I felt as though I was talking to myself, in a corner, while the party swung around me.

    But persistence is the key. And finding one or two people to really talk to. Then that number begins to grow.

  10. I’m generally very slack when it comes to commenting regularly. I’ve realised I’m never going to have hoards of people visiting my blog, though, and I’m actually okay with that. I primarily do it for own little outlet of sanity, and to have some kind of document of life living overseas – that my kids might read one day (www.amadworld.blogspot.com)

  11. I’m a relatively new blogger and am amazed at this whole other world that I’ve stumbled across that I never new existed. It all seemed so hard in the beginning to get readers and to keep them coming back but it’s getting easier with thanks to people like you who share your tips. I really love your blog.

  12. Another great post Chantelle. Your blog waaay back when it had a pink header and a cupcake with sprinkles it what got me into blogging, when our little ladies were just babes. Since being used to document our travels now it documents our daily lives, which are still filled with adventure. I am hoping to give my blog a little more lovin with it’s own domain name and professional site design – time for a fresh overhaul before our adventures with 2 kids begin.

  13. I’ve met some great blogger pals and regularly comment on their posts – and they on mine. so thrilling when someone discovers my blog and adds their thoughts and/or ‘likes’.

  14. For me all the points you have raised come down to good relationships and the chicken and the egg. I have made the most gorgeous friends through blogging. They are the ladies that can truly see through and feel your words, because they feel the same. It’s pretty different from other friendships too. When you can do that, the social-ness, shareability and stuff to write about just emerges in the most fabulous way!

  15. Thank you for this post! I enjoy your blog so much! I blog over at wwwthreewishes.blogspot.com if you would like to have a peek.

  16. Thanks for writing this article. I believe a lot of reader’s come from other blog’s and share’s etc. so yes it’s well worth commenting on posts written on other blog’s or on facebook etc.

  17. Great tips Chantelle.

    I’ve never really been comfortable with the idea of having to spend time on social media and commenting on other blogs – I LOVE blogging – but don’t have the time to spend loads of time online trying to attract readers. So I’ve learnt to be happy with less readers. I focus mostly on trying to ‘write stuff worth reading’ and over time my readership gradually increases – very very slowly. But I’m OK with that. I recently picked up a weekly column in the Saturday magazine insert for my local Newspaper – so something must be working.

    I often see bloggers focus loads on finding readers – so much so that they forget why they are blogging. They also lose their unique voice. I guess I just wanted to say its also possible to be a successful blogger without loads of readers.

  18. This couldn’t come at a better time for me, I have been trying to work it how to grow my readers as well. I guess it is a slow process though. Thanks for sharing.
    I blog over at http://www.aparentinglife.com in case anyone wants to drop in đŸ™‚ the door is always open

  19. As usual, a great post Chantelle. I think content and making relationships with other bloggers is the key – if your content is good and you build real reciprocal relationships with other bloggers then the audience will come and, more importantly, will come back for more as more and more people share your posts. I’m still working on this one myself, mind you, but practice makes perfect, right?

  20. This is all so true. I started blogging as an outlet and to keep the grandparents in the loop, but just by commenting on other blogs did I find people were starting to follow me. Having followers isn’t my goal, but it’s nice to see some people like my stuff enough to stick around. jolizie.blogspot.com/

  21. I often find I try to fit a weeks worth of stuff into a day. I might read a lot of blogs but only comment on just one. (Note to self, make better commenting effort, starting now).

    After a year of blogging, one thing I’m doing different is turning the story around, so it becomes more worthwhile to my reader. EG I can show you photos of how I got my brows done (for free) at a Fashion Event. Or I can turn that around and show you the great products I brought from their and demonstrate what they do. Therefore making the post all about the reader and less about my freebie brag. I think the people that did my brows would appreciate that more too. http://www.inspiredwish.com

  22. Thanks for the tips!

    I really enjoy reading and commenting on other peoples’s blogs…and I have found that the more I read and comment the more people read and comment on my blog!

    I blog over at http://motherdownunder.blogspot.com.au/ so if any of you would like to visit, I would love to have you!


