We’ve Come A Long Way, Baby.

On Wednesday I had an appointment at the hospital where Lacey was born.

Back when I was pregnant I felt like I was at the hospital ALL THE TIME. I knew where the best parking spots were. Who worked where. I become friendly with the receptionists. My midwife and I were like that (you can’t see but I’m holding my fingers up to the screen, crossed tightly). Like that.

I had the whole routine down like clockwork: Park. Walk in. Drink water as walking (or waddling in the later stages). Go to bathroom. Pee on a stick. Remember colours. Weigh. Write down numbers. See reception. Sit in waiting room. Wait.

One day whilst waiting there was a pile of pamphlets and a sign up list for a study the hospital was doing. It was all about allergies. No one had signed up. I felt sorry for the group and put our names down. We were signed up.

We met with the person in charge of the allergy study, Sue, before Lacey was born. We did a few skin prick tests and had a chat. The study just involved a whole lot of questions before and after Lacey’s birth as well as a fair bit of monitoring. Oh, and collecting Lacey’s poop.

So, on Wednesday it was just a regular appointment. I had to collect some poop (I’ll have to take a photo and show you the little pooper scooper they provide us with) and just bring ourselves.

They weigh and measure Lacey, ask a truckload of questions and check her skin for rashes.

The last time we went in for an appointment Lacey was six months old. Before that we were surveyed every month, so this was quite a big break.
The questions go something like this: How often do you feed her? Are you still breastfeeding? How do you bath her? What products do you use? Has she had an illness lately? Any fevers? How high were the fevers? How long was she sick for? Has vomited? What are her stools like? Has she had a nappy rash lately? And so on, and so forth.
I remember when she was tiny the questions would make me kinda anxious. There is no right or wrong answer. They’re just observing. But it used to feel like I was in the Principal’s Office. I’d be thinking: What’s the right answer here? What does she want me to say?

Wednesday was really different though. I was really confident in my parenting. I didn’t care what answers I was giving, because they were all the right answers for me. I noticed that there had been a shift for me somewhere in those past six months.

I think even Sue noticed. She said that I was doing an amazing job.

I’ll take my validation anyway I can get it. So I took it to go. I finished off my questions. Handed over the poop. Said my cheery goodbyes and headed out.

We’ve come a long way, baby. xx

9 thoughts on “We’ve Come A Long Way, Baby.”

  1. Aww…it takes a little bit to gain that confidence, but by the time they get to that beautiful cheery age of one, It’s not hard anymore!! They are just too cute not to know you have done something right!!

  2. Your story reminded me of when Joss was very young. We went to one of our check ups, maybe three months/six months. Luigi was always working and I sat there answering routine questions just drilling them out as they came, not filtered but the truth. she was so amazed who together I was. it felt nice, but I was just being myself. I think that’s the most important thing.

  3. Hi Chantelle, your name came up under followers on my dashboard. I have also ‘seen’ you on mamamia aka fatmumslim which I always thought what a fun name to blog under. But back to your story here, gee whiz, I cannot believe a new mum would sign up and go to the extra trouble you did – most new mums have enough on their plates as it is – filling out all that information, inspecting the poops etc. But good on you for doing that, your daughter Lacey is so sweet and yes it is always nice to know that things are going swimmingly with our precious bubs. Have a lovely mum’s day tomorrow, I’m sure you’ll be pleasingly surprised.

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