Sleep Deficit.


‘ve been so tired, for so long… I forget what it feels like to have consistent nights of good, quality sleep. I forget what it feels like to jump into bed at night, and know that you’re just going to get sleep, all the way until the morning. I forget what it feels like to not have a little person kicking me in the side all night, or waking up crying, “Mama” a few times a night.

Until now. Hubby and Lacey have taken off on a little holiday to see Nanna & Pop Pop, and I’ve been left to work and sleep. Both of which I’m enjoying doing on my own. I cried at the airport as I said goodbye. I feel sad when I see cute little kids. I miss her little kisses, and his big cuddles. But oh my… this sleep… is amazing.
I’m writing this post from bed, where I woke up just 30 minutes ago. I went to sleep last night, and I didn’t stir until this morning when I woke. To anyone else, this is most probably the most boring post ever, but to me… this is wonderful!

26 thoughts on “Sleep Deficit.”

  1. The lack of sleep thing is a killer – glad you got a whole night – everyone needs a little catch up. Last night my 3 year old woke me up at 4am to climb into bed with me, it is becoming a regular occurance and is seriously annoying!!!

  2. I woke up this morning feeling tired to the bone after spending the night in my 2 year old's bed with him. I was just wondering if I will ever have a full night's sleep again when I read your post. I'm so pleased you had a whole night of uninterrupted sleep.

  3. Even though my toddler doesn't wake up in the middle of the night anymore. I still have disturbed sleep, because other half likes to move so much while his sleeping & nearly push me off the bed.

    Thank god one of us had a good night sleep.

  4. Ohhhh, I am so jealous right now….. What I wouldn't give for a full night of wonderful sleep. I haven't had one for 19 months now but I guess it is technically longer when you take into account all the restless nights before the little one arrived! Lap it up Lovely Lady!

  5. These posts seriously remind me to appreciate the sleep I'm getting now, because I know in 5 or 10 years time, it will be a completely different story! I slept from 945-615 with no interruptions, so no complaints here. I'm so glad you got a great sleep! X

  6. oh no, not boring at all, I feel you sister! My 17 month old is finally sleeping through the night… but waking up at 6:30 in the morning! I'm like a zombie!

    Just found your blog btw via ish and chi… lookin forward to reading more… cheers, Harpa

  7. oh yay, you won't know yourself! I have been so spoilt with my twinnies… until now. For some reason, for the last two weeks, Lachlan has been waking up up to 10 times per night, and I am feeling the agony. I keep hoping that “this night will be the last one”…!

  8. OOOH, I am so jealous! I literally haven't slept properly in 6 years as none of my three like to sleep at night apparently! Mostly I am fine with it (the lack of sleep cause I think you really do get used to it) but at least once a month (!!!) I turn feral!

  9. Wow, yeah. Sleep deficit is my new life. I have a 10.5 week old who thinks sleeping is for suckers. He's awake every 2ish hours during the night wanting a feed, and since he's exclusively breastfed, it's all down to me at the mo'. The night before last he slept for 5 hours straight. I dared to hope we'd finally 'turned a corner'. Alas, last night he was back to his old game, with a couple of hourly wakings thrown in.

    I read an article by Mia Freedman a few years ago (must have been after the birth of her daughter), about sleep being the new porn for new parents. I find myself asking new parents how much they're getting 😉

  10. I am learning to sleep next to a freight train aka my snoring partner. I have earplugs but sometimes he's so loud I can still hear him!

    Although like you I wouldn't swap it for the world….but maybe swap it just for some sleep 🙂

  11. I have no kids but yet haven't slept straight through the night for at least a year now….don't think that's likely to change anytime in the future though.

  12. Oh, I hear you. It's been 3 years, I reckon I'm owed at least an hour a day, which would be around 1000 hours, and I suspect that's nothing compared to some Mum's deficit!

    You kind of just push through it. Sometimes I can remember what it was like before. Sometimes.

    Enjoy your sleep. Bah! What am I saying? Of course you will 🙂

  13. In our house our toddler is having a growth and cognitive devlopment spurt which we know she is having because it always interrupts her sleep and we have a little one who desperately wants to be in our bed – so we give in. She won't sandwich so easily between us for long. Yep my sleep is restless and she snores and reaches out for me in her sleep and she takes up way too much bed for someone so small but it doesn't last forever and I am loving that being with mummy and daddy makes it all better

  14. Yay! My 6 month old decided to sleep through until 4.30am and went back to sleep until 7.00!! It was amazing!!! Here's hoping to a few more good night sleeps for the both of us 🙂

  15. Not a boring post at all!! This is the nuts and bolts of parenting … no sleep and yet still having to get up in the morning and turn on the sun (as my daughter calls it – “please mummy turn on the sun” … “but it's 4am” I say … “just try” says she) and also have to deal with a screaming baby at night.

    I keep telling myself they won't be like this when they are 18! And in the meantime I dream of a hotel room by myself with room service and a spa bath all for me 🙂

  16. hahaha! not boring at all. I've been waiting for this post since I found out hubby and Lacey were on holiday.
    congrats on the sleep!!
    it's just divine isn't it?

  17. that is lovely news that you are getting some sleep.

    i too dream of sleep. maybe when my baby (of two years next week!) stops trying to fight the sleep-demons all the time.


  18. I am seriously jealous! I haven't had a decent sleep in about 5 years! No joke! I am living in a fog today 'cause I was up with 3 or our 4 kids and ended up with 2 in the bed. Man!

    ENJOY your peace and quiet and opportunity to sleep. Have one for me 🙂

  19. maybe as well as paid maternity leave we could have access to 'sick day nurses' that are employed by the government to come over and relieve some of the burden on days when you are sick and tired and struggle to care for yourself let alone child/ren…

  20. I wrote on this very topic for a post I did over at Real Bloggers United. Check it out on my blog today… I feel your pain and then some!!

    And cheers to a relaxing sans family break! Recharge those energizer bunny batteries you seem to run on!!!

  21. tell me about it! the twins end up in our bed EVERY NIGHT OF THE WEEK!!!!!!!!! and sometimes keira pops in too, so then hubby goes into an empty bed! I am squished into a little bit of the bed!

    it does get better when they get to keira's age but then we all end wanting another baby so we go backwards

    but I'm so used to it that it doesn't bother me too much anymore but those 5 nights in hospital for my c/section are going to be rather nice – just me in the bed!


  22. Ooooh the sleep must be LOVELY!!! What a wonderful feeling to wake up…where you went to sleep the night before….and to realise you have been uninterrupted ALL NIGHT!! Yay for that! I'll cheers that one lol. Being admitted to hospital last night…I found 1 positive in it…I would get a full night's sleep…the first in over 2 years…haaa, how wrong was I….nurses doing tests every 2 hours, lights on & off, being moved to a new ward at 2:30am and machines beeping in my ears constantly 🙁 I miss my baby girl…I'd rather be woken by her a million times a night…the this!! My Hubby is at home with her…I wonder how much sleep he's getting with her?? :))
    I bet you can't wait to see Lacey's little face on her return 🙂

  23. Oh *sigh*, a full night's sleep, pure bliss that I only dream of. I have three little ones who wake at all hours, including a baby who wakes for a long time each night, so uninterrupted sleep is a distant memory. I hear it's pretty amazing, enjoy! 🙂

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