  23. thanks lovely. Beautifully written as always and yep that’s how I found you…hmm. Commenting is like the small town grapevine.. one thing leads to another..xxDeb

  24. Fabulous post! I am new to blogging( I started this week!) and have no idea what I’m doing! I liked your blog many moons ago on my personal page and it’s still my fav! I will start commenting on the blogs I read and see where that takes me! My blog is http://mineandme4.blogspot.com.au/ and my face book page is Mine and me- personal blog. Thanks for the advice! xx

  25. Chantelle, as always your blog is informative and really easy to read. I think you’d be a wonderful teacher. Thanks for sharing these tips. I blog, and I read other blogs but sometimes I’m a bit lazy about commenting – thanks for the virtual nudge in the right direction. BTW – I bought BB Cream on your recommendation and LOVE IT! I went and got some for my teenage nieces too and they were thrilled. I blog here: http://www.sassmouthmama.com
    Thanks and have a lovely weekend!
    Steph xxx

  26. Great tips. I’ve seen the “write well” or “write great content” tip often and I wonder, who’s the judge? Because when I sit back and think about what I would like to read, then I think to myself, of course I would want to read my blog, it’s HILARIOUS. Then I pour another glass of wine, and consider the fact that the ‘hilarity’ is in fact ‘inebriation’…?
    And I love to comment, but sometimes I just can’t find the words, so rather than sound like a twat I just become a silent lurker…
    Anyhoo, thank you for the tips.
    Oh, and I’m here!! http://www.handmadetearsandtriumphs.com

  27. These words are so true, love what you write but haven’t yet put it in to practice! Love your blog by the way

  28. I love blogging and have been around, in two incarnations, for six years. It helps to find a niche, obviously, as evidenced by wildly successful bloggers who end up writing books or being featured in magazines. I even saw a Jeopardy contestant recently whose job was “blogger!” So we’re growing in number AND stature and we’re not going away. You, Chantelle, are a true inspiration. http://knitrunrepeat.blogspot.com

  29. I have been blogging privately for a year and a half and have just gone public with it in the aim to build my online art business. I have to admit, I have done all the things you mention EXCEPT being consistent and growing a presence. This a comfort zone thing for me, for sure, but whenever I think of the alternative (ie not making art for a living) it drive me to step outside the comfort zone. And, really isn’t this the point of living anyway? Thanks for your advice!

  30. Chantelle I am a bit of a lurker (what an awful realization & image!) – I guess I read everyone’s comments and feel its all been said so I don’t comment because I just feel I have nothing original to add. I love the party analogy as it is so true!! I am a bit of a wallflower and I guess I am doing myself a little disservice but being quiet and retiring… Thanks for another excellent post, http://www.meetoo.com.au Kate

  31. I love your blog! Thanks so much for posting this. I have just started blogging over the last few months, but really have no idea how blogs actually “take off” – I am happy to read that it sometimes, just happens. I hope that I am able to keep readers coming back! Thanks for everything you do, you are an inspiration!

  32. I just love the way you write Chantelle. Your tone draws people in. Even this topic which could be showy is simply real and social (ie I’ve seen posts that are more about getting followers for the sake of followers and stats rather than sharing your blog and engaging readers). I first found you from your comments on Mamamia. It’s funny, that was the first blog I ever read or commented on and that’s where I met so many lovely bloggers through years ago, but now I’m so busy reading their blogs (and trying to remember to update my own!!!) that I’ve moved on from Mamamia.

    There are some lovely bloggers out there and some inspiring and fun people who I would have never met if not for blogging, so it’s been a great addition to my life in the past year. Even if I’m a small fish, I’m very happy to just be splashing about with the likes of you!xoxo

  33. Hey Chantelle! Love your blog and especially this post! Of course, I love my blog and would love other people to love it too. I love following other people’s blogs but sometimes Ifeel like a poor relation, they’re all so fabulous sounding and looking, It can be overwhelming! I’m an innocent bystander, I look but I don’t write! However, after reading your post, I’m going to get out there and just comment!

  34. I love blogging and started a personal blog about everything years ago…back in 2003 when blogging was starting to become popular and my company scared me from having a blog until a few years ago I started one back up and this time its more health and fitness related. I love having a place on the net to call my own and meet new people.

  35. I’m a new blogger, only starting this year & it’s slowly becoming a daily thing – Reading those I follow & typing up posts in my spare moments (Most I haven’t gotten around to publishing yet!! So many going at once!) My stories are all about things that I LOVE. So they aren’t about one thing in particular, just about things that inspire me! I hope some more people find my blog & read it, at the moment it is just my family & close friends. Here goes! http://lifebyink.blogspot.com.au/

  36. Hi Chantelle, thank you for sharing your tips!! Too kind đŸ™‚ I’m new to the blogging world and almost feel a tad shy to start posting to Facebook for all my family and friends to see. I will definitely take on the ‘becoming a commenter’ on my favourite blogs and see what happens. I’m 25 years YOUNG! and mother to two boys under 20 months!! So with all the changes I have a lot to write but so little time. I have a few posts up so if you would like to come and read my link is http://luisacmunoz.tumblr.com/ if you can’t see any posts then just click the header “The Sum of Us”. Still trying to understand how to run a blog!! Thanks again. đŸ™‚

  37. I have been blogging for a little over a year now & one of my biggest problems is how much of a time commitment it is! I love the blogging world though and am trying my best to devote enough time, there are just so many awesome blogs out there to read, I tend to get very behind on keeping up with them all!! Thanks for the awesome tips đŸ™‚


  38. I started blogging last year when my youngest daughter was going through chemo treatments. I also gave birth to my second daughter during all of this, so I lost all of my free time to keep it up. I’ve recently picked it back up, and I’m always looking for ways to improve or any tips. Thanks so much for this post!!

