27 thoughts on “The weekend report”

  1. Great way to post, I love it when the pie charts comes out…lol, only 3 tantrums…fantastic…my 8yr old had 3 in the first hour she got home yesterday!!

  2. Hello Chantelle

    mmm… you had me at Salt and Pepper Calamari – I haven't had it in ages and am now salivating for it!

    sounds huge but I suppose if I actually wrote down what we did too – i'd be shocked!

    have a great Monday



  3. Definitely make a template! I am totally going to steal it next week though, template or no template :p I love it! It would've been fun to do too.

  4. I love this! I do one (not original – thanks Allison at the Pink Fibro) where I document in words the conversations we had.

    The question is… will you do this every weekend, or just this once?


  5. How have I only just discovered your blog? I am completely enamoured with today's post and will be checking back regularly!

    P.S. Your little girl is super cute 🙂

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