Smile. You Are Beautiful.


ood morning! And a good morning it is. I had a great sleep… after only three broken hours the night before, I was blessed with a pretty good sleep last night. Thankfully. And I love waking up to this weather. Spring. I ♥ you!

I’m just waiting to for Little Miss Lacey to wake and then we’re off for our morning walk. That makes me smile.

What’s making you smile today?

6 thoughts on “Smile. You Are Beautiful.”

  1. Today what is making me happy is….it is school holidays, it is raining, there are 5 children in the house aged under 9 (I have a few ring ins for a few days) and nobody has required a trip to the hospital….yet. I'll let you know how we are going later in the day. But, for now this makes me happy.

  2. In contrast I HATE spring – hayfever is rife, can't wait for it to be over. Can't wait to escape it on holiday in 4 short weeks!

    That's what's making me smile today – I only have 29 days to go til I wing my way overseas!


  3. Hey Chantelle, love your blog!
    My 2 year old stripping off his clothes after his nap and laying under the covers for me to find him naked and laughing! weirdo little munchkin!

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