  39. I am a blogger and I love every minute of it. I would love to have you or anyone else come check out my little piece of blogland. If I interest you stick around and follow me and if not that’s ok too! Thanks for visiting!! You can find me at several social sites that are on my blog so hop on over to: http://www.mydailyphotojourney.blogspot.com and atleast say “HI”.

  40. Hi Chantelle, I would like to start my own blog… could you suggest where and how please? Been meaning to for some time now and this seems like as good a time as any… NOW. Any help much appreciated. I came across you due to the November photo page on FB which I love as I take photos most days anyway. Looking forward to hearing from you.

  41. I’ve been blogging for five years but it seems a lifetime, especially as my blog has gone through so many transformations and moods. Now it’s a happy blend of work and play. I can’t imagine life without it – and I love the sheer freedom blogging offers. You don’t need to follow anyone’s rules. http://taniamccartney.blogspot.com.au/

  42. I love blogging – and commenting on other blogs ~ lately I havent had much time to sit and write…so when I do I try to keep it short n sweet đŸ™‚
    Yep I also like to share from the heart ~ those are my most popular blogs. Great tips here on how to get people to connect with your blog.

  43. I’ve been blogging for about 2 years and have learnt so many lessons along the way about content. Usually the post I think is the least interesting can get the most comments, readers are so unpredictable about what they like and I love that đŸ™‚

  44. Hi Chantelle – I love blogging also and it was because of blogging that my business was created and people came and trusted to buy things via my online store! It is a wonderful medium and something I hope to grow even further in 2013! http://www.sweetstyleblog.com.au

  45. Hi Chantelle, Really helpful and concise post that certainly hits the mark when looking for what works from a bloggers and the readers perspective. Really appreciated it and I have forwarded your post to all our bloggers@ 30ish.me for inspiration thank you đŸ™‚

  46. Hi Chantelle, I LOVE your blog. I started out blogging because I wanted to be on design teams for scrapbooking and you had to have a blog. After I gave scrapbooking up, I really missed having a blog and so I started a new one last year…your blog is a constant inspiration to me, especially on the days when I don’t feel that motivated đŸ™‚ http://thedomesticatedme.blogspot.com.au

  47. I appreciated your post on blogging and wanted to say thank you! I just started blogging and am still trying to wrap my head around it. You can find my blog at http://www.sherryellenphotography.com/blog. I know there r lots of blogs out there and wasn’t sure what if there were any “rules” on leaving comments. So it was wonderful reading this!

  48. Hi Chantelle Thanks for sharing your knowledge. I’d love to know what widgets/plugins you also think really have made a difference in getting people to access your blog.

  49. This is so helpful!
    I just started up my own blog but the blogisphere seems like such a daunting place! There seems to be more bloggers than ever before!

    My blog is based around me trying to gain success in music (another area which is difficult to access haha!)

  50. Just starting the whole blogging thing, looking for information to get people to read my stuff. It feels like its in the smallest corner of the internet universe : )

  51. This is awesome. Definitely some things for me to think about. My son and I have just started a blog together, and views are low, I’d like to make it something he can be proud of as he gets older.

  52. I have been trying to get my blog off the ground for quite some time! I’ve started a couple but have never invested the time that a blog requires because I was a bit too young to devote time to it. Anyways, NOW, I have the time, and am hoping to get it going! I post lots of delicious recipes and I try to make them a bit healthier (exception on the holidays)! http://foodie-fairy.blogspot.com/

    • For my deaf blog it took 3 years to get properly noticed, and from there just built up. My other 2 blogs which are newer are being looked at with ocassional comments. If you enjoy blogging, you won’t go wrong. Enjoy.

