The Birth Of Love.


hen I was pregnant I couldn’t get enough of birth stories. I wanted to read how real people gave birth, the emotions they experienced, and that brand new overwhelming love they had for their baby. I couldn’t wait to feel that love myself. It was everything and more than I ever dreamed of… being a new mama. Reading about the pain didn’t really worry me. Sure I squirmed reading some stories, but it more so empowered me…

I’ve been gathering birth stories over on Birth for mums-to-be to read, and so that mums can share their beautiful stories. I could read them all day. I just love them.
Over the weekend Lacey went to bed without me {a miracle!} so I stayed up late with a girlfriend and we shared out favourite sites, and fell down the rabbit hole of blogs until our eyes grew weary. Somehow, someway, I found this birth story. And through reading it my heart ached… with a lump in my throat I read on. Tears welled up in my eyes, and down my cheeks. Nella is the most beautiful little girl, and her mother… she’s heartbreakingly honest, and so… beautiful.
Pop over and have a read.
If you’re a mama, have you written out your birth story/stories?

20 thoughts on “The Birth Of Love.”

  1. Oh i have also read this … one night, late and tired. I have to say my heart broke and i just cried and cried…what a beautiful family they are.

  2. It's the most beautiful birth story, isn't it?! I read this a while back and sent it to EVERY mother I knew. It's such an honest, touching and beautiful account of becoming a mother.

  3. Oh my word. I'm sitting here at work and the tears started as I read Nella's story and I couldn't even bring myself to stop reading. So I just sat there crying away and reading and not knowing that half of my colleagues were worried… until I looked up and smiled. It's okay, I told them, she's okay. x

  4. Thank you so much for sharing the link to Nella's birth story. I've been feeling really sorry for myself and down in the dumps lately…

    I cried and cried and cried as I read Kelle's words. Then I sat back and realised that I am (like so many of us are) truly blessed and that I need to make the most of every moment, enjoy the beauty in the little things and relish the time that I spend with my son.

    Thanks again for sharing 🙂

  5. I've gotten about three quarters of the way through BuBba's birth story but I've never been able to complete it because of an issue towards the end. One day I will finish it and hopefully the whole process will be cathartic.

    I'll be reading the birth story you posted a little later tonight when I have the time and tissues handy.


  6. I have only managed to read half this story so far but I love her honesty. This blog is going into my favourites.

    They have wonderful photos of their little girl

  7. as so many before me I read this and cried and cried….my birth story ( my first born 3 months ago) wasnt easy but no where as emotional as this. I had a 40hr labour, pushed for 4 hours…then because Charlotte was stuck so far down.. my Csection took 2.5hrs and I lost over 2 litres of blood resulting in two transfusions and 2 plasma transfusions. But I have a beautiful healthy baby girl and I will do it all again in 2 years time!! ( the doctors said It would be too risky any sooner)..

  8. I did my labor story early in blogging. I don't think people would consider it beautiful though. To give you a taste of the style, my husband was named The F***er for that post.

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