  53. I’ve got two blogs. One is about our crazy Air Force life with a new baby (mylifeinfourbags.wordpress.com) and the other is my photography blog (dancingwillowphotography.wordpress.com)

  54. I am a closet blogger, does it counts? LOL… sometimes I blow hot and cold on my blog as its very much a personal space for me to jot down my thoughts, yet at the same time, I would very much like for it to grow. But nevertheless, write what you love and thats all that matters. http://www.life-muse.blogspot.com

  55. Great advice and inspiration to go out there and get some readers!!! Thanks for the offer to share our links too!!!


  56. I have two blogs. The first one is from Blogger and the second one is from WordPress. The WordPress is however,still new. I love to write about all the ups and downs in my life (about emotions and feelings,mostly) and I know that it is not worth reading. But my blog from Blogger turned out to be too public and my friends usually teased me about things that I wrote in it. Especially when I wrote about crush, jealous, etc. That’s why I made a new blog using WordPress, but I have no readers so far. It is true that I don’t want my blog to be too public but at least i just want some people too read it, someone that I don’t even know, (random people) to hear my problems and stories. (i just don’t want my friends to read it)

    So, yea. It would be nice if some of you guys here could follow my new blog. And I’ll follow you back. =) –> http://rainbowsandthunders.wordpress.com/

  57. Great advice & tips! The other key you forgot to mention is consistency. I just started a new blog that’s dear to my heart so hopefully all goes well! I haven’t done the social media push as yet I’m not ready to share with my “friends” I want people to simply find it or I’m a case like this click my link or name. But on my Facebook folks would know it’s me, I prefer the quality of strangers rather than the quantity of plain ole nosey lol

  58. I have a deaf blog where I have met many friends through this deaf blog I write. I have been writing Liz’s Deaf Blog since 2008. This can be found here http://lizsdeafblog.blogspot.co.uk/

    My other is Through Liz’s Eyes which when I start doing your photo a day challenge in April, I will be posting my photos there at http://photographybyelizabethfisher.blogspot.co.uk/

    My newest blog not a year old is http://lizscraftedcardsblog.blogspot.co.uk/ which I write to give latest news of my handmade cards business; Liz’s Crafted Cards which I do in my spare time from my part time job. I am giving my business 3 years to get off the ground, before deciding its fate if its worth carrying on. At the moment I put money in to keep website going. But if it does not continue after 3 years, I shall still make handmade cards myself. And i can say I tried. Its such a big market as there are lots of handmade card sellers out there.

  59. Hi! I write a nail polish and nail art blog! My link is http://tenlittlenubs.blogspot.com (but I used to write at lissaspolishaddiction.blogspot.com). I share nail art, nail polish swatches, tips and more. đŸ™‚ id love if you check it out and leave any feedback you have for me!

  60. Love this post! Thx for sharing. I write from the heart & do not write about politics etc. I just want to share my day to day and maybe I can help or inspire the next person/mom out there. I’ve made friends online w/some I’ve never met across the globe & love it!

  61. This are some really simple, but great tips. I’ve been blogging for a while just basically using it as a journal. I’ve struggled with getting and maintaining readers for a while. I’m always on social networks, but I’m going to try to integrate it more to see what can happen with that. letmehearyouspeak.blogspot.com

  62. I’m a fumbly blogger I really love blogging & expressing my creativity BUT, I’m having a hard time getting into the social media thing, its hard for me to balance living & sharing everything đŸ™‚ Michelle

  63. I started my blog about books about 2 months ago. It’s a work in progress. But then again, it will always be.
    I also started another blog just a few days ago. It’s not book related, but more like everything-else-related. It’s not ready for such public attention though. đŸ™‚

  64. Hello Chantelle, thank you for the blogging tips. Blogging has been a frustration since 2001 and I have created a few but deleted it as well. Recently, I tried coming up with another one, hunnibully.blogspot.com and i understand it has a lot to improve.

    Thank you again and hopefully I get to be a real blogger like you and get to touch people’s lives inspite the concept that I came up with.

  65. I’ve been a blogger since 2009. Changed names a couple of times, tried to find my “place,” and eventually ended up blogging at momonduty.com. I totally agree with all your tips above. What really got readers checking out my blog is the content and the fact that I also comment on other blogs.

  66. I love this post. So many great tips that I wish I knew when I first started blogging. Here’s my link. Everyone is welcome đŸ™‚

  67. In an effort to clear my mind and help steer myself and my family in a new direction as we undertake a big life change (new home, new job, new lifestyle), I started wisharama http://wisharama.wordpress.com/ – my currently meagre blog about things in my life. I don’t think we should ever say “I wish I had done…” – I do it a lot – time for a change. I’ve only been at it for a few days but my feedback is all good… so far. I’m sure I will upset someone someday or someone will think my blog is rubbish but I don’t care. It is my blog, my ideas and my way to share some of what I think, I wish and I care about. Chantelle your blog tips are a great help and I’ve always found Fat Mum Slim a great read. Thank you for being so inspirational and be sure to drop by http://wisharama.wordpress.com/

  68. Great post as usual! I’m always amazed when I look at professional blogs. “Where do they learn to be so good at customizing their blog?” “How do they get so many readers?”
    Your blog is helping mine to be a little bit better (Although I still need to fix my blog’s template. Ick!)
    Please feel free to take a look!

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